His mom's death really affected his mental health

His mom's death really affected his mental health

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Guillermo del Toro has brainwashed Kojima against Trump







>someone believing something I don't is brainwash
classical Sup Forums...

Kojima has always been a hippy faggot. Literally all of his games are anti-war, pro-gaysex.

>the Pale Man represents all institutional evil feeding on the helpless
t. pale man

Literally nothing wrong with that.

Exactly. He always an SJW cuck, we just never saw it because LOL JAPAN SO QUIRK HAHA. Well fuck Japan, they're done.

So glad I dropped this fucking idiot prior to the release of MGSV. He can go fuck himself. FUkcing hack.

Gay acceptance is detrimental to society.

>make games warning of the woes and misery that comes with large amounts of nationalism

One more reason to ignore Death Stranding. I can't believe liberalism in infecting the japs as well.

>He says as he continues to live in one of the most misogynist countries in the world

>literally nothing wrong with that
literally everything is wrong with that. Homosexuals are disgusting vermin

>yfw you lived long enough to see Sup Forums turn on Gabe
>yfw you lived long enough to see Sup Forums turn on Kojima

Hacks getting exposed left and right.

>wrote MGS4, MGSV, Peace Walker
>complete hack hippy cuck
>couldn't see a minute into the future

>wrote MGS1, MGS2, MGS3
>proud and unabashed Trump supporter
>Japanese nationalist
>seen decades into the future

It's been happening for at least the past 10 years dude. Definelty at least at the start of this decade. Japan isn't the weeb paradise where women roll over backwards for you. They are taught in HS and definitely college to be "strong and independent" and how men are the causes for evil in the world.

He's only "our guy" when he chimes in on a type of hivemind that's relevant to our interests at the time. Once he strays away, he becomes a target for the usual ridicule and shitposting, it's how Sup Forums, NeoGAF, Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr works.

This response was meant for a Jim Sterling thread but the mods deleted it before I got a chance to post

To be fair things really are chaotic over here, no matter which side of the spectrum you're on. I wouldn't want to get involved in this mess either.

>browses Sup Forums
>claims not to be gay
I have some bad news, lad.


Fuck me this board is unintelligent.

Fucking yakuza killing one of the greatest game creators.

why would he care, his games fits perfectly the current climate.

I'm Fairly certain a majority of it is ironic shitposting, but I'm sure a few of those posters are actually being genuine and not rusing for (YOU)'s

this board sucks

I hope you don't actually think this.

How have you r/TheDonald faggots still not realized that literally every well respected person hating Trump might mean he's actually a bad person

Why are you Americans so fucking stupid?

He's been shitting on you and your government for his entire career and you faggots still buy more of his shit than the rest of the world.

Faggots disgust me, yes.

Feel free to leave anytime.

>we just never saw it


why do conservatives get so consistently angry and surprised every single time they find out a creator they like might have different political views than them

you stupid fucks (not just conservatives, everyone who does this) need to stop treating these people like they're your friends and that you're like-minded just because you enjoyed something they made.

Creators of art and entertainment are overwhelmingly liberal in Japan just like in the west, this is a surprise to people?

Fukushima reeled in Kojima's hackiness. Without Fukushima there was no one there to tell Kojima his ideas were stupid and shitty; instead the exact opposite happened with everyone praising him for being incompetent and biting off more than he could chew time and time again.

I have no pity for him over his mom's death. Hope this fag follows suit.

>people that support Trump are Nazis
>people that don't agree with Trump are left minded cucks

Check the game credits CTR

You sound like a fucking psuedo intellectual cunt. The ending was about how SJWs create safe spaces and hugboxes, censoring opposition to their retarded arguments by controlling information and therefore brainwashing the public to their shitty libtard ideology. Stop being a fucking hipster pretending that the ending was actually about "a rejection of oppression of transexual muslim queers by the evils of patriarchy", or whatever the fuck you're about to write.

Kojima is a very liberal guy (hates the ruling party in Japan) but Fukishima seems to be extremely conservative

It's not just that he's a hippy or has that kind of mindset. It's just that he's as brainwashed as every other fuck out there who watches fake news on Trump. He acts like he's a dangerous guy who is out to burn the world. I'd like to know exactly why kojima is afraid of Trump.

>the social elite in their ivory towers hate trump

Hmm....you know...that really...causes my...what do they call it? Ah yes...my noodle...to stretch.

The right is literally trying to take away rights

Theres a difference between not caring about being super political correct and being a fucking manchild who supports the Alt-Right


>I thought Kojima was /our/ guy?
nearly every game he's ever made has revolved around the evils of the military-industrial complex, with some environmentalist seasoning. most of his villains are based on the ultra-conservative madman antagonists from anti-war films.

it takes some weapons grade delusions to think Kojima was on Sup Forums's

>browses Sup Forums
>claims not to be Sup Forums
I have some bad news, lad

Why is Guillermo like this now

not an argument

>implying anyone who is actually respected has heard of this wannabe movie director

So this is what happens when you spend a lot of time with del Soros and jewllywood?

wtf I hate Kojima now

Kojima is literally a child of the 60's/70's and a total westaboo. He is literally a hippy.


>yfw the nazi's were really the good guys

>deporting illegal immigrants who break the law


We are in the middle of a culture war right now. Everyone is on one of two sides - the side that is plotting to destroy western civilization, or the side that's trying to save it. If you're against the savior's side, you're trying to destroy our civilization. It's that fucking simple.

>thinking americas political problems are a simple left/right paradigm

tumblr and Sup Forums are both examples of insulated communities that thrive on passing around halftruths altered to suit their worldview.

> He acts like he's a dangerous guy who is out to burn the world.

Have you seen his tweets about Iran?
He also doesn't seem to like Russia thought that surprised me.

>He's STILL falling for the "b-based Trump is fighting for the everyman!" meme

he's a Mexican

even when his own father was held for ransom by a drug cartel and he now fears ever setting foot again in Mexico he still feels obligated to hate Trump for daring to speak the truth about Mexico

Kojima has ALWAYS been highly critical of American government and politics regardless of who is in power, have you ever actually paid attention to the messages in his games?

I can't believe someone can honestly be this retarded and lacking in self awareness.

Are you 16? You're 16 right?

SJWs weren't even a thing when that game came out.

I don't think he wants to burn the world, I just think he's wildly incompetent.


btw why don't girls like me

Can't see anything wrong with what he's saying but then again if you don't agree 100% with Sup Forums you'll trigger their autism and become a irredeemable piece of shit.

OK, now compare that to Obama who has constantly bombed Syria since 2013 or so, let Russia annex Crimea, and toppled the Libyan and Egyptian government.

This might have been true at one time but if you aren't spreading your wifes sons boipussy to take poz loads from Jarrel and "the boys" you are now promoting far right Christian terrorism.

Wrong. Sup Forums is the only board on this site that presents the WHOLE UNDILUTED TRUTH, because they aren't scared of offending some triggered libcucks with "politically incorrect" FACTS

gated communities fostered by modern technology were though.

Probably because you're a beta numale cuck

When are you naive retards going to realize he doesn't give a shit about the common man in his own ivory tower? Trump is the same as the rest, he's just virtuoso at playing a crowd. Can't wait for his dumbass poo in the loo to take away net neutrality "for the good of the people".


Told you faggots.

Goddamn death stranding is going to be so good


SJWs have always been a thing. Feminism existed since the 60s. Cuckoldry is an age old fetish.

Not a fucking argument, triggered hipster cuck

stay woke my dude

kid, let us know when your balls drop.

Jewllywood speechs hyped his arrogance into forget our country and call mexicans to come to usa is better than fix all what is wrong in our country but whe dont give a shit about him anymore

Can you explain to me why Trump is good without comparing him to another candidate?

If you want to play games like that, Trump's party was guilty of the Iraq war and the 2008 recession, the former of which was one of the big parts of why Europe is in the state that it's in now.

What makes you think Trump is going to bring world peace?

You mean SJW trash that gets 10/10s because it adheres to their agendas

if you think that hacking and burning away at western civilization is the key to saving it you're just as bad as the left.

You're absolutely right there's a culture war, and it's between two groups of extremists who are doing everything they can to radicalize sane people to their side. For every bluehaired commie in horn-rimmed glasses firebombing trash-cans and blaming everything on white men you have some MAGA hat-wearing idiot frogposter spreading "ironic" racist bullshit and complaining about Jews.

You're both a cancer, and I seriously hope this culture war becomes a real one so I can watch the faggot antifas with their poles and bandana masks fighting with you katana-brandishing lardasses.

Both of you need to fuck off into the goddamn ocean and do something of value like feed the fish.

My previously submitted PaRapper the Rapper "Master Onion A-La Mode" Video is among the TOP TEN to win the GRAND PRIZE.

AAARRRGGGHHH!!! That stupid, no-good ADAM STACKHOUSE won the trip!!! He had MUSIC and MORE THAN ONE PERSON IN HIS VIDEO, which were in VIOLATION OF THE OFFICIAL RULES!!!!!! Three other videos out of the remaining nine: APRELEWSKY, BRUDELL AND SURYABUCHWALD, ALL VIOLATED THE OFFICIAL RULES AS WELL! THOSE SEVEN PEOPLE OF THOSE FOUR VIDEOS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED, PERIOD!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo ANGRY of the fact that the Playstation company and their Promotional

Associates WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO BRING THOSE VIOLATORS TO JUSTICE!!!! Go to us.playstation.com/, and register the complaint, in addition to my own, through their "Contact Us" link. So that SWORN ON MY AUTISM, JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED TO THE SEVEN PEOPLE OF THOSE FOUR VIDEOS!!!!

Nah it's cos they don't recognise the fact that Hitler was good actually for some reason (they get mad when I try explaining to them? women, right?)


> muh muh not an argument meme
You don't deserve the right for an actual debate, you sheltered faggot.

go back to your containment board idiot.

I haven't been here since november when Sup Forums overtook the whole site. Good to know it's even more cancerous than it used to be

He just wants to do what's right for democracy by strengthening the powers of the executive branch to a degree even Jefferson and John Quincy Adams never dared to, but the media won't stop pointing out the terror attacks that never happened and disorganized state of the White House. Sad!

>guy literally used a song that commemorated anarchists in his game
>surprised he doesn't share Sup Forums's worldview

You sound triggered.


>bad person
hes just stupid as fuck

>The ending was about how SJWs create safe spaces and hugboxes
Not really, it was criticizing how Japanese internet culture was, now most of Sup Forums and sites like tumblr behave like this

not an argument

> I I I was only pretending to be retarded

nice try polboy, now pls go back to your afternoon cartoons.

>Can you explain to me why Trump is good without comparing him to another candidate?

Why? Are you getting triggered by me pointing out a double standard. Also Trump isn't a Republican you fucking idiot. If he was half or almost more than half of that party wouldn't be trying to impeach him like the Democrats

Soon you won't have the right to exist outside of a concentration camp you triggered cuck. The day of the rope is coming for you triggered nu males

Please don't post paedophiles

I doubt you can do anything from inside mommy's basement, edgy teen that you are.

Come fight me 1on1 tough guy see what happens

>Want to look at both sides and come to an unbiased conclusion based on using a combination of ideals
>lefties/nazis get mad that you dont blindly want to let immigrants flood into the country like Germany or literally be white supremacists

And im sure someone will reply to this with the muh horseshoe theory strawman