Notice anything wrong with this picture?

Notice anything wrong with this picture?

The guy wearing spats.

if SJW's touch my monster hunter I'm columbining the nearest liberal arts college

>cant have a cool, fully armored female character
>cant have a guy running around in a banana hammock made from the corpse of a giant tiger dinosaur with wings

there's no justice in this world

What do you mean, fag? Female characters have armor sets that are fully covered, and males have revealing outfits.

this post was a joke btw fbi pls no bully

not for the monsters I like

that's just literally not true, there are examples of both for each gender within the series

cherrypick harder

If they make a Switch Monster Hunter I will buy a Switch

>almost every female armor has to expose the face

and if they make a ps4 mh?

i bought a 3ds and a wii for mh, the switch wont be enough for me not to buy the new mh

they're not awoo'ing

guys can wear spats too

They're wearing Zinogre gear, which is the worst monster.


Yeah this is a big problem, maybe the biggest problem with monster hunter. I want the option for heavy, medium, or light versions of armor. Usually the gunner's set is lighter but I don't want to be forced into it to look good. It's bad enough that if I want to look good it means passing over useful skills unless I spend 200 hours accessory hunting.

if all the girls had full armor they might as well just have identical armor to males, then there would be no point in even selecting a gender

gender is monhun is literally just a choice between playing a mech or playing waifubait. and there is nothing wrong with having that option.
someone choosing to play looking like shit in the female armor doesn't effect how cool i get to look, but they should always have that choice if thats what they enjoy.

what set is slutty on a dude and gundam on a girl?

Yeah, someone wasted resources and manpower making a custom female armor set instead of scraping the idea of a playable female PC like they should. Women have no place in hunting, especially in such a hyperlethal environment.

Girl has her ass conveniently uncovered for easy fucking.

Those hunters don't even have weapons.

This is what annoys me

Female hunters are butterfaces anyway

capcom did a good enough job ruining MH

what's wrong with zinogre?

That's not a girl (male) on the left.

>LR Armor; well balanced combination of metals/alloys and monster parts, nearly every set looks both fashionable and functional
>HR armor; Almost entirely made of monster parts, slightly more flashy than LR but still sensible

I wish literally anyone else but Capcom had MH.

Except the girls have fridge bodies and butterfaces so it's not even good waifubait.

Of course, female hunters tits aren't nearly big enough. I want to play a Huntress with some fat, saggy titties.

Too much clothes on the left.
I can't even see her panties

>Male has armor covering everything
I fucking hate this. Why do men have to wear burka's in every game because of "muh bare skin". I swear, game devs are so insecure about they're sexuality. fucking faggots

How can the one on the right move fast enough to fight giant monsters with all that bulky armor on?

Left is doing it right, still a little too much, low mobility would be death.

>(゚ 3゚) Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT

main reason i love the rathian armor is because it still stays pretty tame and actually looking like a suit of armor.
wish more of the sets took this approach

The problem is glaring.
They're using the less cool set.

if anything monster hunter has the opposite problem

female characters can get sexy armors, funny ones, cute ones, legit cool looking ones

meanwhile every male armor is buff mclargehuge

Zinogre hunter is cute! Cute!

It's pretty silly. Lot's of third person games intentionally snap the camera above the waist and awkwardly maneuver it when zooming in so you don't accidentally see manbutt.

>Sexualizing anything other than fully-armored hunters or the true sexual focus of the series
Females can have whatever armor capcom wants them to, anyone who plays them is a shitter 90% of the time anyways.

what the fuck is the armor on the left?

It looks like FFXIV Dragoon artifact armor

the real problem is they haven't added transmogging yet

everyone gets to look styling, the the devs get to pad out the game by making everyone grind for extra materials for transmog

its a win win really

the textures look horrible. Zinogre gear looked better in P3rd HD

What game is this? Why are the graphics so good? They look nothing like this on my 3DS?

bug armor

Read the filename, faggot.

I want to be the mecha.

The female character looks pregnant, so there's that.

thicc hunter belly

>male gets to be a cool mecha
>female gets dumb dragon dildo hat and half an armor set

can someone please explain to me why fucking anyone plays females in these games?

No, I want people to wear what they hunt.

Transmog is fucking cancer. The real problem is that armor hasn't been reworked yet, it should work like pinecones weapons in that each set grants a unique special ability and all other skills comes just from gems, so you can use sets from LR to G rank by upgrading them.

It's the Aelucanth armor set from MH:3U

It's not Stygian Zinogre's armor

>"We want the Dark Souls audience."

Has shitty ass attacks, has to charge up for lightning moves.

What's worse is it's the Seltas QUEEN set and the male looks more imposing even though that's literally the opposite case for the monster it's based on.

So people can keep drawing the same shitty kirinslut being violated by giggi/khezu doujins over and over forever.

If they did they wouldn't have made it shit.

Why even bother making a female model? They don't belong in a game like this

female get Jehuty in G-rank so it balances out

MH armor is best when its simple

>having to deal with all these early gen shit tier monsters and missing out on monsters like Agnaktor
I dont give a shit what Sup Forums says, 3U was the best MH game by miles even with its shitty water combat.

Getting this in 140s version was the single most grindy thing I have ever attempted, some 100 hours and I still didnt have a set.

Gen 3 has some of my favourite armor designs


Keep your gayness away from me

you just ain't looking hard enough, females have loads of 10/10 armor designs

Doesn't one of the Nerscylla sets have some resemblances to Anubis?


I like this armor set.

Saying 'no' to pointless arbitrary pointless inclusion of women is not gay.

What is this pose trying to convey?

Yeah, it's pretty gay.

Women in this game are as arbitrary as the men. The characters should just be mindless robots that armor is built on top of. Gender is irrelevant.

>female Gore was ALMOST Berserker Armor at one point
the biggest fuck up right here

INB4 "The game's primary audience is straight men, therefore it's ok for women to look sexy"
I'm a straight man, and I think she looks silly. dumb pose, dumb armor.

Fapping to traps doesn't make you straight user

>female G Pink Rathian gets M Bison
>male gets generic knight armor

This pissed me off so much when I found out. The High Rank Pink Rathian armor is baller though.

Illustrations III is out? Awesome! How long until it comes to America?

anger because he forgot his textures in the last loading zone

But I think traps are gross. All the negative personality traits you see from attention whores, without actually being women. Waste of human beings.

Any link to neogaf threads on this matter? I'm imagining there's quite a bit of butthurt

it's in the pastebin

He can't beat it

pure furrybait

Why doesn't Capcom just give you the option to choose between male or female armor regardless of your character's gender?

They're not on PC.

garbage fight and a complete insult to flagships until they gave it a proper moveset in 4

hurr durr

She's not real and riding my dick like she wanted to ground my pelvis into a fine dust.

monster hunter lead dev pretty much said never ever to sony after fucking them over with TRI advertising and servers, and now just give them the leftovers

dude that girl in pic related looks adorable

Bone armor for males, Seltas X on Female.

I find it kind of bizarre that straight men would enjoy sex appeal in games for the sake of arousal. Like, can't you just separate your game experience from your sex drive?
As a gay male, I don't necessarily want hot male characters, or male characters designed to appeal to my sexuality.
That sort of thing kind of just betrays the whole design "core" of the game.
Like, character design, at least imo, should be completely dictated by what the designers and artists envision, and what they want, what their purpose for the game is. You know? To add in design aspects, just to cater to sexuality/sexual urges, to me, is totally ingenuine.
That does not mean, however, that I dislike sexualised characters, who for the record tend to be some of my favorites (e.g Bayonetta).

Nope. The girl looks cute and the guy looks cool. Just the way I like my monster hunter.

>Why do men have to wear burka's in every game because of "muh bare skin".
Because fags don't matter.

We got the first two brought over so there's a strong possibility of getting the third book.

Here's a better idea, the ability to choose between High Rank or G Rank armor after a certain point.

Female armor should have more exposed armpits.

tfw you will never lick her sweaty armpits after a long hunt.

That's because gay men's sexuality is actually closer to that of a woman than another man.

Generally men have a strong sex drive and are instantly attracted to things with attractive women.


because they haven't gotten the clue that the games don't need a main character. Seriously, why can't they just let us have a custom Guild where we hire different hunters? They already took the step with letting us do it with cats which are now a playable race

Yes, and?

I can't tell what any of these armors are supposed to look like because the 3DS resolution is fucking garbage.

>left probably isn't wearing any panties