>E3 2018
>CAPCOM logo.
>Fade to black.
>Samanosuke Akechi appears on screen.
>E3 2018
>CAPCOM logo.
>Fade to black.
>Samanosuke Akechi appears on screen.
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how would the gameplay be like?
>how would the gameplay be like?
Exactly like the first Demon Siege.
Onimusha 3 was and is fucking incredible.
It'll get panned by retards who don't like tank controls, but the fans will love it. Hardcore gamers will ensure it sells like fire and gets a sequel.
They could just basically do 3 again and I'd honestly be fine. Or 2. Or any one that isn't 4.
Or, alternatively, Nioh 2.0.
Dawn of Dreams is alright. It's really only bad if you're fresh off Demon Siege and want more.
Samanosuke is a bitch. Jubei is way better
Onimusha 2 was a huge letdown after playing Warlords, just like Dawn of Dreams after Demon Siege.
I'm gonna give it a fair shot soon. I know it's good. I just need to be in the right frame of mind.
Dawn on Dreams was a game that wasn't needed or wanted
>tfw we will never get a PC remaster of Onimusha 1-4
Onimusha 1 and 3 on PC are terrible ports.
For every good port Capcom did like Devil May Cry 3 and 4 we get really awful ones like these.
Wait, I thought Demon Siege abandoned tank controls?
>post yfw Ninja Theory logo at the end of the trailer
Wait, kinda.
Actually, I'm wrong. It was a mix.
Fixed camera, analog controls.
DMC3 is complete shit but 4 is black magic user
One of the smoothest games to run on a budget build I've ever seen
>this gets a sequel
just give me a mother fucking onimusha game okay? I finished nioh and liked it but all it made me want was another onimusha. Which reminds me I should try finishing dawn of dreams. I always hit this wall that makes me stop.
I thought I liked Onimusha because I had good memories of playing the first game at a friends house. Then I got to actually sit down & play it to the end a couple months ago and it was just OK, then the games became less fun & interesting with each sequel I played. Why did they rehash the areas from Warlords in the sequel? I raged hard.
I legit think CAPCOM should use Nioh as inspiration for an Onimusha reboot.
The gameplay would fit like a fucking glove.
Warlords is still good.
Demon Siege is still great.
Shit taste?
Onimusha 2 was my favourite, I loved how much replayability the branching paths, secrets and extra characters added.
I know. I've heard great things.
I was so fucking crushed, though.
Warlords and Demon Siege is all I want out of Onimusha.
>let's make onimusha
>except it doesn't play like onimusha at all
You wouldn't be calling DMC3's special edition port shit if you have played Onimusha 3's port.
You can actually get it to work. I've managed it before.
And then you woke up from that dream...
How hyped were you when this intro dropped on GameTrailers back in 2004?
This intro was the epitome of sick.
You gotta modernize shit. CAPCOM's never, ever, ever going to go for a true to its roots Onimusha reboot. Ever. Not even if we got a million fags to sign a petition.
Still one of the best intros ive seen to a game.
I hope they just make spiritual successors to onimushas rather than sequels. Its better to have a series die with dignity.
Onimusha cinematics were always godlike.
this shit blew my fucking mind. I would just afk in the start menu and watch it over and over
From 2:30 onwards especially is amazing
oh yea I beat the unmodded version of 3 with a keyboard many many years ago in highschool on some junker machine
although it was ubisoft who actually did the port job wasnt it?
Its great with the styleswitcher mod though but I havent touched onimusha and it makes me scared to think how much worse it can be
I would covertly kill one hundred people to go back in time and be a kid again.
I will never be as happy as I was as a kid on my way home from the mall with a new PS2 game.
recently just finished replaying onimusha 2 fucking great game. man I wouldn't even mind going through them all again.
>Genma Onimusha HD never
>you will never go back in time where you played all the Onimushas, MGS3, Shadow of Rome and RE4 with your bro
>It has broken geometry right at the start of the game so all of the water effects look like wireframes. Infact most of the environment textures are broken
>The cutscenes crash the game. You have to literally rename them so they dont work in order to avoid this
>Even after you get past this the game is just flat-out unplayable and constantly crashes.
>The controls are awful ontop.
>Cant save either.
DMC3 is fixable.
Onimusha 3 is unsaveable. Literally.
You would have to have the game's code and report it entirely to make it playable.
>tfw no Onimusha HD collection
>if I want to actually play the games again, I'd have to buy the expensive PS2 versions
TFW no HD version because of actors rights
I recently bought all three to play for the first time. Oni 1 and 2 were 4.99 at a local store, and 3 was like 7.99. Didn't bother with the others.
I just checked amazon and they weren't TOO bad. You got me there, user.
You don't have any sort of store that sells Ps2 games in your town? I live in bumfuck Virginia and we have two retro game stores in town, each with a few hundred five dollar PS2 games a piece. Earlier this year I grabbed the Parasite Eve games from there for ten bucks each.
>He buys used games.
I know you're meming but it's in great condition with case, disc, and manual with no real damage, and it was five bucks. You can pretend to be an elitist all you want but at the end of the day I'm playing one of the best PS2 games, for less than the price of your average lunch.
I'd rather spend sixty and get a sealed copy.
>Dat new game smell.
>tfw I love dawn of dreams as much as demon siege
I really enjoyed that you could play different characters and also coop, Roberto and Tenkai were the shit.
Demon Siege is still GOAT though, and stuff like the dark realm and those god damn issen tutorials are actually challenging.
I love the new game smell too man, but I'm not shelling out 60 bucks just for a momentary smell to accompany a game that's the same quality as a used copy. But more power to ya if you can do that. Either way, Onimusha is great.
will it feature jean reno again?
Onimusha 2 is giving me black screens of death whenever I go into certain areas, always after proceeding through the entrance of a map. I googled it and this is a fairly common problem, anyone know how to fix it? I can hear the music and the ambient sound effects but nothing is happening, and so far the game is fun but this is kind of a deal breaker.
>Either way, Onimusha is great.
It fucking better.
No idea, man. Keep googling.
Might have to buy a new copy.
It's disheartening because it's happening in the gold mind right near the beginning and so far it's really good.