>3 years ago
3 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
>No Sniper dialog
Snipers aren't people persons
Do you guys think TF2 would be a better game if it came to consoles and wasnt F2P? I say consoles because consoles dont have trading, or server browser. It would be nice if you got new weapons by earning them.
>no heavy dialogue
Why did everyone just agree on helping scout try to fuck Ms Pauling?
>TF2 has been free for 5 years.
>Expiration date has been out for 3 years.
>Ashley Burch
Biggest mistake.
Oh I get it. Because it already came to consoles. That's very clever.
it came on console
it would be dead by now
>Do you guys think TF2 would be a better game if it came to consoles
>Do you guys think TF2 would be a better game if it wasn't F2P
>3 years
>We will never get a TF2 animated series.
Shit blows.
It did, and man, is stock only more fun then I thought it would be
>5 years ago
A full SFM series following the entire events of tf2 including the comics would be interesting.
Rumor is that Adult Swim attempted to make one, but backed the fuck out once they realized what "Valve Time" is
Expiration Date is the result of said attempt
I remember them paring up with valve a while back. They had some tf2 commercials on Adult Swim back in 2013
Considering it all, I wonder how the cast of a video game have more compelling and interesting characters than most reality shows.
What is it that makes them such good characters?
>one day in game is one year irl
games dead boys move on
i forgot how good tf2 was this made my day
TF2 has been dead to me ever since f2p
>trading economy is shit
>pyro still worthless
>heavy still a sentry that can get stabbed and headshot
>so many broken and nigh-useless unlocks
>five year old bugs
>pay-to-participate updates
valve is inept. its time to let a third party handle it.
>Love and War was three years ago
Fuck off.
>that Engi's voice
No annoying females
Did his original VA really quit? Because engie was always one of my favorites
Anyone else lose access to competitive because the server fuckup that just happened disabled their mobile link? Or is it just me?
We will, though. After the Gorillaz TV series.
soldiers va also has throat cancer and cant yell in the voice
Let's dispel the fiction that Gabe doesn't know what he's doing, he knows exactly what he's doing. He knows people are going to pay assloads of money to be apart of something that doesn't matter. He also knows that they're going to keep doing it so long as the game exists.
This is why he's more rich than the rest of us, he's absolutely evil.
>fucking nolan north yelling
They should have just recycled audio or not have used that scene at all.
It was extremely fucking jarring.
>game gets worse, items devalue, and less people play equals more money
Fuck off rubio
>This is a bucket.
>Dear God.
>There's more
Trading gave some new life to the game but Valve should never have added in an item shop to the game for real money.
Also F2P was a huge mistake.
goes to show you: delivery is everything
We know the boundaries between each character.
What they like and what they hate about others.
there will never be a multiplayer game as perfect as tf2 again
The secret, among others, is that Tf2 is a buddy buddy cop comedy. Except there's 9 of them instead of 2, and they're mercs instead. They're not trying to force some edgy tragic story about everyone being murdered, and it's not some overly fluffy my little pony garbage (as much as the dumb cosmetics may argue). It's a slick spy thriller type game with that perfect mix of comedic timing and several levels of humor.
What really makes them work is because they're a great example of show, don't tell. The scout is a loudmouth who always runs his mouth, so he should obviously be the fastest. Heavy is the big guy, so he's the slowest, but he's insanely strong, so he's also the most powerful (barring some awkward balance updates that took away some of his umph).
They're perfect videogamey characters because they're not trying to be "artistic" or spew political BS, not unlike Horizon or Uncharted.
It came to consoles, you can still play it vanilla on the consoles.
Turns out that it's fucking dead, who'd have thunk it?
Soldier is amazingly funny
,valve should go ahead with a tf2 movie.
>tfw they all sounded like shit in SaSRT
>even pyro somehow
When was the last time the older VAs recorded new clips for TF2 anyway?
>the optimization is non-existent and the performance has tanked, you can't run this shit on computers that could run it 5 years ago
>there are still massive fucking bugs like long freezeups related to multi-core rendering and other engine issues that other Source games do not have.
>5 years ago
Words couldn't describe how exited I was
last year at the MYM update
game died when new weapons broke the whole point of character classes
They work on a game for 9 years balancing it just to throw all that away, disgusting
>randomly start playing tf2 again
>mfw matchmaking update
I guess another 1000 hrs are coming up for me
>game died when new weapons broke the whole point of character classes
how stock weapons are still best with everything else just being a gimmick, the game would have also died a long time ago if they did literally nothing to it
good thing you were not around for the release of it
it was literally unplayable
also it practically killed off what was left of community servers
no fuck you, the game died when the community turned to shit and all my and your favorite servers ceased to exist
but you do have a point with the demoman
They're really fucking simple. The game itself is so balanced because each character has a specific role on the team, and the personalities then are just extensions of those personalities, with some extra flair added in. Because the game gels together well, the characters gel together well.
>also it practically killed off what was left of community servers
boy I don't miss having ads, a watermark constantly in my screen, and server VIP p2w shit. The only real thing that I would miss would be gimmick servers like all crits or something but I haven't played those in ages
And Gabe Newell still makes a massive fortune off Russians and Chinese players.
>it's been three years since ashley burch ruined miss P forever
>not editing your hosts file to filter out ads
yeah that's why I said what was left
quickplay killed off all the good ones, but to be fair having no madmins, custom sounds, or mods was a huge fucking benefit. Hence is why the community servers fucking died, they failed to adapt.
I would hate to be the person on an alternate reality that was tasked to come up for a concept for TF3. Like seriously what the fuck do you do I would wanna see it just to see the whole stupid market crash completely
how the fuck did they do it? i mean i know in SFM but ive never seen a fan made vid done in SFM have this good animations etc
Inventories are seamlessly ported over to the new game. BUT a day one glitch makes all unusuals lose their unusual quality permanently.
TF2 was a great game until they overcomplicated it.
The "Meet the Team" animations were endearing little gags until they overdid them.
TF2 as a whole is that drawing that you haphazardly sketched up and it was crazy awesome, but then you started thinking too hard and adding small details that made the bigger picture only worse.
Speaking of which why did buds crash so fucking hard I laughed my ass off when I saw that shit be 2 keys after them being like 30 or 40 back when I actually cared about trading
Just update the classes to modern technology/looks is that easy.
you don't need a new game for that though you can just update tf2
He's retired, user
not on this version of source
it's a buggy fucking mess, they need to port it to Source 2
It would literally be Team fortress Source 2 then, they have done it with half life too, it would still be tf2. Also didn't dota 2 change engines at one point too?
Can the market crash already
i'm not that guy you were originally talking to, i'm just pointing out that at this point in time, the current version of Source used in TF2 is beyond repugnant, it almost doesn't work anymore, there are massive fucking bugs related to it that persist, and honestly the only way to save this game long(er) term without making TF3 would be to port it to source 2, like Dota 2. If they can't do that, then at the very least they need to update this version of the source engine.
this is a fucking bizarre untrue thing that has been doing the rounds
he's fucking fine
meet the spy is better than this
How do you know, is he your dad or something
Next year the comic will be done and that will be it, no more tf2 related updates ever again.
Who here remembers playing in the beta?
Best times, epic fucking ubercharge stalemates learning the maps, everyone learning best engy positions, fps performance was top fucking notch, performance never got back to how good it ran during beta for whatever reason
Yes, the hats ruined a perfect art direction, but it was the weapons that broke class roles and balance. In a class based team game.
im curious, what kind of pc do you have that you actually worry about the performance of TF2
give me a fucking source for that throat cancer shit then
>spend fuckloads of time and resources making a mini movie
>wont pay the comparitive pittance to get the original VAs in to do at best 4 lines
God, I hated quitting this game, because seeing moments brings me back to a simpler time when you could respect Valve and the endless hours I drained in this game alone. God, why...
the performance while still decent, is abysmal compared to how it used to be
my friends have toasters, they used to have no issues playing the game, now they have huge issues, it's a fucking joke. I know if I tried to use my old PC I would have an awful framerate now.
not him but 980ti and i7 3770k and I can't get 120 fps on mid settings
Even with a graphics config at dx level 8 at 1080p i still drop to 150
The Solder 'throat cancer' rumor is probably true, his voice sounds strained in the MyM voicelines.
turns out people get older in 10 years
demo/heavy guy doesn't sound the exact same any more either
That's just TFC, though.
Overwatch is the new TF2
shit's a fucking joke, I shouldn't need to play on mixed settings to keep 120 fps on a 1070 i7 4770k on a 10 year old game
>not him but 980ti and i7 3770k and I can't get 120 fps on mid settings
I got a 770 and i5 4430 and get 90 fps on whatevery the highest shit is
Im surprised people still bother buying hats, keys and other shit for this game.
wannabe artist here
i would have felt so fucking sad if I was an artist that worked on tf2 after they just threw out the entire fucking aesthetic they worked so hard on
nah, overwatch is much more objective focused it doesn't really let you fuck around because the maps are very focused on the objective, and so is the player count. Honestly after 100 hrs I have gotten everything I wanted to get out of it.
Yes but aging a few years doesn't really explain away his shouting being so subdued.
Overwatch isn't even a fraction of good as TF2 was
Fucking kill yourself amigo
>TF2 is dead
>Overwatch has already peaked and never even came close to prime TF2
>Nothing will be able to compete with Overwatch
It hurts
OW's shorts are way too Dreamworksy as opposed to Pixary. Too over-animated.
They screwed up balancing a lot pretty early anyway. Adding a million counters to afterburn, to what end?
good news, most of the artists that worked on TF2 for those years including moby franke (francke?) left valve years ago
Overwatch deserved lackluster success
It's a lazily designed game pandering to horny 16 year olds and the cultural issues at the time
It was not a videogame for a gaming's sake unlike TF2
I mean back in beta days, I had an 8800 gtx at the time, game ran 60+ fps 1080p all the time for me, then the fps during firefights dropped a few frames with the offical release and each subsequent update, until finally the game was running around 25-30 fps during all firefights 60+ fps everywhere else. Constantly going from 60 to 30 was annoying as fuck
Hadn't changed my hardware, so I dunno, everyone was complaining every update about performance going downhill anywho on the forums after they updated the beta client
>nerf demoman once
>forums explode in rage and demand they revert it
>they revert it
>but they leave the unasked and undeserved heavy spin-up nerf