How are you ending Season 3, Sup Forums?

How are you ending Season 3, Sup Forums?

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Mid-gold. I don't really play competitive much.

At around 3500. I didn't play for like 3 weeks so I dropped from 4300 to here
boring game, literally 0 clue how to balance and 3 events in 3 months was the last straw

>3 events in 3 months was the last straw

I'm sorry what? Is.. having a lot of in-game events a bad thing to you?

S1: Gold
S2: Plat
S3: Diamond

I don't really like competitive though

Yes, for they're nothing but le skins for leddit to enjoy and spend money on. The event modes were pure gimmicks, but I unironically enjoyed Mei's Snowball shit more than comp back then
Basically time taken off the actual game for some skins, not good.

Non compete. Stopped after sombra obviously sucked


Couldn't make platinum again

Fuck leavers

I couldn't reach a high enough level in time to play ranked before season 1 ended, I had just gotten the game at the time.

season 2 I ended in gold with 2k something

This season I'm at

I finished 2 and a half placement matches.

quit midway thru season 1 overwatch sucks

Doing my placement matches
>winning easily with a couple diamonds on each team
>last 3 matches of placements are one with all diamonds
>Suddenly my teammates start to get retarded, stupid picks, even more stupid plays
>Had a reinhardt who would not put their shield up
>Had an Ana that held onto nanoboost for 15 years
>lost the last 3 placement matches
>end up in platinum

How appropriate, because I'M FUCKING PLATINUM MAD

Dude, I always AFK in ranked when a teamate comes off as a tryhard, or someone is straight up being disrespectful. I even have a copy pasta for it too to let them know I'm AFK'ing. I love it when people scream into their mics in anger. lol. I only muted when reported enough times, that's about it. I was legit worried that my account would get banned after enough reports, but at this point im guessing it has to be like a Massive amount of consecutive reports to get banned.

Literally finished my last game 1 min ago to hit Diamond but I just started playing comp 3 days ago and was in Gold after my placements. Even though I was carrying every team... I bet I could hit Master easily if I played more.


Been living in the low 3k's for weeks now, have the flu now so i'm not going to be able to get my last second games in.

Care to share those pastas?

I play comp til I hit plat and then quit and grind quickplay or arcade for lootboxes. Rinse, repeat til bored.

>More content is bad

Fuck off

only soloq, i guess i could get to gm with a good group but im an autistic piece of shit so yeah.

started at 2400, dropped to 2000 at one point, ending at 2800, I'm disappointed I didn't make it to diamond

You sound like the guy who is playing really terribly, is politely asked to switch because you're garbage, and you go afk with your copypasta because your feelings got hurt.

>skins are content
end yourself

2700 highest. I honestly don't put enough time or effort into the game to get any better. Plus I'm kinda trashy at shooters in general so getting good at it would take a pretty considerable effort.

>casual game has casual game modes for casuals
you know you don't have to play them? you know you don't have to have those skins?

I just did my placement match today and ended at sub 3400.
I didn't play since the end of season 1.


You know I'd like some balancing or new heroes or new maps faster, not shit like skins.

did it for the gold points

What should my first gold weapon be Sup Forums? I'm thinking Rein.

>ignoring new map(s) with objectives
You first.
If you want a game with literally no content but skins/costumes every 2 weeks go play FF14 or PSO2.

I went with Rein because I used the Blackhart skin, so the golden hammer stood out more.

Naturally within a day or two of buying it I got both his golden skin, and his Chinese skin, which is close enough to gold that the hammer doesn't stand out.

like Oasis? Wew, 1 map in how many months? How about heroes. Or the fact that half the roster is unplayable.

Meh, not bad for a newbie

2600 only played hanzo

>play qm on my own
>MVP/PotG every single time
>play with friends
>LVP (Least Valuable Player)
Should I give a try to competitive?

Welcome to Blizzard match fixing.

Banned like Season 1 and 2




>carry myself alone fro 2.7k to 4.8k in Dota
>can't manage to even slightly carry my team at all in Overwatch

Yeah I gave up on comp long ago. You really cannot carry your team of shitters to victory in this, it is way too focused on everyone doing their part. Dota is extremely team focused too but I can actually make an impact in the game by myself. Overwatch you feel so useless when your team is retarded. Such a fucking stupid competitive game, Overwatch is only good for casual play

Carried my smurf up to Grand Master in less than a week.

You're literally just bad.

you sound like your feelings just got hurt

The game is too much of a bore to play on a weekly basis.

Literally just finished up my placements.

I'm caring less and less. I'm tired of people who won't TRY to win.

got to diamond and stopped
seriously how can anyone deal with ranked with how cancerous it is
at least it takes some of the cancer out of qp but its still prevalent there as well

>placed 2460
>dropped to like 1600
>made it back to 2000

I do well in most of my games but not enough to carry. It doesn't seem like you can climb unless you play at a master level if you play at a play or diamond level and you're thrown into silver games you'll be at the mercy of your team.


>ctf is a gimmick
>even getting added as a baseline game mode
Some of you go out of your way to be upset about things

prove you did it all alone through solo queue because I really doubt it. With friends it is sure easy but by yourself you cannot carry in a reasonable time. This game has such low depth and mechanical skill that any retard can provide resistance by using their abilities. At least in shit like Dota if you are garbage you are soup kitchen to the other team and when that happens you can still easily carry your bad teammates. Overwatch is just shit game design, it's designed for premades and the competitive scene when this game has a laughably low skill floor

What's even more hilarious is I can carry my team in CS much easier too. CS is much more complex than this game can ever be. Maybe I could get a high rank but I just had an epiphany of how shit this game is competitively when it's first and foremost a game for casuals but designed as a competitive game.

I like edgelords

Finished with 2678

You're very lucky it was a tank meta.

Anyone know of a decent guide for aiming? Haven't play a first person shooter since the old WW 2 shooters that were constantly being pumped out so my aiming sucks.

I only solo queue and I just edged my way into GM two days ago, feels good man. Top 500 is definitely in the cards for my S4 grind.

Set up a custom game with headshots only. Play as McCree vs a bunch of AI Anas.

>playing with friend
>same rank
>have to drop 3 games because only play and she was the hot shit at the start of season because of buffs
>drop 150 points
>friend hits master
>never climb back to 3350+
feels bad man. Guess I can only blame my own autism

>point mouse at enemy
>press lmb

Give me another account and I'll do it all over again. Your statement is proven wrong by all the high rank people that got there solo queue, which there are plenty of. I hit top 500 solo queue.

You are bad at Overwatch. I know this because you think it's anything's fault but your own that you can't climb. No, it's not the system, or your team, or boosted players, or cheats, or smurfs, or matchmaking.

It's you.

I couldn't break into platinum again. My season high was only like... 2104? Something like that. Solo-queued almost exclusively this season. It was a fucking unmitigated clusterfuck. I've never seen DPS drop the ball so fucking bad and so fucking consistently.

>mfw stopped playing ranked after that nightmare called Season 2

Can't really be bother to play overwatch anymore desu senpai

Its not soley him what the fuck is wrong with people that are decent at this game saying shit like this.

Because "Elo hell" is a concept made up by retarded players who can't deal with the fact that they're the reason they're not climbing and not everyone else.

Do you actually think that makes you a "bigger person"?

Makes you 10x more autistic then the autist shit talking you.

>It's your fault someone leaves during a match


I placed low diamond and got to master with 7 hours total played solo queuing. Work with your team and gitgud

People who are decent at the game know how climbing works, that's why they all shit on lower rank players for having excuses.

You climb by being good (or getting boosted for $$$). Solo queue nets you the most SR per win, but also means you rely on your own individual skill. And when people solo queue to top 500, it completely disproves silver shitters that whine about elo hell.

For every shit player, for every leaver or AFKer, for every mercy main that you get on your team, the other team has EQUAL ODDS to get them as well, either this game or your next one or the next one. The odds are NEVER stacked against you, your "shit dps" is on the other team just as often. If you can't climb, you're where you belong, don't make up excuses.

It's not impossible you sperg. It's just impossible for shit players like you. Even non-pro pubstars have multiple accounts in top 500.

see Leavers suck, but it happens to the enemy team just as often as you. Are you retarded?

Like I said to climb those ranks you need to play WAY above the average skill level as a DPS or even more at that as a tank. So while you may be right its only himself that can improve realistically not everyone will play at a master or GM level to climb with 5 other people.

There is no climbing just bullying lower ranks as with a GM skill level. Some one who plays at a play level that falls into silver wont climb. You need to be amazing. what you're saying is, if you improve as a player, you'll climb?

What did you think we meant? If you are better than the people you are playing with, you will climb ranks on the ladder system. If you aren't, you'll stay where you are.

Why do people expect to climb when they aren't any better than the people they're playing with?

I'm saying its not reliable to climb unless you play at around the skill level of the top 15%. Two things you can do. Make a new account and calibrate at a different hidden starting MMR or pay up.

Playing at the low ranks for an extended time wont help since nobody uses proper comps let alone play properly.

I don't know how you guys do soloQ. I used to play with my friends but they all quit one by one. Season 2 was horrible and I don't have a mic to tell people to do the objective. I have seen people with mics do a good job, and it's like 50/50 chance of winning or not. Not gonna bother typing because no one ever listens. Overwatch simply isn't fun for me anymore. I see people climb and for awhile I was too, but I can't bring my self to care anymore. Not gonna bother trying to criticize other stuff from overwatch because no matter what you say someone is quick to defend it or some other bullshit.

My friend who manage to get into high plat, has been trying to get me back into playing but I know what awaits me. Anger and alot of salt. I haven't even done my placements. Oh well.

people who think they're perfect players that do not need to improve but they lose because "their team is retarded"

>hover over thumbnail
>implying im watching this

Is Overwatch competitive even fun when you have nobody to play with? I normally only play quick play and it already annoys me there when people make stupid picks. I see no reason why that should be any different when you're playing competitive - after all, the two modes recruit from the same pool of players.

Zero time into S3 because I like playing, not swimming in cancer.

>Is Overwatch competitive even fun when you have nobody to play with?


Comp has more try harding so shit picks are less common from plat upwards but they're still there. You also have to deal with people being douchebags far FAR more often. I'd say no.

plat baybee
same as the last 2

Don't worry about playing Comp. There's zero reason to, outside of dickwagging. You're playing with the same retards, after all.

Salty. Got close to plat then couldnt break finish the last 50 sr. Then I got drunk the other night and almost hit silver. I think im done with the game unless we get some massive changes.

And fuck comp roadhog players. You are not a flanker, push the fucking payload, you are not skilled because you can land the most generous skill in the game, you are not skilled for landing a ohko on someone rounding a corner because you were mashing m2.

I can't decide between dva rein or widow

Solo'ed to 3133 then stopped playing comp and grinded lunar boxes with friends in gold/silver for a month.

I hop back into comp and lose 700 sr since I was only getting 10 points a win and loss 40 for losing. Wtf happened.

>Is Overwatch even fun when you have nobody to play with?
Fixed that for you, and no.

Didn't get top 500 at the end.

Zenny golden balls.

Sorry bud but this time i'm siding with
This shit happened to me too much time. I ask every time, i said EVERY TIME AS POLITELY AS I CAN to switch and they get triggered and instalock some bullshit character during all the match.

This is really sad

kill yourselves

By telling you faggots to put your goddamn general on /vg/ where it belongs.

That's just one win and one draw. What's the big deal?

Are you pretending to be KOREA?

Gotta wait a week for that gold weap daug

Who waiting for brown loli spider mech to buy her's here?

>the actual game
Lol comp fags, I haven't touched that shit in months.


I wish I wasn't shit but I guess I'm glad I'm not in bronze anymore at the very least.


So fucking close

let me guess, hanzo or genji main?

>tfw plat, plat, diamond
just end me

Just under 1900. I'm pretty ass.

high of 3721
finished 3452

console pleb lucio dspasseaterwannabe

im so bad at videogames i cant even get a good rank in fucking overwatch
