Binary Domain only initially sold 20,000 copies in America

>Binary Domain only initially sold 20,000 copies in America

Let's discuss the best game SEGA's ever put out.

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Binary domain was mediocre at best.

>Any last words?
>Yeah, tell yo momma I love her

Combat was shit, but it had some pretty solid writing. Damn shame Sega's never going to make a sequel.

Disregarding the over-critical faggot who said it was mediocore, Binary Domain was a solid 3rd person shooter that had the dismemberment mechanic that made it slightly unique. Other than that, it was a solid tps that people overlooked because they want "the next big thing."

>the best game SEGA's ever put out.
>Not the original Valkyria Chronicles.

I know theupcoming game is gonna be shit because SEGA always makes this mistake, but fuck you for forgetting their actual best game that they never capitalized on.

frenchiebot was best partner

>you still just shoot the head

>Beat thing SEGA has put out
>Vanquish came out a year before
>Bayonetta came out a year before that

They didn't advertise it for shit. I only found out about it because the guy at the gamestop saw me buying Vanquish and said "shit bud have you tried Binary Domain yet".

Don't let fucking Gamestop do your job for you, Sega.

Nah I chose the black guy and the hot Chinese.
>All that charming her actually paid off into a sex scene
That made the game 7/10 instead of a 6

The weirdest thing is, it turns out Alpha Protocol and Binary Domain really were better than Mass Effect in hindsight. Yet AP and BD are dead as shit while Bioware continues shambling along as a reanimated husk powered by an Evil Ancient


What is so good about Alpha Protocol? I kerping putting off buying it because whenever I look at gameplay for it it looks like absolute shit.



Nothing, its as shit as it looks. Dont listen to him.

just how much impact your in-game decisions had on the last chapter was impressive. choices that mattered, whoa.

I wonder what was going through those animators' minds when they thought it would be appropriate to show that to Miyazaki, and then told him that the technology would be good for "zombie games"

I loved Binary Domain, except for that fucking gorilla boss, fuck him and fuck whoever decided he needed to be one of those resilient bosses that doesn't know when to die and keeps coming back.


>Not aiming for the legs of those female ninja robots that loved to do backflips.

It's a game that looks like shit, plays like shit, but accomplishes what Mass Effect couldn't.

Which is your choices actually affecting gameplay.

When you get to that warehouse storage room, the final room where you kill it was a joke. I wanted to get on the big gun and shoot, but I couldnt reload because he'd always go to me. It took about 10 minutes of running away and occasionally taking a few shots before he went for my team mate so I could reload the big gun and kill him

>hey son, whatcha playin?

>recently finished after having it for years
>mfw Faye was hybrid
>mfw Bo crossing me at the end
>mfw using spoiler tags on a last gen game

fucking game was great

>>mfw Bo crossing me at the end
Should have had higher loyalty with him my man.
>tfw got a perfect end with everyone showing up for the finale in my first run without any sort of guide and without that enhancement that raises loyalty gained

How did you not see the Faye thing coming a mile off? Have you not seen a film before?

I don't recall having anyone turn on me during the end.

Or it was non-conflicting disagreement I think.

People were just like "well fuck that shit, I'm out"

Bo was straight up Bro tier, same for frenchie.

>robot dismemberment

Like it matters anyway

>4th rate Gears clone with a dash of anime tier shit irony
>SEGA's best game

I'm saying that it was the easiest way to deal with them when they start doing backflips, just aim along the path they're flipping and you leave them cripple by the time they're done with their routine.

because dan loved her
i thought she was just going to be a hollow child, since they kept hinting at it.

i kept using faye and charlie until i got Cain, then swapped charlie with him. I had full loyalty with cain and he still bitched out on me.

More games need to have that effect where robots getting shot have bits of armour flake off till you can see the circuitry and unprotected parts inside.

>that part where you defend the jap guy from enemies while he takes a shit

>The game's concept is a world where there are robots that think they are people
>Not expecting the protagonist or another main character to be some kind of robot from the start, especially the love interest
>Blade Runner exists

It was silly how they kept talking about Faye as if she was an actual hybrid of sorts, she was just a genetically modified human that was incubated inside a robot.

or just shoot them in the head and let them kill their buddies

i figured it was bo. no human can be that big a bro

It was weird how everyone was against the idea of having sex and having a robot baby with the qt robot azn. I'd be first in line.

>putting smegmaking in your game
>expecting it to sell

I just wanted a romantic relationship with no sex before marriage with the younger girl.

why are british people all cunts

>whole team disapproves

>shit combat
>cornball writing
meh. wasn't this by the vanquish team or something? what happened

So...just like vanquish?

Also it was entirely different teams dude.

Yakuza Team. Little side project they did in a year while the main team was making 5.

boring cover based shooter
no thank you

The game was directed by Daisuke Sato. He used to work under Shinji Mikami.

He doesn't seem to have worked on Vanquish, so how is that relevant?

no vanquishs combat was the star of the show, the standard terrible japanese writing was irrelevent

it's not. but it is all part of segas in-house, so the teams arent entirely clear cut, there's some cross over

That's exactly what a scraphead would say

>Let's discuss the best game SEGA's ever put out.

Sure, we can discuss Chromehounds, though I'm not sure how it relates to your thread.

I'm still mad that the servers were shut down.

>star of the show
More like a slightly more polished Max Payne game with gears cover shooting attached just in case rolling around the stage while you wait for your slow-mo meter to recharge is too exciting for you.
>segas in-house
What? Was P* actually part of sega at some point? I thought sega just published it.

Bo taking the hit for Faye at the very end


they probably showed it to the wrong Miyazaki kek

Is this the designated post games SEGA blundered by not making sequels to?

>severs shut down 7 years ago

Because Shinji Mikami was the director of Vanquish.

The team left Sega almost immediately after release anyway.


I saw it advertised all the time on Adult Swim. It was a really shitty, low budget commercial, but still.

>Still no Madworld sequel

Tell your momma I loved her

its only like 3 bucks on steam, do I pull the trigger?
>servers shut down 7 years ago
feels old man

>feels old man

Chromehounds came out over ten years ago

Do it

>Chromehounds came out over ten years ago

>mfw we'll never have another tactical mech game with tons of customization
>on store page
>theres a demo
wow, can't remember the last time I saw a game had a demo.

gonna give that a go and decide

I want a Chromehounds 2 so bad you wouldn't believe

The goofiest part was treating the eugenically-augmented humans to be robutts, too, and assigned to be assassination targets. Wouldn't it make more sense to forcibly conscript them as super-soldiers? I mean fuck Amida did nothing wrong by trying to augment humanity.

>no chance at chromehounds 2
>from software so caught up in the souls franchise that we might not see another armored core

I swear to fuck.


Fuck off the shooting was satisfying, I wish more games had as reactive bullet impacts as this game. Also the bosses while somewhat mediocre are fun for this same reason. It's really satisfying when every bullet knocks something off a robot.

Would you rather have Chromehounds 2, or have the Chromehounds 1 servers brought back online(and back compat with the xbone)?

>miyazaki wants to do more mecha games
thats good to hear, but at the end of the day the publishers decide what gets funded.

hopefully we get another mecha game with chromehounds / AC levels of customization. literally all I want

chromehounds 2 with a PC release. I don't own the console I played chromehounds on anymore, and I don't have a current gen either.

Chromehounds 3 with the best features of 1 and 2

double down with a Chromehounds sequel for sure.

>12v12 or classic 6v6 multiplayer matches
>more preventative measures to cut down on cheesing multiplayer matches
>maps with random variable weather
>different maps like deserts can have sandstorms, winter levels snowstorms, rain/fog/thunderstorms on regular maps
>environment can have effects on your hound
>cooler levels can reduce your heat signature on your hound when enemies try to use thermals and lower your overheating index
>wind can play a role in how you fight as a heavy gunner, impacting the trajectory of your howitzer rounds
>more customization on individual parts on your hound
>cut down on chickenleg shitters

While Chromehounds multiplayer was good, it sorta died off when people found out the meta and the introduction to xbox live party chat that rendered combas capping worthless

What are you referring to?

>Mfw I streamed this on launch and it was the coolest shit ever.

Its a hidden gem, Id highly recommend it to anyone

It's pretty cool, though I wish you'd have gotten the option to destroy the v2 Hollow Child. Fuck selling out humanity by letting it run around and potentially propagate.

>generic white guy as main character
>"oh boy, this is gonna be bad"
>is actually pretty likeable and has a solid personality and writing
>token negro buff guy as sidekick
>he's actually pretty funny and very likeable as well
>then the French joined my team

I expected absolutely nothing yet I got something made with so much love and charisma, things that are hard to find in a videogame in today's standards


Chromehounds and Ghost Recon were the best multiplayer games on 360 until Halo 3.

I miss being in 8th grade.

They had a major publishing deal or contract with them if I'm not mistaken which is why most if not all of their early works are published by Sega, but they were never a subsidiary of Sega.

It was a 5 game contract.

A pretty cheap PS3 game, nice. Will have to play this.

I think collectors will start to go after copies of these games years from now, if there was such a short print run. Kind of like Yakuza 3 now.

This. I loved how Dan is such a cocky prick. The game has every cliche line it in ever, it feels like an old action buddy movie.

They made 2 sequels. How many sequels do you need to capitalize on it.

Also, Sakura Taisen and Phantasy Star and Panzer Dragoon are all better IPs. I say this while still saying that VC is a really good series.

Sega is pretty great at times.


Love you

Quit messing around, man!

That last boss battle was SWEEEET

>fighting gorilla boss in the warehouse, get downed
>Faye spends about two minutes aimlessly running around, shooting every insignificant enemy on the way
>finally gets close, gorilla immediately runs up to her and ragdolls her across the room, downing her in the process
>pop a health pack
>it leaps onto you and starts doing it's HULK SMASH combo during your healing animation
>get instantly downed on the first frame of being alive

I had tears of rage. It's worse than the fucking tank onslaught at the end of MGSV

One of the few games ive played multiple times, just because its fun and well written. Gameplay is consistently varied thoughout with bosses and travel segments. Seriously though fuck those jetski's.

Mfw Cain comes back, mfw Charlie isn't a prick, mfw the dyke is actually a likable character.

Protip: dont use the voice feature

>get a shotgun
>suddenly flanking robots and blowing them to bits, all while timing my bosonic charges to knock down distant enemies and rack up more close range kills and smashes
>team giving me an overflowing amount of praise and respect
>Yakuza Team doing their usual job of making fun characters and events
>nonstop criticism that it was mediocre
I had more fun with this than any other third person, cover based linear shooter. Sitting back from the action makes the game mediocre, they give you charges for a reason and even on the highest difficulty I manage an active playstyle.

The gorilla boss is the only shitty part. The charge to the final boss with 3 party members was the best part if you actually use the bosonic charges to knock down entire rooms of robots.

"Yeah well you're not bad...FOR A RICE FARMER"

I was surprised by this too, none of the characters were shit, I even liked the strong womyn even though I hate that trope.

I saw it advertised on YouTube; saw how one of the trains was a sega megadrive

>but at the end of the day the publishers decide what gets funded.
It's this kind of enabling why it actually happens
Publishers shouldn't meddle; just market and distribute and let the developers develop, like it used to be

it's on PC, bro

It's currently 3.74 on steam for anyone interested.

cause is bland as fuck