Deus Ex Thread

>back in 2000
>"Yeah there is this game called Deus Ex - it's like set in a world where all conspiracy theories are true. Really crazy and cool!"
>fast forward to 2017
>"Yeah there is this game called Deus Ex - It's set in 2051, but actually most of it is happening right now."

Is Deus Ex the most prophetic work in video game history?
Is there even one game that could thematically compete with it?

revision or GMDX?

Other urls found in this thread:

Alex Jones has transcended humanity

GMDX is as close to vanilla + as you can get.

Wasn't Lazarus in Human Revolution a parody of Alex Jones?

Lazarus was right on everything btw - he literally predicts parts of the story and he's spot on with the existence of FEMA prisons - all of that early on in the game

>shitshow with props peppered everywhere with little thought
>a mod that fixes 90% of the mechanical problems of Deus Ex without being intrusive

gee whiz I wonder user

GMDX by FAR, revision is intolerable shit.

Also try out Shifter and Biomod, Zodiac too if you're interested.

What was the greatest thing about this game

I've already played vanilla. I kinda wanna play it again and thought revision might be cool, but only if it doesn't fuck too much with the real gameplay or story elements.

GMDX fixes just about everything wrong with the game.

That it was right on pretty much everything

Apart from the weird alien stuff for now

>Is Deus Ex the most prophetic work in video game history?
>Is there even one game that could thematically compete with it?


It also breaks some shit pretty badly, why did we need a lock on a brick concealing a secret door? The door should have been your reward for finding the brick.

shout out to the godhead, word up

A more apt description of both the game and reality is that conspiracy theories have gained massive creedance to the point that it's hard to even communicate objective truth to people anymore.

This man is utterly delusional. You can't "prove" we're in some simulation, there's just a lot of evidence (none of which he cited)

Why don't you cite it, smart guy?

similar point brought up in MGS2, the notion of truth is in collapse. the maintenance of a democratic system becomes impossible when opposing ideologies are incapable of debate because they effectively exist in different realities.

Revision is better desu because it doesn't fuck around with gameplay


Is there any way to remove the god awful graphics overhaul that gmdx does?

It's not prophetic. DX's themes were just as relevant in 2000 as they are today. Perhaps they've become more pronounced as time goes on or maybe you've just become more aware of it as you've become older.

I don't really understand this attitude on Sup Forums that treats the 1990s/2000 as some point in antiquity.

GMDX > Revision

something like Revision would be better if it was on a newer engine that could actually support the graphics that it wants to acheive

I remember that. GMDX is fucking weird sometimes, and honestly I feel like most people praising it never finished a playthrough using it, saw those youtube videos and jerk off to it only to shit on Revision

I also remembered how it was "rebalanced"
>Vanilla lockpicking and electronics skill levels
A nice linear progression
>GMDX ebin rebalance While Staying True To The Original©®™
Retarded exponential progression that forces you to master these skills

GMDX can fuck right off desu