Giant Bomb
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Literally RIP in peace Giant Bomb
thank fucking god this site is dying. I stopped listening during the election, and after I head Drew say "Did you see John Oliver last night?"
Keep politics out of video games, future content creators.
Why is life so horrible?
Giant bomb west literally dead and unrecoverable.
Jesus christ why? Who are they going to hire to replace Drew and Dan?
>Keep politics out of video games, future content creators.
Yes, god forbid people express themselves and say what's on their minds.
Get fucked retard.
>stop discussing real life things like real people!
i hope he movies into gay porn.
This is like that time zombie Simpsons was almost close to dying when one of the main voice actors was going to quit.
Giantbomb has been shit for years, who cares
>in a few years time a flight I book might involve Drew flying the plane
Anyway GB west is dead. East is improving but wish Yakuza was Dan and Vinny.
>No Drew for Switch launch
Jeff is all alone now.
Brads personality is a black void, Rorie only wants to fuck dogs and Jason is a uninteresting poser.
RIP in peaces GB
This is the dumbest post I've ever seen
>Alienating 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties is a smart business decision
In actuality I should have stopped listening after the Gamespot purchase. The site died with Ryan.
>Down to Jeff, Brad, and Jason now.
>Will have to bring in Rorie to fill in on everything
How did the East Coast become the main Giant Bomb Office?
How will GB West ever recover?
What were you thinking as you copy and pasted this?
hire a necromancer to summon ryan's ghost
>Rorie and that other cunt will be guesting all the time now
by having Papa Vinny, Dan, and Jeffy B
>Alienating 3,084 of the country’s 3,141 counties is a smart business decision
What does this even mean? Are you confused by population density or something?
by hiring cool folks
>ywn watch Drew, Vinnie and Dave play simulators again
>my guy won, so people need to stop disagreeing with him
Sounds familiar.
Oh no, they're losing the boring guy who almost never talks
This. Please.
Outcome not looking good at all for them. Every newage "journalist" is going to be using them as a springboard into other mediums, and every old-age journalist has moved onto either making games, or left the industry completely.
Either they merge east and west and have the west guys relocate, or they bleed out over a period of years as interest wanes completely.
The instant Dan left, Jeff needs a foil or someone to riff with, West doesn't have anyone close to that after Dan fucked off east.
Jeff is gonna carry that weight
I typed it up myself. Please, do me a favor and copy-paste it into google. Those are my original words and original beliefs. I would not expect someone of your intellectual capacity to understand what it means to actually have thoughts of your own.
>I'm with hurrr I'm with hurrrrrr
>March 3rd
>Zelda and switch come out
Nintendo killed him and good riddance
>that feel when Ryan made even Alex playing games tolerable
This is your new GB editor.
Why is Giantbomb even split up in the first place?
There is nobody left in that side of the business to hire. Its all new-age journalists that wont' fit in at all.
is that Rorie in a wig
this is why I stopping going to Kotaku back in 2009 or some shit. I didn't want some shitty lib arts major abusing his position in an amoral attempt to get people to adopt his poorly thought out opinions
I actually support Trump. Kill yourself for making assumptions, and spouting Sup Forums memes you autistic piece of shit.
people couldn't take the faggotry of san fran anymore.
>illegal voters that won the popular vote love giantbomb!
Lol get fucked, GB chose virtue signaling over video games and are suffering because of it. The SJW's they cater to don't actually listen or buy things for that matter. Sad!
Oh my god how are you even real
fuck, this genuinely makes me sad. All we have left is Jeff.
I'm sure they can get some rainbow haired faggot street shitters to replace him and Dan. They're in SF after all
like omg #triggered
You sound like you have dyed hair. Back to your barcade, commie scum.
the fact that you reply to him like that is why he even does it
how are you that thick-skulled
he gave Horizon a 10, the man doesn't care for video games anymore
Oh no, he "abused" his position on a fucking videogame blog by disagreeing with you politically
Kill me now.
Vinny was a sane person and wanted to move to a city that doesn't cost 5k a month in rent and they knew losing him would mean the end of the site. Dan did the same.
Now its only Jeff who lives hours away from the office, Brad who lives in a small as fuck apartment in the city, and Jason who lives in an overpriced shit-shack left.
They need to relocate, no sane person is going to want to live in SF for any extended period of time, doubly so when they get older.
God fucking damn it. Drew was the nicest guy there. Jason is a shit tier producer as well.
No wonder Jason's been the one to figure out the new streaming gear on his own.
Giant Bomb is made up of whiny liberals. Good riddance.
I can't say I'm surprised but not sure where else they need to go. I've been having really bad vibes from GB for the past year. Not like "this is low quality" but more like how much longer do they plan on doing this, they don't seem to give a fuck anymore and have already deciding on quitting. Can't grow while still at GB. I think Jeff marrying changed his outlook.
Giant Bomb died with Ryan, my dudes.
He did important behind the scenes work and brought up games nobody else was interested in.
>having an opinion = alienating people
Stop being such a fag.
I really don't get it. Especially since they're constantly shitting on SF
Nah, I speak with my wallet, or in this case, my page visits. I'm just gloating because this is sweet justice.
I genuinely thought it was a joke at first due to Drew becoming an overnight meme man.
How much longer is Giant Bomb going to last?
Stop it, Mary
>brought up games nobody else was interested in
Truly Giant Bomb is over without autistic simulator games nobody likes
Streams are gonna be at 14fps in 480p now and 1 hour late
So not much changing
If you're a Sup Forumslack, well done. If you're actually a SJW, your colors are shining radiantly right now.
Not even because your disagreement, just your shit sarcastic, Big Bang Theory tier one liner you took the time to type after your first sentence.
It makes zero fucking sense. I can only imagine because CBSi has a building there that they still have to work there.
Jeff talked a while back about his dream location being out in Chicago, but he'd really have to convince the higher-ups to let them move out there.
West is dead in the water and bleeding out fast, while GB east is actually doing alright but Vinny has to do all the producing solo so shit takes time.
Outlook not positive, and good fucking luck getting people to go live in SF. The hiring process has taken far too long already, and its only going to get worse.
>we won
>implying you're even old enough to vote
You didn't win shit, sonny
Jeff and Brad might as well move to NY.
Cause I don't want to be preached at about how wrong I am when I'm only on the site for video game news.
>Vinny is forced to hang out with Alex and Dan
>Jeff has literally no one to hang out with but Brad, Rorie and Jason
It's fucking over, bros
Brad, Jason and Rorie are incredibly boring/handicapped people
the only real interesting things from the Bombcast lately have been Drew talking about flying, and maybe Jeff being nostalgic for his youth.
GBEast has actual youthful vibrant people even though Vinny's a middle-aged dad kek
I don't know that I'll stick listening to the Bombcast when it'll just be a depressing collaboration of old people who still work in video games media
They've been pretty meh for ages now.
Only Giantbomb stuff I've been watching is VRodeo, any "special" streams like when they get a new platform/hardware and stream it and sometimes Jeff streaming old games from home.
>always knew it'd be Vinny or Drew would be the ones to leave next
I didn't want it to be true.
Thank god we get solo Jeff streams.
nah, GB made it clear they don't want you as fans if you're a Trump voter. Smart business move.
Is there a list of episodes involvind Drew and Vinnie or just ones related to simulators?
Giant Bomb should hire seanbaby.
Fuck that. Have Vinny come to SF and nuke New York.
Drew's positive attitude in life always made me feel good. I will miss him.
the VR streams are comfycore
right now the best thing the crew could do is consolidate east and west together and fire alex
I want to impregnate Mary Kish
Giant Bomb and videogames were holding him back anyway. I hope he starts a traveling show.
>god forbid people express themselves and say what's on their minds
They aren't saying what's on their minds, though. Just virtue-signalling with the safe-space approved beliefs.
>video game news
You were on the wrong site to begin with you moron.
>muh personalities
Someday you'll learn to not get invested in people that play video games for money and websites where that's the selling point.
Classic alt right retards
Ignore all facts, try to win because theyre all failures IRL and just attach yourself to some rich oligarch overlord.
His tax plans dont help you, his EPA plans dont help you, education wont help you, his international plans wont help you
But hey, its more likely that a bunch of trannies jews and poor minorities are fucking this country over rather than the billionaire oligarchs and CEOs who remove every restriction that tries to reign in their madness right?
>Pretty soon Giant Bomb West will just be Jeff sitting at home alone once a week
AKA an improvement.
This was on Jeff's Tumblr last week.
Didn't even know he was sick. But with those lifestyle choices is anyone actually surprised?
Good. I hope GB continues to die.
Try filtering there to just include Drew and Vinny.
Dave was often a part of those simulator features also.
Turned up youtube.com
I think your post needs more buzzwords in order to properly dismiss him.
Are you that guy in the NY Times article bitching about how women don't want to date him?
And Dan
Aren't you asking for safe spaces by trying to get them to not talk about Trump? Giantbomb isn't your safespace.
Jeff has always has shit taste in games.