Depressed user in need

Is there a game that will help me cheer up?

I just found out a schoolmate and former friend of mine has been living a decent successful life. I'm not lying, he has a 8/10 cutie asian girlfriend and has appeared in variety shows. What have I done since we last we spoke up? Nothing. I just wanna kill myself but I'm too scared

try cocaine

>dude depression lmao
>man existentialism is meaningless lol
>hahahaha social anxiety I wish I knew how to adult

fucking millennials

why are you sad about his success in life?
Is that envy?
wew, you'll never amount to anything like this, you gotta have a real serious internal struggle buddy, just like in vidya/anime.

In any case, play FFIX.

Kill yourself you dumb phoneposter.

Sink your time into an MMO and befriend other losers.


>comparing yourself to others

Get over yourself, feeling sad because a friend is more successful than you is pathetic.

dude you just got to get rid of the people around you that are distractions and start doing what you need to do to be successful. and never ever compare your success to another person's. You never know how those peoples lives really are anyway.

So a guy gets sideways pussy and 15 minutes of fame on (((TV))) and that sends you into a downward spiral of depression?

Harvest Moon type games (including Stardew Valley), Animal Crossing maybe? I dunno. I usually don't have very much energy to play games when I feel shitty, and those don't take very much.

it isnt , it's an anxiety many people have. comparing your life to someone else's is completely normal.

Yakuza series works for me

Ori and the blind forest is a great game to cheer you up.

>friend has it shitty
>comfort him and tell him it will get better
>in reality I hope it gets worse
>feel good about him hurting
What is wrong with me

You're broken.

I genuinly want my friends to do well and be happy. Is that uncommon?

Accomplish something.

Seriously. Eat well, get some exercise every day, and give yourself something to do and accomplish. Something meaningful, not just PS4 achievements. You'll feel better when you aren't just eating burgers and soda, when you aren't just sitting in a chair all day, and when you can look at something you've made or done.

Sup Forums is not your mental health counselor

Hey OP, quit being a colossal faggot and start being happy.

Or take a week or two off from work just to sit inside and play vidya, masturbate and watch Chinese cartoons without communicating with another human. The first few days might be slightly uncomfortable but after not showering and living in your own filth for a few days while constantly bombarding your brain with cheap endorphin kicks you will reach enlightenment.

You enjoy comforting him, you want him to need you.

Everyone's lives progresses differently and at different rates. Just keep doing what you're doing while always trying to improve yourself.

So what? My brother has a steady relationship before I do, even though I've had sex before he did, and he's got a much better job while even though I got a CS degree, I'm currently stuck in retail hell because I don't really have any experience, making chump change an hour doing janitorial/handyman/heavylifting/forklift work. Granted, I'm stronger as fuck than he is but the samurai age is long over.

But depressing? No. It's livable and I still work on side projects from time to time until I'm ready to move up.

Do a flip, faggot.

>existentialism is meaningless
you think you're so full of yourself, don't you?

Your brother sounds pretty cool while you sound like a failed normie.

Let me put on my existential depressed face in response.

schaudenfreude, I understand user even if I wish I didn't

Why does everyone always assume anyone who's depressed is a fat NEET sack of shit? Depression is not always your body, sometimes it's the realization that life is shit and there's nothing you can do to change it other than dying.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is what you crave.

Hi can you get your brother on the line? I want to talk to him about video games.

either that or the realization that you're too weak-willed to ever actually change your ways even though you try to over and over

Oh ok hold on



Try Katamari Damacy or Parappa the Rapper.

Okay, he said "Why would I want to talk to a retarded loser on Sup Forums". And then I said "you're talking to me" and he said "well you're family, I kind of have to"


I am depressed because i seriously can't remember the last time i saw Sup Forums talk about videogames, what can i do?

You can use that angst to try to better yourself. Instead of using your energy harvesting sorrows, you can;

Travel around the world
Making friends with very different people from you
Enrich your life tasting new food, having sex with prostitutes, etc

Being successful myself, I can tell you this; everyone just want to experience life in a rich and fullfiling way. If you know how to speak 2 or 3 language, if you know a lot of countries... then you cn make HIM jealous.

Because being successful comes with a price; the price of never ever having time to enjoy life.

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

Never try to be anything more than fucked up.

Just be you.

Also, play your favourite game over and over again. Each playthrough will be more fun than the last.

Damn well he knows where to find me if he changes his mind.

>"I eat because I'm unhappy. I'm unhappy because I eat."