I have $40. What should I buy on Steam today?

I have $40. What should I buy on Steam today?

nothing. you wait for a sale like a gud boy

buy me csgo senpai

Underrail, a nice pizza, and a sixer.

Night In the Woods just released for $20 today.

EDF 4.1. Just get 19 more bucks

The best game made this century.
The Witcher 3

40 copies of bad rats for your friends

buy a dildo and make a new thread with you using it

i bought mankind divided during the square enix sale a few days ago

i played human revolution and finished it the day when i bought mankind divided

refund or no? i've only played 67 minutes


>$40 dildo
>being good

niger pls

Atelier Sophie
Its comfy

The Talos Principle

this is going to be remembered as the founding of the digital thrash currency system.

>refund or no
Are you a goddamn retard?
Make up your own fucking mind cunt

You're welcome to spend more money

I bought one for 30, its really good. Had several prostate orgasms of it.

TF2 keys, and use them all to unbox

thehunter call of the wild

not everyone is a buttslut like you

Yeah I guess desu, everytime I try use a fleshlight my dick goes flaccid but when I sinsert a dildo, insta boner.

I dont even know because I imagine about topping when I fap too. Its just weird at this point


Divinity OS is currently 50% off

queer loser. i feel bad for you. no one here gives a fuck about you fucking yourself. everyone here does that anyway. fuck off queer

remember to go fuck your dildo later and shit on it. lick up that shit when you're finished.


Noitu Love 2

>a nice pizza
fucking pedo, reported to the FBI

Along with this, Shadow Tactics is amazing.

The bad thing is I dont look really bottomy and my dick is 7 inch so people get really sad when I tell them "bottom" only. Idek anymore desu.

Ad I dont even want sex I want someone to play videogames and cuddle and kiss and hold hands, but most gay people are fucking sex focused and dont play videogames, except for final fantasy poekemon and kingdom hearts. total tumblr "nerds". Fuck gay people

Vaccine for $10, then maybe Conan Exiles for $30?

Nothing. If you like Metroidvanias, Hollow Knight comes out on Friday.

I hate all three of those franchises you listed and I'm gay. Can we go out now?

fuck off you're not getting your gay erp here
buy metro and put the rest away

>talking about gay stuff
>gay erp

Why are you so gay-insecure?

Are you cute/handsome ? Beards are 10/10

Go to g2a

Well I don't think of myself as good looking, and I hate the feel of facial hair with a passion, so I guess that's a no

Is that an actual animation from the game?



post pics

I can't I'm too shy

I want to use a big fat dildo but I dont want to be like goatse. What do?

Dont use big fat dildo and dont use it regualry/daily


get a really long one and fold it in half from time to time

Nothing since g2a gives you better deal.

End boss I think? But it's legit

40$ for a dildo? Nigger, you might as well fuck yourself with a pepsi bottle that shit it going to be trash no matter what. Once you go mechanical you never go back.

This thread is dildos.