I smashed my thumb in my car door. But this isn't what this the thread is about. It's about this package

I smashed my thumb in my car door. But this isn't what this the thread is about. It's about this package.

how are your toes though? are they alright? can we see them just to make sure?

How is Clarksville?

Man when I was a kid I once got the tip of my pinky stuck between the car door and the frame when it closed. Shit wasn't fun.

i wonder what it smells like haha

It sucks ass to be quite honest with you. Had to move here for work.

Here. In the bath at the moment but next pic is on it's way.

you need to clean them and shave that beard m8

you exactly how i imagined a Sup Forumsirgin autist would

better be something exotic

inb4 nintenshit


>feet touching that nasty silver thing


That's why I'm in the bath.

A married virgin with two children.



Dubu is shit

>hair stuck in the silver part of your tub
Clean it, you disgusting fuck. I have long hair, and don't even have shit like that happen.

being a tryhard and shitposting are aparently the same thing ahahahahahaahahahahahasdfaserfa

It's kinda is. Any guesses?

What the fuck is this shit?

>numale neckbeard
i fucking knew it.

its always those numale faggots make threads like this.

>married virgin with two children
Are they black?



I've been on a long ass vacation and just go home. Give me a minute, would ya?

ew gros thers a har in it

It's too late to get out now.

Man it reminds me of that pic of Anthony Burch wearing a bra.


definitely not a nintendo game for wii U

I like to imagine that this is what Sup Forums is like when that game they don't like gets good scores.

You got some pretty feminine feet, OP.
Does marriage do that to you?

It's a jackal!
A jackal?
Is it a jackal?
It's a jackal!
A jackal!!!

that's just a normal ring though

You're too kind.

do you have a prince albert?

You just got home and first thing you do is post on Sup Forums


>those tats

Sounds pretty normal to me.

wtf is even happening

That and wearing boots and doing tons of hikes while in the marines for 4 years as well.
Yeah because I checked the mail and I like unboxing shit with fellow virgins.

What the fuck ? DELET

pics of package contents?
also take a pic of you flipping me off to confirm realzies

I want reddit to leave.

If that isn't BotW, fuck you

some guy who wants to troll a wii u game that definitely isn't BOTW

>wii u
Of course

>Wii U
Why am I not surprised
