


Other urls found in this thread:


>w-w-what about adding something original like a female robo-

>literally a spear-chucker
wow, so progressive

>leaving all the referral bullshit in the url

Why do their jaws stick out so far from their faces, like a chimp?

Are they truly humans?

>Spear throwing niglet

This can't be real.

There's literally one black character, and he isn't even from Africa. I'm not seeing a problem. Probably because I don't play this trash.

>Child soldier
>Is African

It is realistic.

Man watching Sup Forums meltdown over this - of all things - is fucking great.

I want more of this shit just so I can hear you faggots cry about it

Blizzard might be secretly red pilled


official thread theme


>Autists think "female" robots can exist

Why would Sup Forums be upset by hilarious unintentional racism? She's literally a fucking spear chucker.

It's literally the same concept as Iron Man's shitty new replacement.

Problem with this game is not enough white people

Like, I know the majority of all human beings are not white, but still, we lead the most advanced countries, we own most the wealth and land, and the least Blizzard can do is acknowledge this achievement and place more white people in the game

>any black character being announced nowadays
>wowowow sjw cuckold libtard agenda pushing much!?!?!?!?

Yes, that jap comicbook invented short black haired peppy girls that put their hands on their hips.

Yeah but who is that

I don't know, but they sure as fuck are upset

>hands on their hips

And between them ;)

>>literal spear chucker
Where are you getting this information from?

in game footage leak from the other thread


>playing overratedwatch

All the New Characters of Overwatch who appeared after launched have been.
>A Dark-Skinned Old Egyptian Woman and Pharah's Mom
>A Dark-Skinned Latino Talon Agent Woman
>A Dark-Skinned African Girl

Who knows, this could be a fakeout on Blizzard's part.

I just want more actually unique and diverse characters. Liberals think diversity means random skin colors, but that isn't actual diversity. It doesn't matter if you have five characters of differing races if they are all similar in disposition.

In a world like Overwatch, things like robots and unique weapons/abilities are what make the characters diverse. I want more robots. I want a character that walks on four legs for example. I want more characters that can fly.

They added characters like Winston and Bastion, and just abandoned it in favor of more generic random humans people are supposed to relate to and draw porn of.

Where are the melee DPS and support characters for example? Granted she could end up having these unique abilities so it makes it better in that case. I'm hoping the theory of her piloting a robot (or manning it remotely) ends up being what they do.

>two male robots exist
>Dude no females allowed lmao

>1 black character

>Blizzard get triggered Sup Forumstards to unintentionally cry about their game

they are cute

Bastion is actually a girl


Are you referring to Winston or am I missing one?

>i dont play this trash
>but i know the characters
>and i care enough to post in this thread about something i dont play

Good news, the new hero isn't this. It'll likely be a female robot as mentioned in this leak that already predicted alot of stuff that came true. They also even leaked the fact that blizz would release a tease with this Efi character.

I really don't get how anyone would think blizz would let you shoot and kill an 11 year old girl or that they'd even reveal a new character in such a non-chalant way like this. This is obviously a teaser to the next hero and not a reveal.

> Overwatch is introducing a LOLI character now
can't wait for the porn

Reaper is black
I mean, under the clothes

Around 40% of the characters are already female, this reeks of either waifu pandering or progressive virtue signaling on Blizzard's part

>but i know the characters
Porn's good desu
>and i care enough to post in this thread about something i don't play
saw people getting triggered and couldn't help myself

Reaper is a spic, he just looks black because
>muh colored lesser humans need to all look like niggers for my progressive brownie points

He's a bean.

It's definitely the former.

I'll say it again. What if the character is actually a robot and she just built him, and this is just for backstory? It even says in the interview she makes robots with AI, it makes more sense.

>this thread is going to be remade all day

good shit

Hey atleast tumblr could take a joke

Reaper must be pretty strong. Even one of those guns would be hard to aim quickly with two arms, they're huge.

He looks pretty black actually. Or at least mixed.

>yfw virtue-signalling autists are going to shit it up every single time someone says nigger and people are going to act like they're from Sup Forums just to collect (you)s and people are going to act like they're from tumblr just to collect (you)s

>atleast tumblr could take a joke

People still play this shit game?

It's sad to see that Paladins the free Overwatch have more regular real updates with new champions than Overwatch which is a paid Blizzard game. How are you guys okay with this? Just play Paladins.

I thought so too at first, but Ana, Zarya, and this new character don't really look like waifu material

Porn when

He does look light skinted, but he's just a shade of brown, and with the last name Reyes, he's of Spanish decent without question.

Please note how tumblr artists always try to make whites, spics, asians, ect. look black by giving them features such as ape-jaws and nigger-noses. Diversity = more blacks. They legitimately believe spics and Asians who don't fall into their disgusting pile of support for disfigured fat retarded black women are white supremacists.

Two characters in an entire year is pathetic. I think Blizzard never planned to actually put much effort into Overwatch post launch. They want to keep it free by putting minimal effort into it so that the people who spend real money on loot boxes can keep them making a profit on the game

>still playing Overwatch

Sombra, Symmetra, Lucio, Winston, Reaeper, Junkrat.

Good going blizzard, we need more diversityt

Reminder she comes from this tribe of retards


lol i stand corrected, why do White alt-righters feel threatened when blacks aren't being criminals most of the time?

You mean in fiction? Go back to reading Harry Potter.

is this bait or a joke i dont get it



>it's another Sup Forums sees a brown person in a video game and feels racially persecuted episode

Stop posting that, no one cares about your favorite taiwanese porn comic from the 90s,

I really don't give a crap one way or the other, when the FUCK are they nerfing that fat piece of shit Roadhog?

Fucking this. Why can't she be a cutie. Is bliz afraid if they make attractive characters there will be too much porn?

> Overwatch has 9 white playable characters in a roster of 23
> All of them are either super intelligent or highly competent bad assess
> 7 of the 9 are morally righteous and decent people
> The 2 that aren't have the excuse of being brainwashed and raised in an irradiated hellzone

> One little black girl shows up and seems to be nice and smart
> Likely won't even be playable
> Sup Forums loses their shit all day

You faggots deserve every negative video game experience you get until the end of time.I hope they make a trans planetkin character who fights with the power of free bleeding just to spite you.

Never because their head-kike mains him.

why the FUCK do they always need to add minorities into everything? holy fuck



that black loli is fine to me, waiting for nsfw

Next patch actually

Isn't she from Africa, not America? She's a majority then.

I wonder if you'll be saying that when white people are the minority in america. In less than 50 years.

>In a game of 23 characters from all over the world, 10 of them are white
>Add second black person in game
As a white person, I truly understand what it feels like to be subjected to genocide, now. This experience of seeing two black people in a video game really opened my eyes to the realities of anti-white persecution.

you sure put a lot of effort into that post
have a (You)

shadbase will deliver,

>attractive characters

I bet you come from that den of SJWs known as Sup Forums. Sup Forums has always been a tolerant playground of delicate baby-faced people of color and that kind of intolerance just isn't acceptable here.
I suggest you follow the rules otherwise they'll ban your linked facebook account.

I fucking hope so, else they should give every character an instant kill button. Sheesh.

Overwatch is their propaganda machine, thats why the game is very casual, they try to spread their bullshit has many they can, including the fact that they aggressively marketeer their game to the sky, they dont need to pull updates, that isnt the game is about

>implying Dudley isn't Indian


This videogame is all I have. All *we* have. And instead of playing it, I'm going to spend a long night on Sup Forums letting everyone know how disappointed I am in Blizzard.


Time to burn it all down.

Now the hook puts you in not lethal distance (unless you are tracer)


>People crying about different nationalities and ethnicities being implemented

You know this game is about people from all around the world banding together under the flag of Overwatch, right?

o-oh yeah tribe of retards...

Because it's a game about international heroes. Technically they're not minorities because the game takes place on a global scale.

The best propaganda is that in which the agenda is almost undetectable to unattuned eyes, goy.

>wanting to fuck a retard

>11 years old

Sure thing.

That sounds reasonable.


Can't wait to play her and spam WE WUZ in chat

>*Autistic Screeching*