Sonic Adventure 2 aged like fine wine

When you're still a child
>Shadow is EMO wtf lol
>Sonig is cool
>wow im super sonic!

When you're an adult
>realize that this game was about Gerald's own creation stopping him
>realize that shadow's story was actually about casting aside the very essence of your being and "throwing it all away" for a greater good
>Shadow actually had a mature, adult-oriented character arc

Only when you're an adult can you truly appreciate this game's soundtrack and realize that this game ages like fine wine.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why was he fighting us again?

>this game aged like fine whine because the soundtrack did the game's narrative work for it

>fuck execution lmao
>fuck gameplay kekarooni

I say this as someone who liked the game. Go fuckyourself you fucking casual cancer

Is this a thread by Seph-daddy?

>Only when you're an adult can you truly appreciate this game's soundtrack
I almost died laughing


he couldn't throw it away

that's what made him the prototype. he was bound by genetics.

Sonic Adventure 2 aged like any other toy produced in 2002.

It's not like we don't have access to media with more depth, but sometimes you pine for those more innocent days.

Also it's how i met my wife

It's a kid's game. Do you honestly expect a kid's game to be narrative heavy?

SA2 took the tight approach. Leave the story for the kids, and everything inbetween the mature people that actually care about that stuff.

It ALSO adds re-play value. When you grow up and understand mature concepts you can come back to the game and get something new out of it.

That's what it means to "age like fine wine".

You met your wife through sonic adventure 2?

Literally HOW? Am I talking to a sonic passion poster?

Too bad the gameplay aged like crap though.


Biolizard's fight still holds up

It's weird. This is LITERALLY the only bossfight in the entire game that has aged well. It plays like a Platinum Games bossfight before platinum games even existed.

This is another evidence of my point:

When we were kids, this was the most annoying anf frustrating bossfight in the game

When we are adults, this is the only fun bossfight in the game


Shadow's a pretty deep character desu

Too bad Sonic Team threw it all away in Shadow the Hedgehog

He was based on Perfect Chaos, except he wasn't a being of the master emerald, so he couldn't be calmed by the positive energy of the chaos emeralds.


shadow the hedgehog was opposite sonic 06

fun for kids, absolute garbage for adults.

i'm on the shadow the hedgehog defense force. it was a pretty fun game at the time with interesting mechanics but had absolutely zero meaningful narrative.

what shadow the hedgehog DID do was introduce kids to the japanese-style "choose your own ending" style gameplay evident in a lot of japanese games, but it recieved almost no praise for it.

The gameplay was the 2nd best that the series has ever had though. And the amount of time you could sink in to it was off the charts. Did you even unlock Green Hill Zone?

>Am I talking to a sonic passion poster?

Not him but that takes me back. Those were some mentally disturbed individuals. I think the Amy guy actually molested children.

Sonic games that are better than SA2
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic CD
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Colors
Sonic Generations

So did the Biolizard have the Black Arms DNA implanted in it as well? It's pretty clear that Shadow gets his power to use Chaos Control from Black Doom, and it would make sense that the Biolizard obtained the ability in a similar fashion.

This also begs the question of where Sonic and Silver get the ability though.

>All that 2D shit
>Boost shit
Oh, you're one of those contrarian shitposters, huh? Opinion discarded.

Well he said he met his wife through sonic adventure 2, and sonic passion was indeed culturally relevant on the internet during the days of sonic adventure 2.

musta found a chick there that he became friends with and eventually married.

those kinds of passion websites are actually a useful way to find a wife.

2D sonic being superior to 3D sonic is the opposite of contrarian you fuck. And everyone liked generations and colors

Shadow was never edgy. Its internet hiveminds and memes that make him so.

Haven't replayed it in a while but I remember it getting easier the more you knew the paths.

i think that's the problem a lot of sonic games need to fix. improve their sign posting or somehow teach the player whats going to happen in the level.

It's such a shame that Shadow gets dumped on so often, because he's probably my favorite video game character. He's not the deepest by any margin, but his character in Adventure 2 and 06 was great, IMO, and I wish he showed up more often these days, though not with his current voice actor.

Are you a fucking idiot?

Chaos Control isn't the name of some magical power. It's in the fucking name

Chaos >>>Control

>generations and colors
The only thing Colors had going for it was great music, but that's the standard in Sonic games so it's not much of a talking point. Generations didn't even have that. There were about 5 or 6 good remixes in the entire game, and the rest of it was Sonic Team showing the fans that they're incapable of recreating beloved levels in a way that keeps the magic of the originals.

>it's the skill to manipulate chaos energy
And where does that skill come from, fagioli? Why is it that Hedgehogs have some natural affinity for chaos energy? Why can't Eggman make a machine to use chaos control? Why can Shadow use Chaos Control to a certain extent when he doesn't have an emerald?

I'm 25 and its the only bossfight I fucking refuse to touch again. Speak for yourself.

The game controls like shit.

The only place in the game where it controls like shit is Mad Space. Everywhere else has the best control in the series.

>still dying to biolizard

bet you played dmc3 on very easy mode

The biggest problem is that they destroyed most of his characterization after he died by caving into fan demand and bringing him back. In Heroes he was literally generic JRPG protagonist #65535, and in Shadow, I don't even know. I mean, I played it, but I have no idea what they were thinking.

He still had that "Ow the Edge" voice and look in SA2, but at least he was a sympathetic character.

it's easy to explain

they changed writers
remember most of the writes behind the adventure team left after sa2

>sonic 06
>fun for adults
>fun for anybody

>Why can Shadow use Chaos Control to a certain extent when he doesn't have an emerald?
Does that ever happen in an in-story context? All the times I remember it happening were one of those things that's just there for the sake of gameplay (like how in Sonic Battle he gives Emerl his Chaos Emerald, but still fights the exact same way in the final story rematches or how in Sonic Heroes his team can use Team Blast without ever beating any of the Special Stages).

That actually makes a ton of sense, given that they swapped out most of the voice acting as well in favor of 4Kids shit for a while. Only good thing we got out of that is Mike Pollock.