I predict 30M in lifetime sales.
I predict 30M in lifetime sales
Other urls found in this thread:
Pessimistic: 25 millions-30 millions
Optimistic: 30-50 millions
Beat expectations: 50+ millions
I predict 16,000
How is 30M pessimistic? I'm being realistic, It's a $300 tablet that everyone has nowadays and isn't really special at all.
it cant even do basic shit every single low budget tablet can do, its literally zelda only machine
Except you can't watch movies/shows, read,go online. Or listen to music with it.
more like 30k, this shit is going to bomb and everybody knows it
thats literally what i said
8 million sales in the next 3 years
then a steep price cut
25 million sales in its lifetime.
in other words, it isnt a tablet
Everyone has a phone and tablet though
3-4m sales in first month
Then sales start falling fast
25-30m lifetime unless they get some must have game for normies
>so desperate to shitpost that you can't even read
That's just sad.
>All these retards wanting a DEDICATED VIDEO GAME CONSOLE to have garbage like muh neetflix and muh shitty opera browser
Sorry your DVDstation 4 doesn't have enough games to call it a video game console, Sonyponies.
things you can do with a tablet
>Max Payne, all the GTA's, Bully, Star Wars KOTOR
>Hearthstone, clash royale, pvz heroes and fuck load more
>literally every single nes, snes, genesis, nds, Playstation game, ect.
>play mario and zelda
>browse internet
>check emails
>watch videos/youtube
>listen to music
>take a photo/video
>use skype for free
>watch netflix
>stream movies still in theaters
>watch animes
>use calculator
things you can do with a switch
>play zelda (also on wii u)
>you can shit on the go
>pay for online
>pay for phone app (you have to buy a tablet/phone for that)
>play 1 nes every month
>watch a movie in a reflection of the switchs screen (this doesnt drain battery, huge +)
>wait for controllers to charge if you want to play on a tv
>wait half a year between game releases
>wait for mario in dec
The Switch isn't a tablet, it's a portable video game console. You want a tablet, buy an iPad, normie.
its literally a zelda machine, nothing more, its a shame most of people interested in switch already owns a wii u
PS4 pro will outsell it
Nigga show me a tablet that plays AAA games.
Id have one if that were true.
It will have Pokémon and Mario odyss, it will sell 50mil minimum
I predict that in Japan alone.
Seriously how delusional are people to think this isnt going to do 3DS or DS numbers? The 3DS will be phased out just like the Gameboy was and this will be the only device Nintendo has.
This will be where all of the Vita developers will flock to. This is where Mainline Pokemon games will transition to HD. This is where Monster Hunter will no longer look and control like dogshit.
They will sell 90+ million lifetime if they truly make it the one stop shop for Nintendo console and handheld games.
>its a zelda machine
>its a bloodborne machine
when will you faggots quit saying this shit
Do the opposite of what Sup Forums says. The console will probably flop, but no where near as bad as the Wii U. I still say 30M because nobody cares about Nintendo's gimmicks anymore, people just want to play straight forward games.
30M is a pretty decent guess. It'll do better then Wii U but not even close to the Wii. It'll still be a distant 3rd place.
Hell 30M is more then the Gamecube and Xbox sold.
>Thinking it'll do Wii numbers.
Wew lad. Maybe in 2006, but the novelty has worn off.
The Switch only has one game and it won't be arriving until December.
ds/3ds software took significantly smaller art budgets
with the power of the switch, things are going to be expensive, and the software that sold the ds/3ds is going to be much less common
pokemon will definitely be a system seller as always, but pokemon isn't the only thing that would sell units
Wii U sales again
It's the same fucking thing and they haven't sorted the content out again. It might get a slight boost at the beginning because I'd the novelty but it's nowhere near as attractive to normies as the Wii was.
It doesn't even have the benefits the Wii U did with free online.
Whats the Wii U lifetime sales? I bet it will be maybe +1-5 million on that.
Most people dont want Nintendo shit anymore, its just the US fanboys that are autistic about it.
The 3DS is the worst selling handheld to date and received an $80 price cut a few months after launch.
Why would a home console that has less developer support, less first year titles, is expensive as fuck, and following a poor console like the Wii U supposed to pull that off?
Why the FUCK would Vita developers suddenly switch over? There's Steam and PS4 which generate much larger revenue. Most games don't sell well on Nintendo consoles, there's no reason for it to get anything but downgraded multiplats.
Look at Muramasa on the Wii versus the Vita release, it sold more than double around the launch window on the Vita. People get Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, which is fine, but its clear NIntendo can't meet that demand as their development teams have never been weaker.
>modern shittendo
>AAA games
the little mcdonalds arch in the zelda screenshot has more polys than the left half of that ps2 screenshot
I hope you mean worst selling Nintendo handheld.
screenshot this
I'm going to say 28M lifetime sales.
I got ya.
Oh I didnt realize 8 bit color was still in.
just because it was the "worst selling" doesn't mean it sold badly
thanks my dude
more like 25mil max
its not literally what you said, its implicitly what you said
The PSP was considered poorly sold by many on this board. It still did much better than the 3DS and had a better library.
The PSP's hardware sales were phenomenal. Simply because it lost out to the DS doesn't mean it was bad, and I don't recall anyone here saying it sold poorly.
Games sold like shit, yeah, but no one in the western hemisphere actually bought PSP games.
If the 3DS crowd jumps ship over to it, then I can definitely see around the 40M lifetime totals. It'll probably be a hit in Japan regardless since mobiles and portables are the big thing.
Now, if they release a mainline Pokemon game on the system, then you can bet it'll hit that 50M+ mark.
Are there even that many regular Nintendo fans out there?
>comparing 2 games with completely different art-styles
Nigga you cray
My god that is fucking crap.
fuck sony
The 3ds has sold more than the ps4. Nobody thinks the psp had bad sales, and even if the retards on this board say it does, doesn't mean it did or that you should say shit that is equally dumb. None of things sold poorly. Just admit you called it the worst selling because it fit your shitposting agenda.