>it's zelda but open world :DDD
Who the fuck cares?
It's zelda but open world :DDD
I wouldn't care if it was a game that took place on the moon. I care because it's a Zelda game and I've been playing and enjoying them for thirty years.
Who the fuck cares about your question?
>open world meme
>30 fps
Are you on the spectrum?
im so happy when the games finally leaks i will be too busy playing to even see the following weeks of mad shitposting :)
The fanboy doth protest too much, methinks.
nice try shill
Open world is cancer but I still have high hopes for BOTW
Every single fucking normie with any interest in video games. Do you live under a rock? This game will probably turn a profit off of sales to the "gamer gurlz" alone.
Don't act as though Sup Forums isn't hyped about the game. Only shitposters and people taking bait think otherwise
>Do you live under a rock?
Sorry drone, "normies" don't really give a fuck about Nintendo. Spend more time outside of your echo chamber here on Sup Forums.
Haven't given a single fuck about Zelda since ALttP when I was like 5, but I like Dragons Dogma, and this looks closer to something like that then regular open meme shit, so I might pick up a used WiiU or emulate it.
>Its a video game but with more graphics :D
To have to ask that at all shows how out of touch you and everyone who agrees with you are.
I'm not really hyped for it. The best parts of Zelda are the dungeons, but in the new one they're just little mini dungeons separated by tons empty space.
You do, apparently.
>being hyped for nuzelda
>not being underage
choose one.
I'm hyped for this, for sure. Looks super fun, and am excited to see what physics they've added, and having fun doing weird things, maybe make some Rube Goldbergian ways of killing moblins in camp a few times. Also looking forward to HZD and N:A, which will sadly come first, because I didn't pre-order a switch =(
Doesn't bother me
Literally millions of people care and if you can't accept that, you're literally in denial. Then again, this is Sup Forums and the internet, a place where only you matter, you selfish fuck.
Zelda is entry level reddit-core
You, just enough to make a thread about it
>But it's good like it used to be
Wake me when this happens
The only way you would k ow this is if....you are an entry-level Redditor
>it's zelda 1 but linear :DDD
Oh look, a memeing faggot who thinks he's clever and original.
>Who cares?
>game is sold out
Good question you got there.
A lot of people apparently.
Thing is, that's not news. The first game was open-world. ALBW was sort of open-world after you reach Lorule. You're stating the obvious here.