How do we save Sup Forums?
How do we save Sup Forums?
delete Sup Forums
We don't
Thread ids and no thread flooding rule (no 30 threads whenever a populat game comes out)
delete Sup Forums
Sup Forums isn't the problem. The people who enjoy Sup Forums are the problems. Removing the piss hole they enjoy will not increase the quality of others board; it will do the exact opposite.
Bring back /l/
Yeah, thread IDs would help somewhat, right now it's so easy to samefag until you get actual replies
delete barneyfag
It's the only solution. If you destroy the source, the rest will gradually either acclimatise to the rest of Sup Forums or fuck off back to plebbit.
this, Thread ids pls
>he wasn't on Sup Forums when /new/ got deleted
By that logic if you delete every board on Sup Forums then Sup Forums will be improved.
You're fucking retarded.
Absolutely this. /lit/, /sci/, and just about every other board has been infested by them.
start by deleting this thread
There's only one board on Sup Forums that's shitting up the rest of the site and attracting in hordes of newfag redditors.
ban phoneposting
also gets rid of a bunch of Sup Forums
anyone agaisnt thread id are just samefag shitposters. thread id would save v
but all the redditors / imgurians / underage faggots would stop coming here for the lulz which would make hiroshima less money
v will never be saved
You can't. Too many people have flooded in in recent years to fix it. People regularly say shit like "lol", "lmao", and "wtf" nowadays. These aren't the kind of people who browsed before, and they have no intention of assimilating or adjusting to board culture. They only care about "funposting on Sup Forums" because that other website that they use (regardless of what it is) is where they reserve their "quality" discussion.
Fuck off to where you belong and are rightfully ignored by even the staff, newfag.
You must be new here if you think Sup Forums is what compels people to shitpost on Sup Forums.
The stormweenies were insufferable for a while, but it passed. Then moot had the great idea of making Sup Forums, deleted it, then brought it back. Now it's a breeding ground for cancer.
>It's the only solution. If you destroy the source, the rest will gradually either acclimatise to the rest of Sup Forums or fuck off back to plebbit.
Yes, because that totally worked when /n/ was deleted. And then it totally worked again when /new/ was deleted. Then it totally worked again when /new/ was deleted AGAIN.
>a Sup Forums thread for /qa/dditors to bitch about Sup Forums
Cool stuff :D
>only one board on Sup Forums that's shitting up the rest of the site
Sup Forums is self-aware they said.
Everybody gets to permanently ban one user of their choice at any moment.
None of this 'I'm behind seven proxies' shit either, you're fucking gone.
No one ever said that.
There are people that don't even bother with capital letters and you're complaining about harmless shit like people saying lol?
The fuck is wrong with you?
how about fixing this shit?
Let's try that with /mlp/ and see how fast you retards cry to the mods
>People stupid enough to think Hiroshima will ever delete Sup Forums
Even Sup Forums and /qaddit/ aren't this stupid are they?
At least Sup Forums isn't as shit as /qa/ or /x/
The people that don't even bother with capitalizing letters are the same people posting "lol" and other nonsense.
>give millions of people the ability to ban the same amount of people
It was terrible for other boards. You can fuck right off. I mean, I'm about as liberal as Pinochet, but I don't actually enjoy talking politics. They make /k/ insufferable every fucking time something happens to the board.
They just need to enforce the rule for no Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums, and keep it.
this tbqh
lol lmao and wtf have been used since forever, dont delude yourself. I agree with the rest though, fags from other sites who come here soley to shitpost ruin the board
thats why less popular boards have the best discussion and original content
>this many people are triggered by Sup Forums
Holy fuck I bet you'd have an aneurysm if you encountered an Australian shitposter.
Not really.
If you got a certain number of downvotes, you're not allowed to post for a given amount of time.
Delete Sup Forums, restart it again after a year.
I don't see any horse fuckers coming onto other boards and crying when they're told to fuck off.
Sup Forums is beyond saving. Originally there was a slow steady influx of newfags and those newfags would lurk and quickly assimilate into Sup Forums culture. But when immigration became too rapid, cancerous newfags came in en masse and the shitposters had no pressure to assimilate. Eventually, traditional Sup Forums culture was supplanted by that of cancerous newfags.
Nothing we can do at this point, but I hope we can learn from this.
literally everybody would get fucked
what is wrong with mobileposters?
No, enforcing the rules more rigorously should do the trick.
Agreed, but minus the restart
The funny part is that Hiro actually does this at random. I've taken to calling them "Jew bans" due to the way he wants us to buy a pass to subvert being inadvertently banned.
Cancer it may be, but deleting it is just asking for a catastrophe.
I think Sup Forums is the absolute worst incarnation of all of these boards precisely because it finally gave a space for the cancer to grow exponentially. If these people really don't have a dedicated board they will not multiply with the same numbers because there's no one place for the next newfag to get started on.
I think the best solution at this point is to insulate it from the rest of Sup Forums. Make it so that you have a separate domain with multiple boards for these retards to thrive.
implement a shadowban system.
mods ban you for breaking the rules, you don't get a warning or indication that you're banned. you can still post but nobody else but you can see your posts.
only way to know that you're shadowbanned or not is to buy a Sup Forums pass
>phoneposters are more than half of users
There's nothing wrong with browsing Sup Forums on a mobile device, but mobile users absolutely should not be allowed to reply or create threads. At the very least, their posts should be marked as mobile posts so that other users can filter them.
>wahhhhh i don't like hearing a perspective outside my own
>just ban ban BAN EVERYONE
this is what you sound like, whiny SJW
nothing exactly wrong with mobileposting itself but it's well known that most people that do mobilepost abuse the privilege.
>post porn or off topic thread
>get banned
>turn on airplane mode and turn it off 10 seconds later to get a new IP
>continue shitposting
basically you can break any rule you can and don't have to suffer any consequences because you can avoid bans in like 10 seconds.
>All the newfags wanting to get rid of Sup Forums
lmao just close your eyes nigga
youtube/social media humor needs to stay away from here. The amount of spongebob and filthy frank and flithy frank#3453 shit that gets posted here reminds me that this place really is full of retarded teens. I lurked untll i was 18, why cant the others do the same?
They never articulate themselves well because it's more of a pain in the ass to type on them. More prone to troll and shitpost just to pass time for a few minutes, not looking for any real discussion and not worried about being banned. Also they're normalfags.
Ban cropped pornfags
Ban saucefags
Ban waifu/husbandofags
Ban console war kiddies
Make mobile site read only
Wall off Sup Forums
Which reminds me, I don't know which disturbs me more, the fact that Filthy Frank has fans here or the fact that people here are actually nostalgic for YTP.
user, Sup Forums is filled with people from sites like Reddit, Facebook and Twitter, where they have established communities. If you delete Sup Forums, you don't delete those people. They will still come to Sup Forums to shitpost, the only difference is that they will no longer be able to shitpost on Sup Forums. You describe deleting Sup Forums like removing a wasp nest to get rid of an infestation. It's not that simple.
Know what happened to old yeller?
Remember when Sup Forums blamed Sup Forums?
No more youtubers/e-celeb off topic garbage that sometimes slips the radar of "video game culture" no more.
Shitposting on mobile is incredibly easy
>It's not that simple.
It sends a message if you delete the board. "Fester elsewhere", basically. Sup Forums isn't somehow a special blend of whatever the hell conservatism is nowadays that you can't find elsewhere.