Just traded my old PS4 for an Xbox One. Recommend any games Sup Forums?
New Xbox one
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>MCC is aight
>Halo 5 is lmao fun but trash
Get sunset overdrive.
Please leave Sup Forums. Your kind is not welcome here.
How come? I would like to discuss recommendations for my gaming console?
Sup Forums really shits on xbone
All of them are playable on a pc. Why would you trade bloodborne machine into nogames machine?
Never seriously played halo. Is the campaign worth it?
rare rapelay
You couldn't have picked a worse the to trade a ps4 for an xbone
Any reason why? It seems like a viable console. I have a PS4 Pro so I thought trading my old one for an Xbox one was a good idea. Was I wrong???
never before have two systems been so samey.
I have a laptop for uni that can barely keep up with Binding of Isaac so pc is out of question until I have a apartment or home.
No for serious tho. Waiting for the gentlemen to get back to me on a meet up spot and then from there I'm heading to Gamestop to see what I could pick up. Should I bail on this deal? And just sell the PS4?
What kind of fucking games do you like?
Sup Forums hates it because it's underpowered compared to the ps4, has few exclusives and those are typically not the games most of Sup Forums plays
Scalebound is coming out soon.
No man. But why would you change it if you're not into halo? The consoles are so alike.
Well I'm over all the fps and open world tropes so I wouldn't mind a plentiful fighting game or a crisp handling side scroller.
Same with Phantom Dust
yeah co-op is top tier
>Sunset overdrive
Game is shit tbhfam
Gears 4 is pretty fun familia
Halo, Titanfall 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Gears of War 4
>Open world
Sunset Overdrive, GTAV, Skyrim, Forza Horizon 3
Killer Instinct, For Honor
Is Dead Rising 3 or 4 worth picking up?
Basically it runs games worse than the ps4 (das3 900p, lower shadows and worse framerate)
All its exclusives are on PC
If you're just going to play call of duty and shit and Xbone is fine
OP, you should get Titanfall 2. Loads of fun. I personally liked it a lot, both campaing and MP.
Forza Horizon. What's the difference between this and regular forza?
3 is good but is kinda worse than 1/2
4 doesn't even feel like dead rising it's basically a zombie sandbox with the odd cut scene and the world feels dead
4 was still fun even though it sucked
Why didn't you wait for the Scorpio?
Feel the sting nigga.
3 is fun and there's a lot of fun stuff to mess around. My biggest complaint is that you can't see the store names unless you're using the companion app so finding things can be annoying.
4 doesn't look great from what I've seen, but I haven't played it.
Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, Killer Instinct, Gigantic, Halo MCC/5, Gears 4, Quantum Break are all good games you can play right now.
Phantom Dust HD, Voodoo Vince HD, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Cities Skylines are all games that will be out sometimes this year.
Sunset Overdrive, Gears of war 4, Ori and the Blind Forest, Rare Replay, The Halo games and the Forza games
That's pretty much it
The numbered ones are straight up racing games on tracks. Horizon has free roaming around a large map (with collectibles) and a healthy dose of offroad racing
>forced companion app
When will game companies stop this meme. Jesus Christ, let me play the game itself and not your shitty bug ridden app. Fuck off. God damnit that rustles my jimjams
Regular Froza is Gran Turismo style blandness with """realistic""" physics on """"real"""" tracks.
Horizon 3 is basically like a Japanese arcade racer in open world, but the open world isn't bothersome like Burnout Paradise was it never gets in the way.
Game is like sex for your hands man I'm telling you it just feels so nice to play.
Only if your putting it in the bin, but 3 is really enjoyable if you can find a cheap copy. 4 is so disappointing.
On the subject where the fuck is crackdown 3 and the next fable game? I want my old ips back not what ever the fuck "recore" was
That's the game plan eventually just trade up.
What type of game modes are available in the open world? Just time trials and sprints? Any road raging like BP?
Any game you'd want on the xbox one is on the PS4, nigger.
Unless you want Halo or Forza shit, you fucked up big time.
I think it was more of a victim of being a launch title. They felt the need to put every single new console feature in. Uncharted on the Vita suffered the same fate.
Fable was killed off and Crackdown has been shuffled into a quiet corner
how does backwards compatibility work? Do only certain games get the pass? Or can I pop in any Xbox 360 game?
Pretty much. You'll see other players drivatars (AI equivalents of their skill level) and you can challenge them to impromptu races. But like I said there are also collectibles and cars to find
All kinds of disciplines really, drift challenges and whatnot but you can ignore all that unless you NEED achievements. The online community is chill as fuck and its 100% crossplay between Bone and PC (I play on PC).
Nah, no vehicle combat. Forza: Demolition when.
4 is trash it boring as hell
only certain games. It depends more on the devs that the xbox team.
First it's gotta be on the list, which is quickly going. If you're using a disc the xbox will download the digital copy and then the disc becomes drm.
Sounds good enough. Thank you.
Certification requires the publisher signing off on the game being back.compat. When they give the signal the team usually queues it up to be made back.compat