He's fucking hilarious but does he actually like anything?

He's fucking hilarious but does he actually like anything?

I've watched like 5 of his vids and they're all overwhelmingly negative.

Other urls found in this thread:


He likes dark souls. His shtick is to point out negative stuff, tho.

He only really does negative videos, but he probably likes some games.

He's said that often he's over stating his hatred so when he does really love a game it shines through. Most notably:
>Paper Mario TTYD

The reason his show is popular is because it's negative, in like the second episode he said no one likes it when you praise a game, they like it when you rip it to shreds. If you listen to Let's Drown out theres plenty of games he likes like Thief

It's just cynical humour. Don't take it too serious because he probably likes some of the games more than you think.

Dark Souls, Silent Hill 2, Portal, Undermeme, Papers Please, Yakuza games, XCOM, TTYD, Just Cause 2, Price of Persia Sands of Time, probably some other stuff

He liked the new DOOM. Watch his best/worst/meh games of the year vids.

He liked Cave Story and Cave Story +

He was a faggot when he wrote for Hyper and he's a faggot since he became an e-celeb.

He plays devil's advocate because everyone else in the industry just gobbles down corporate dick for cash.

He liked Deus Ex and System Shock 2 and shits on Other M, so I can respect him at least.

He loves Undertale

Yes, he's just got good taste.

He likes some games, but his opinions are more or so realistic when we're dealing with the mediocre borefest that is the modern video game industry with the hundreds of boring, redundant and uninspiring open-worldness as actual gameplay and creativity takes a backseat because those CEOs really need to get that titjob for their new wife every year.

literally who?

>always thought he'd be talkative and quick witted like his videos
>met him and he's actually a stuttering autist who barely makes eye contact with people

Where'd you meet him?

His Just Cause 2 Review was brilliant, and he actually liked it.

>"You COULD drive to your next objective in a Family Sedan if you've got an afternoon free, or, You could skyjack a military jet, point it at the nearest tall building, stand on the nosecone, and surf it all the way into the cafeteria."

He likes plenty of stuff, even if he criticizes its flaws. Just watch any of his top 5 type stuff.

But in his videos he's constantly joking about what an antisocial shut in he is.

I mean he pretty much refuses to play multiplayer games.

>leaves australia to go to america to be with his american girlfriend
>stops doing let's drown out with gabe
>now he does really shit twitch streams with people he doesn't have any chemistry with

ah yes very good benjamin

Two of his earlier videos were on how much he loved Bioshock and Psychonauts and he recieved a bit of a backlash from people who just wanted him to do cynical shit like his previous vids.
He got his formula down early and has milked it ever since.
Even if it's a game he loves he'll still have to find room for a snarky comment to please his echo chamber fanbase.

At a pub quiz here in Auckland. He was doing a trip over from aus a few years ago

Yeah I mean I'm antisocial myself and have encountered plenty others through gaming. There's a difference though between being a bit awkward/avoidant and how he was

>I mean he pretty much refuses to play multiplayer games.

A man after my own heart. Other people ruin everything. Why would I want to give other people the opportunity to ruin what I do to take my mind off other people ruining everything?

He's flat out said he gets paid to be negative about games

>tfw he dropped Let's Drown out to live in Cuckfrancisco and do awkward live streams with the nu-males at the escapist
>tfw they're boring as fuck but his ego is so big he'll never admit to making such a mistake

LDO was legitimately the only Let's Play channel I could watch

Yahtzee is retarded

>demons souls is too hard only masochists would enjoy it!
>stops playing on literally the second level because he got smoked by the dragon
>Dark Souls comes out and everyone loves it
>w-wow i sure love this game the difficulty hoo boy...!!

just watch his playthrough of dark souls 2 that he does with his boyfriend

he's shit at the game

What was with that one review where he spoke in a noticeably thicker Australian accent for no reason. Was there some sort of ironic hyper-meta reasoning behind it?

He likes Undertale, so his opinion is invalid.

He moved for a woman, once she leaves him maybe he'll move somewhere else

He said in his Dark Souls review (which was like 2 years after release) that it took him multiple tries trying to get into the game before he could enjoy it.

It's because he has taste, some how

Most video games are utter shit

isn't that why he also moved to australia in the first place?

(then made the bitter sims 3 review once he got dumped)

He's been meming thief too ever since the start of his vids. He's probably single handedly responsible for them being as popular as they are today among places like Sup Forums

you mean the one he did with an Irish accent? I think it was just because he was reviewing it in two ways and wanted differentiate in a funny way

He likes things but he mainly focuses on pointing out bad or strange things from games because it is funnier
Don't think much of it, he is mostly an entertainer

He's as close to a vidya redlettermedia as we're ever gonna get.
Refreshing in an industry where 9s and 10s are given out like chlamydia in Oakland.

That and his parents didn't approve of what he was doing so he wanted a job away from home. Overall I think yahtzee will go wherever a woman ask him to go

Then why did he say Bioshock Infinite was amazing?

No it wasn't that one. From what I remember, because I dont feel like going back like 3-4 years worth of videos to find it, it was just a review where he spoke in a thicker Australian accent for no reason. It was kind of weird.

2013 was a really mediocre year and yahtzee likes silly ~what a twist~ endings

Far Cry 2 with his horrible attempt at a south american accent?

2013 being a bad year doesn't mean the game is any good

You have to read between the lines. He bashed Dragon's Dogma but he clearly liked it.

It does in comparison. Imagine you played nothing but shitty games for months and then got a game that was semi-decent, don't you think you would think more highly of it?

Bioshock. Thief 2. Dark souls. Splatoon. Silent hill 2. Saints row 2

He also bashed Red Dead Redemption a lot and it's very clear that he enjoyed the game very much. He just doesn't ignore a game's flaws while appreciating what makes it good. It's almost like he knows that things aren't perfect or some bullshit like that.

There is literally nothing wrong with liking undertale

>Let's Drown out


But Bioshock infinite was one of the worst games to come out that year

>wears a fedora
>tells people about the importance of feminism
>says the UK should allow more immigrants

He's a cuck.

Not really, no
I actually remember games older than just a few months back

Now I wanna die again, why did Drown Out have to end?

>He's fucking hilarious
Stopped reading there.

Except it means you have shit opinions.

He likes Thief and Deux Ex.

he actually really likes a ton of games, but he's a critic, it's his job to rail on negative shit.

plus it's what got him an audience in the first place.

This desu.

It's funny/sad.

>Saying infinite was shit
>Could've been worse like bioshock 2
See my point, infinite was marginally better than the "official" sequel to bioshock rather than infinite.

he loves Yakuza

>what is tone
His videos make it seem like he fucking despises them

>I literally have no idea what I'm talking about, the comment

he has openly shat on all of those things before, user.

He also likes Shadow of the Colossus

Same for me though.

I attempted to play DS multiple times but only after beating Taurus for the 5th time i finally got into it and finished the game. And cleared DS2 and DS3 right after it as well.

However - Yahtzee said he only got into it after reading walls of texts online telling him how to handle each situation.

How do you mean?

Look at his non-ZP videos if you wanna know what he likes.

He has an eternal hard-on for Silent Hill 2

>shits on DeS for being too complex
>praises DaS for being complex

He's a massive fag that likes meme games.

>However - Yahtzee said he only got into it after reading walls of texts online telling him how to handle each situation.

im starting to feel this is how most people do. LOOKIN AT YOU PAT

Never saw Drown Out, what was so special about those?

>Implying he isn't the best "content creator" around for vidya

Most other channels just sit some fat white guy in front of a shitty camera for 30 minutes

Oh yes that is true.
Forgot he said that.

>lol butts penis an vaginas ahahahahah
Pre 2009 was the only worth phase

That was a hilariously racist South African accent, and it was Far Cry 2.


he barely even mentioned the story in his review of infinite, though, he said he really enjoyed the tone and gameplay
it was a south african accent, but yeah
you're an even bigger fuckboy than me if you think like this
>I didn't actually watch the review
he literally says that that aspect is "the first failing of dark souls" but it's okay you can just ignore that and pretend that you have any point at all
yeah fuck him for ending LDO. he should have just dragged gabe with him.
he's openly said before that he is incredibly unfunny and awkward in real life, multiple times

It's a great way to see the world. Marriage visa is a hassle free long term immigration stay.

Yahtzee has lived on 3 continents, not just visited. That's impressive.

wow I'd completely forgotten that he exists

He doesn't wear the TRILBY anymore
He talks shit in fake feminism and is pretty anti-sjw
Who cares about UK?

I quite like Gabe's KeepetClassy stuff.

It's pretty similar level of humour, but a cynical Brit has been replaced with a slightly bumbling but seemingly harmless Aussie


i despise the format of his videos

And also i don't give a fuck about others opinions.
Seriously what the fuck is so worthy of discussion that you fuckos keep making threads about people who talk about video games like they are some kind of experts and somehow we should give a damn about what they think?

But hey a guy on youtube that has subscribers must be important and have knowledge somehow

He likes the new Doom game.

>what is subjectivity


Have you ever heard of horseshoe theory? it purports that the varying of opinions on a subject(like politics) aren't on a left/right spectrum as much as they're on a horseshoe shaped gradient, where the further you get to one side the more likely you are to manifest the ideology of the polar opposite side


i think Yahtzee has such 'high' standards, that he effectively goes back around to being a Philistine(opposed to artistic endeavor/merit)

they were comfy

Yahtzee is a character


some good examples

Not saying it doesn't apply to him but but horse shoe theory has been laughed out of existence in political theory.


i don't subscribe to it myself, but i'm fairly comfortable with my prognosis of Yahtzee regardless

Also remember him liking Minecraft.

He basically made a massively anti PC joke where the punchline was him saying the word Nigger in his 50 Cent Blood on the sand review.

Also, writes some pretty good books.

Hes good user.

Yeah, just to name the ones that come to mind:
Confirmed Favorites
>Silent Hill 2
>Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
>Thief 2
Stuff he constantly mentions liking a lot
>BioShock 1
>Dark Souls 1
>Deus Ex
>Final Fantasy VI
>Killer 7
>No More Heroes
>Saint's Row 2
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Super Mario RPG Series