>People are actually hype for this
Do you get hype when a new Tetris or Pacman game relases too? I want to know how and why people are excited for this.
People are actually hype for this
Other urls found in this thread:
>no bomberman games for years
>people hyped when one finally comes out
>hurr what you hype for tho
well yeah I do get hype for Pac-Man games too
pacman ce 2 was one of my favorite games last year
>People are actually hype for *random game of your choice*
Do you get hype when a new *random game of your choice* or *random game of your choice* relases too? I want to know how and why people are excited for this.
Yes but what changes from game to game? It's basically the same game, but with a different coat of paint each time. Are there any stunning new developments from game to game? New mechanics or anything?
Actually, I don't think it would be that hard to rig up a Bomberman procedural generator for infinite scenarios. I might have to try and do that now.
It's Konami you fucking spacker
It's something that isn't Zelda that people can latch onto.
The game is a scam though. The past four Bomberman games have been $10 digital titles, and I'm not exactly seeing what this offers more than them at $50.
>Actually, I don't think it would be that hard to rig up a Bomberman procedural generator for infinite scenarios. I might have to try and do that now.
We'll hold you to it, user.
BEcause konami was supposedly dead when it comes to games
If you dont support this you hate games and you defend phone shit
actually multilayered stages in 2d gameplay that aren't just limited to lel flying platform + stuff we might not know about
aside from that i find it hard to believe you've played any bomberman beyond a flash game and no matter how many titles you would copy paste from wikipedia to prove me otherwise i will not believe you
>Actually, I don't think it would be that hard to rig up a Bomberman procedural gene
>muh nintendo swutch glub glub nitnedrone
Oh yeah, we should all defend Konami, what with the amazing times they're pumping out. Metal Gear Survive anyone?
Did you even read anything that I said? The past four Bomberman titles have been digital only, and several on Nintendo systems. This though is Konami trying to pull a fast one on people who want something more than just Zelda on day one.
amazing titles*
Puyo Puyo Tetris isn't even a fucking NEW game and I'm still hyped.
>Do you get hype when a new Tetris releases too?
Well, Puyo Puyo Tetris is finally coming out in America in April, so yes. I'm pretty hyped for that.
>half-assed Unity game
>awful framerate during multiplayer
it looks like fun, and there's two built in controllers, and it's nintendo.
I could whip this out anywhere and get spontaneous/quick fun game going with practically anyone and we'd have a little laugh.
Try doing that with a arena shooter, no one wants to play that shit besides a gamer-- and you wouldn't have the portability or second controller or local co-op options to do it anyway, let along take it to someone's house in your bag
The new Pacman games were pretty good though.
>Konami said no more videogames
>Nintendo comes and asks for Bomberman
>The last few Hudson Soft members worked on it.
two games opposed to just Bloodborne.
>Do you get hype when a new Tetris or Pacman game relases too?
Tetris and Pac-Man have actually been getting some good games lately.
Can't say the same for Bomberman, especially after seeing how shitty R looks.
If you don't get hype when new Pacman comes out, you ain't my homey
>framerate looks amazing
>shit post
Keep crying. You're not getting it on PS4.
What the fuck? Are you so fucking rabid a fanboy that you can't see that there's something fishy going on here? I didn't even mention Sony.
$50. You can fancy up the packaging all you want, but why is it worth that much?
all of the digital bomberman games released in the last gen were thin in content and fit their price
many signs including return of fully fleshed out singleplayer/co-op mode point towards the fact that we will get something longer lasting than all of these packages
No, you thirsty Bomberfag.
I bet it'd somehow perform even worse on PS4.
You know what? They should just take the Bomberman name and put it on a series that is more grown up and modern so it's worth $60 again in 14 year old's eyes. I bet that game would sell great.
OG Bomberman cost 60 dollars. It dropped in price since then? Good. Shame it's not on PS4 huh? You sobbing cause you already beat bloodborne? It's OK, you can use your PS4 as a glorified Blu-Ray player.
Game value is relative.
What's "10$ digital or bust" for one person could be "This is worth 50 dollars" to others, especially because a lot of people want to "support" a franchise that has been dead for a while.
Thinking Konami's back is probably retarded, but considering Bomberman has been a dead franchise for ages now and this is an actual non-pachinko game out of Konami, it's reasonable to want to try to say "hey Konami maybe make games instead of being retards and people will still like what you're doing."
>do you get hype for a new tetris or pacman too
Of course. They're great series.
Hey, Pac-Man CE2 had legitimate reasons to be hyped for
CEDX+ was awesome
Too bad CE2 isnt
Microsoft did that. It Bombed
Sirius did nothing wrong.
Where is this "Microsoft published Act Zero" meme coming from?
>looks worse than Battlefest
>costs more than Battlefest
>less players than Saturn Bomberman
>not a game like 64 or Hero
Is the joke here that they already did that?
This to me just screams throwing your money away in the hopes that, what is regularly considered one of the most anti-consumer companies in the business, will somehow throw you a bone.
There are no console wars here. There was literally a trilogy of Bomberman games released for each console. You can play them right now, for $10. Is there really five times the content in this game?
So is there 8 player online or not? That is all I need to know to make a buying decision.
I hope enough people get it to have a Sup Forumseekend group.
>switch has one game for the year
>people prop up anything else to fatten the library
Remember when people were insisting ZombiU was a system seller?
something something playstation bloodborne u mad don't insult my desperation for cheerful white
Unlike ZombiU, Bomberman has fucking history in Video Games. Stop crying and play Bloodborne again.
I mean, to each their own.
I'm interested in the potential of online 8 player battles and having local two player co-op wherever with whoever when I hang out with friends because the Switch has two controllers built in, along with a general single player component that admittedly I'm probably going to use to pass time inbetween Zelda sessions because the launch is a little weak.
I wouldn't be getting it if I hadn't traded in all my Wii U stuff on Switch preorders though. With my actual money 50 dollars is really steep.
Also, reminder that anyone who tries to throw around the "Switch has one game" and "PS4 has one game" memes are either baiting shitposters or just delusional fanboys, both of which should be ignored.
>Do you get hype when a new Tetris or Pacman game relases too?
Puyo Puyo + Tetris is fucking great, can't decide what platform to get it for.
And yeah I look forward to Bomberman also, fucking game is fun.
>Bomberman has fucking history in Video Games
Is that why he's been dead and shut in the Konami closet until they need to milk nostalgia instead of giving him something grand for his anniversary?
Wow triggered much? And like Zombi, it will go multiplat eventually.
Prove it.
Yeah, Konami killed Bomberman after it bought up Hudson Soft.
Zombi was Ubisoft's first game in 1986.
>Sup Forums is now to casual for bomberman
I'm done here. None of the other console transitions were ever this bad. Congratulations new blood.
Don't shit on Bomberman because Konami didn't put in enough effort.
>implying Tetris and Pac-Man don't get a lot of new games
What is there to prove. Wait 2 years or less, Bomberman R will come out on other shit, even mobile.
>Prove the series known for being multiplat won't have a new multiplat entry
>Sony does the same shit with Crash Bandicoot
>Sony does the same with Digimon
>Nintendo does it with Bomberman
The setting is ambitious
Yeah, where the multiplat for Bomberman Heros.
Do you get hype when a new tetris or Pacman game releases too?
Hell yeah, that sounds awesome.
>3 games
>not sony
>not nintedno
i get more excited about bomberman than you do for your call of duties, child
Sony revives two dead franchises and are praised. Nintendo does it with one and people shit post. And of bomberman of all things. Faggot.
>all these people saying they get excited for pac man and tetris
>both have gotten new entries in the past year or so and no one cares
But somehow the launch game of a new console does, hmm.
I actually hate how the game looks.
The cover art is fucking amazing, why couldnt they've chosen a style like that?
It looks too "realistic" and too many washed out colors in-game, also no shadows, it actually looks pretty fucking bad graphically. Like a bomberman ps2 game
>not sony
>not nintendo
You must just miss the threads on your daily shit posting duty
The only thing that tickled my balls was D5 being "portable" and Xeno 2: The anime experience. Everything else is shit or pending
You do realize that Nintendo helped develop this game right? Just like Bayonetta 2, it won't become a multiplat.
Man, Bomberman's on everything. Why is your autistic ass screeching about Sony?
>Sony revived Crash and Digimon
>Nintendo revived Bomberman
None of those happened though
And no, I'm not saying they're shit I'm saying Nintendo and Sony literally didn't revive those series
>What changes from game to game?
You could say that about 99% of the video games coming out right now.
because if you say anything bad about SBR it's because you hate Nintendo
never mind that it could be because the game looks like a cheap cashgrab like the wii/360/ps3 games
keep crying nintentoddler
Motion is good. Just the flame effect looks a bit cheap/underwhelming and how power ups appear abruptly after a second delay with no animation.
Hopefully they'll gives us Bombergirl down the line
Those games didn't have a co-op campaign.
Sup Forums is full of kids that grew up on 7th gen consoles and/or kids that didn't get into PC gaming until Steam was a thing now. At least we'll always have /vr/ right?
Just kidding, /vr/ is full of underage emulatoronlyfags and is shit most of the time too.
/vr/ has its own solid base of fags but it really is better than Sup Forums overall
>Bomberman gets an unpolished game hastily thrown out by Konami for his fucking 33rd anniversary
im not really for bomberman, but i genuinly am for tetris, i dont have a console but played a lot of tetris on the original gameboy and ds :)
Fuck yeah I'm hype for Puyo Puyo Tetris are you kidding
CE2 was a massive let down, and Puyo Puyo Tetris has been out for ages at this point.
big deal
super bomberman had that and didn't look like some amateur fan game
I actually wanna play Bomberman R more than Zelda.
>Bomberman for XBLA and PSN
>Nobody ever brought it up
>Now it's a reason to drop 300 dollaroos
It feels like it's drones.
I'm pissed because I don't understand why we don't have weekend Bomberman games going on Sup Forums if people actually wanted to play Bomberman.
I want this game to be fun, but the framerate from gameplay vids looks undeniably terrible.
GenZ hates things that aren't approved by GenZ's "what yo like in current year" calendar.
don't worry, when some epic eceleb plays it with a silly hat you won't see the end of it and all its fresh memes and screams.
>Bomberman for XBLA and PSN
Even the Wii got one, but it wasn't physical so Sup Forums didn't flaunt their retro e-peen.
I'm buying this soley because of Sup Forumseekends. It's a good thing its a launch game because otherwise it would never catch on.
It's simply a good chance to ride the hype wave and play some fucking bomberman online, which ive wanted to do for years. WIth Sup Forums i'll finally have a reason to drink again
>It's basically the same game, but with a different coat of paint each time
Didn't stop Nioh, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 & 3 from selling
>Puyo Puyo Tetris has been out for ages
English release will reinvigorate the online puzzle league which has become stagnant.
literally no one plays those ports. It's empty.
First year of the Switch is the only time bomberman online will be a feasible experience.
I remember a couple of threads for the XBLA game. I'd say it was pretty fun, but I'm not allowed to praise Xbox or Sony on Sup Forums because that means I hate Nintendo.
>Do you get hype when a new Tetris or Pacman game relases too?
>Do you get hype when a new Tetris or Pacman game relases too
Yeah that PuyoPuyoTeris looks fun
>Do you get hype when a new Tetris
you monster
>when a new Tetris
You're a faggot if you don't get hype for Tetris.
Would you pay 60 for a flash game? How about Galaga? Maybe you'd pay $60 for that Windows pinball game?
This is basically the same thing.
I don't see how this stops 4 people on Sup Forums getting together and playing Bomberman on the weekend right now though.
It's not like R is going to change the formula drastically. I feel it's people playing console wars more than people actually wanting to play Bomberman, I know it'll die and the people who claimed to like Bomberman will just try and get me to buy the next thing.
OP here. The Crash remakes looks like shit and Digimon wasn't even dead.
I paid $50 for the Windows Pinball Game. The table included with Windows was more like a demo of a table from a real game they made.
No one cares what your faggot ass buys
I'm sorry but you're an absolute fucking idiot if
A) You think that idea is feasible
B) You can't see why people would collectively jump on this opportunity despite your online store games
Like if you actually need this human behavior your analyzing explained to you then you're just a genuine retard child.
Yeah but that doesn't mean that they aren't trash too. Casuals will eat anything up if they think it makes them "hardcore"
>the fact people are excited for this is SICKENING
>I don't see how this stops 4 people on Sup Forums getting together and playing Bomberman on the weekend right now though.
You say that like it's a common thing. Mario Kart doesn't even do that anymore. I guess no one cares about Mario Kart.