KH3 Sora > KH2 Sora
KH3 Sora > KH2 Sora
Nah, KH3 Sora's design is good, but nothing could top KH2 Sora.
It would like it if it was a little darker, it already looks like he is in some kind of form and the actual drive form colours are not bright enough
What the fuck is the point of the keyblade if he can't open every door.
>Fitting shoes
>Non-puffy pants
Agreed, it really is his best costume.
When was the last time a locked door stopped him
The shading looks darker in the new screenshot, he could use a new render at this point.
>Sora with shield
What did I miss?
New drive form.
>Giant ass heartless blocking the Hercules statue
Real subtle Nomuraa.
Since when was KH ever good at subtlety?
Man I hated the new artstyle when they first showed gameplay but it looks great in more recent screenshots and especially in 0.2
what worlds do you want to see?
I would love the sword in the stone.
Really makes you think desu senpai
Toy Story, but it will never happen
At this point i just want to see a new world or maybe gameplay of Big Hero 6. But the fact that we only saw screenshots for more than a year now of Olymp is a bad sign
Hey, repetitive-ness aside, Olympus Coliseum was a based world.
I won't say no to another set of tournaments, especially if they're like in II (i.e. fight alone, but get Drive easily).
I don't hate it either, but i just want to see something new at this point.
People are hyping up all the KH3 worlds like they're all going to be as big as Olympus when clearly Olympus is going to be the biggest world with multiple functions.
Yeah i kinda think so too, i'm fine if other worlds aren't as huge. Worlds as big as 0.2s village are fine too. I hope if Frozen gets in it's a rythm game world so people can shut up already
Id be fine with Frozen, KH is lacking a comfy snow level.
I think the main problem with the artstyle is how the lighting looks in dark areas. In places with a lot of light (like your image) it looks gorgeous, but the skin looks kinda weird with the shader they have now in dark areas, especially in Yen Sid's Tower.
keyblades aren't actually used as weapons, you transform them into real swords or shield or guns or cannons or space ships or orbital laser satellites, that's how they were always read: retconned meant to be used and sora was just using them wrong
Mulan's world?
Who's ready for Rapunzel as a party member?
Her hair better look good and not like a long playdoo sausage
Her short hair is better though
How the fuck is she gonna attack, get down on her knees and give the heartless a hairjob until they cum to death?
>keyblades aren't actually used as weapons
Keyblades were always used as weapons in their base form, it's just that they're more powerful when transformed.
Okay, that actually sounds kind of cool.
Kind of like Dynasty Warriors.
100 Acre Wood or riot
whip her god damn hair around
There's not enough male heartless porn.
Christmas Town exists
Yeah it was super small and shared half the world with Halloween Town but still
Too long, once it goes past a certain length it's impractical and more likely to hurt you or an ally. It's why you don't see flails with chains that go down to the floor, or nine stick nunchuks.
transitioning from KH1 outfit to KH2 was HYPE (the scene still in the Tower still gives me goosebumps)
going from KH2 outfit to seeing this just feels underwhelming. KH3 outfit's kinda bland
I wonder how they'll explain the change in hairstyle.
I really hope that Sora gets his new outfit, and then Donald and Goofy force him to get a haircut because it's getting too long or some other good, comedic reason.
she smacks with the pan
Depending on how good it looks in the final game it might be at the top with KH2. Still miles better than his DDD outfit
KH1 outfit > 2 > DDD > 3
Halloween Town > Space Paranoids > Timeless River > The Grid > Christmas Town > Pride Lands > Atlantica
Sounds about right.
You have garbage taste in outfits, but your worlds are right.
Imo Symphony was pretty well done, most worlds in DDD were and the human boss fights had pottential but not with that combat system.
I would pay good money to fight Rinzler or Young Xehanort with KH2 combat
>okay mr. nomura what do we do to make the collar interesting?
>just slap some fucking plaid on lmao I miss belts
I agree. I love KH2 design, but in the end it has too many unnecessary stripes. This feel sleeker, my only complaint is those leather pockets on the pants.
Sora needs a suit
i like his new outfit more. i love kh2's but i'm tired of it and want something new. is he going to use his fucking hoodie this time?
His KH1 design was pretty bad desu senpai (a fucking onesie?) KH2 design is awesome, but anything would have been an improvement.
KH2 --> KH3 isn't as impactful cause they both look good.
Who's hoping to see a Princess and the Frog world?
The villain in that movie could summon shadow creatures. It'd be pretty cool if they used those for heartless designs for that world.
no that's what Luxu and MoM will wear in Kingdom Hearts 3.14159: Penultimate Chapter -EpIlOg-
Nomura seems to be on and off again chubs
That's even worse.
will the next saga after THE END OF THE XEHANORT saga be the Master of Masters Saga?. How many million years will it take until we're finished with it?
nah, i dont care about this faggot and his 7 split identities
Try Xehanort
then whyd you even come in here. oh thats right, you're bored as fuck
you're worse
When did you admit to yourself that the writing is never going to get better?(pic related)
no u
back to tumblr degenerate queer
Stop thinking like this. Nomura doesn't write in that way. MoM is just gonna have been behind the whole thing and Xehanort was just a pawn, and instead of there being a payoff the series will just continue escalating into infinity.,
>more normal looking hair
>"degenerate queer"
looks like zac efron
They've stated in Interviews that Kingdom Hearts III's Worlds are the length of 0.2 in its entirety.
backtracking and cutscenes
How many more characters are gonna get NORTED?
it's still the end of the xehanort saga, even if he's just vegeta to MoM's Frieza.
You fall easily for lies, don't you?
>but Nomura-san you said the worlds would be gigantic
>w-well we've run into some s-schedule problems you see, but it's out now so... do you like it?
>luxord, marluxia, larxene, and saix all next to eachother
>they're all xehanorts
I can't beat 3D, ansem is too hard.
I hope Demyx shows up busking in one of the worlds, and serves as some sidequest thing for clothes or something because he wants absolutely nothing more to do with all this DARKNESS bullshit now that he's alive again.
But he's never coming back.
whens the fucking game come out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>all these people complaining about the new outfit
I bet all the people in this thread 5 bucks that KH1 and KH2's outfits will both be unlockable, since 0.2 had a bunch of unlockable cosmetics.
just firaga blizzaga thunder shot double curaga his ass, he's not that hard. Most irritating not secret boss on that game is the fucking clock young xehanort sets up as his second phase. Fuck those images.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Ansem, is in fact, Terra-Xehanort, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Ansem plus Xemnas. Ansem is not a person unto itself, but rather a heart component of a fully functioning Xehanort made useful by the body of Terra, also known as the nobody Xemnas and the soul of Master Xehanort comprising a full somebody as defined by Ansem the Wise.
Many people become a modified version of Xehanort every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the fraction of Xehanort's heart which is widely used today is often called nuts, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically Xehanort, developed by the True Organization XIII.
i hope there are some actually fun unlockables and it's not all DLC
If you're having too much trouble, just go grind Flick Rush for Balloonga.
>more normal looking hair
yeah fuck your "normal" looking hair you fucking faggot trash. you ruined everything and dont fuck with me again
you sound angry
well I mean it was foreshadowed by the terra fight
what did you hear? the voices in your head?
No you clearly don't know the lore if you think that.
>sora was just using them wrong
that would actually be fucking hilarious
The delivery of that line is great though.
I mean, he's only half wrong. The whole plot of DDD was basically Yen Sid telling Sora that he didn't know what the absolute fuck he was doing with the keyblade.
Why do you think Sora/Roxas/Xion's fighting animations have always looked a lot clumsier than Riku/Aqua/Ventus/Terra/etc? Sora's basically just swinging it around like a bat and just rolling with what works. He ends up being really good at it, but it's like being really good at beating the shit out of people by holding a gun by the barrel. Yeah, you're kicking ass, but you could be a lot better if you learned how to actually use the damn thing.
then how come Aqua/eraquis are masters but don't utilize keyblade change? Even Terra does
Which takes place not in the first game.
It's less that Sora's not using keyblade change (which is useful as fuck, to be fair) and more that he's just swinging it around without any sort of proper skill or technique.
>holding a gun by the barrel
and when he tried to shoot it xehanort stuck his finger in the barrel and caused it to backfire
I like the little touch of plaid
>Why do you think Sora/Roxas/Xion's fighting animations have always looked a lot clumsier than Riku/Aqua/Ventus/Terra/etc?
because sora is a kid and riku is an edgelord it wouldn't fit his character if his animations were nothin personnel kid
>When did you admit to yourself that the writing is never going to get better?
The story is already good because I say so. That's what matters. There is only marketable stories, and stories that you like. Marketable writing is the garbage that everybody flocks to and therefore is deemed as good, but it's not.
Get Dark Roll and all your problems will be solved
>riku is an edgelord
Riku hasn't been an edgelord since KH1, though.
>kingdom hearts
get the fuck out
Get second chane, once more and a few ballonras (its better than ballonga) and one curaga and you're invincible. You can buy ballonra at this point