Why do people like this hack again?
His games are pretentious crap, and he himself is full of false found arrogance. The fact some people praise him is sickening.
Why do people like this hack again?
His games are pretentious crap, and he himself is full of false found arrogance. The fact some people praise him is sickening.
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they are fun
Kojima is God... Kojima is God!
other countries will elect our presidents from now on
Mgs 2 was his crown achievement, then he George Lucas'd a bit for 3 but it was still great, then he went FULL George Lucas at 4 but it had a ok social commentary then V was just shit
He disagreed with my political opinion, time to start hating his games
They like him in the same way people like Tommy Wiseau
at least he didn't betray his own fans
>Sup Forums might actually start hating Kojima
Holy fuck how long I have I been on this board? Times have fucking changed.
>mfw Sup Forumsfags went around spamming that speech for years only to learn it was talking about themselves
Kojima is a GENIUS! Hideo is a hack!
Like if you agree
He seems like a dick but I can't deny that MGS 5 was a good game.
Based Texas not watching porn
Yup, really it's about any memetics that are harmful to human growth. So it applies to sjws and Robots alike. Ironically robot9k was designed to ensure original thoughts and filter out the harmful memetics that are born on this website, but now Pepe is every where. It's just as AI colonel said. Their circle jerk leaks out into the greater forum (Facebook, twitter etc) and it creates a culture of shit. It's a war of memetics, it's a true meme war and it has very real consequences.
>apple most searched term is not gay
Yea nah get out with your phony statistics
Sorry, apple users are not degenerates like android users. Just proven fact.
Reddit contributes to the cesspool as much as Tumblr and Sup Forums. All are sources of memetic information that is preventing human growth.
Trump is an Israeli lap dog.
MG2 and MGS2 are two of my favorite games of all time.
How foolish you are. You are being engulfed in "truth". You are a unique snowflake who can do no wrong, just like everyone else. You are just as bad as a Reddit or Tumblr user.
Look, Hideo is a hack.
Kojima, on the other hand, is the brainchild of all the best MGS games.
I don't understand why people think so highly of Kojima pointing out that confirmation bias is a thing and that echo chambers exist in MGS2.
At least MGS3 was a well written story when it ditched the whole DEEPER MEANING bullshit.
What does Sup Forums think about Yano-san?
Will he save Death Stranding?
You're honestly an idiot if you think his games were ever good.
I think MGS2 actually has a better written story. It's just not as well-presented. Raiden is a more interesting character than Naked Snake, and the glimpses of insight we get into his character culminating in the ending's existential declaration are interesting and satisfying. I like MGS3's ending, but The Boss and her relationship with Naked Snake were only interesting insofar as they reflected on his later behavior as "Big Boss." On its own it's not that gripping to me and never has been.
is shinkawa our guy? we should be praising him, not kojimbo the hack
men are cute. CUTE!
Okay, baby girl.
OK kojidrone
No, it's about everyone.
Kojima calls out both the far left and the far right, and people who still think the public has any influence on the government.
Funny because Kojima doesn't consider MGS2 to be anything special.
He said it wasn't any kind of post-modern thing, that it was just a game with a story just interesting enough to make people want to finish the game, inspired by modern events, but sprinkled with japanese stuff and giant robots.
He even said once he thinks Policenauts and Snatcher are his best work, and that MGS are just action blockbusters.
Thinking he made some good games doesn't make me a drone.
Oh I agree policenauts reaches literal autist levels of detail, it's great. But I feel mgs2 reached real world issues better than the amazingly built world of policenauts. Haven't played snatcher unfortunately.
What games of his are good.
I can see why a teenager would like them, but at some point you need to realize that the "super deep political plot" is actually just shallow, incoherent babble. The settings and characters of all of his games are just ripped off of Hollywood movies from the 80s and 90s. The gameplay has always been trash, with mgs5 being the only exception.
Kojima didn't even write that you fucking morons.
Yes he did.
Oh wait, you are one of those Redditors who thinks Mr. Japanese Chernobyl was the Patriots behind MGS.
Then read pic related.
Dude's really humble and chill though
>pose in op's pic
>nah he's humble
What a fucking faggot. What is their to be afraid of? Last I checked Japan and US had a good relationship.
Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2 are my favorites. In terms of narrative they might all be shallow (though on a subcutaneous level MGS2 and MGSV have a sharper sense of theming than the vast majority of video game stories) but I've always appreciated how he's been able to tie his stories into the games. Techno-paranoia existential weirdness is an interesting complement to MGS2's tense, fast-paced sneaking in claustrophobic environments. I've always liked MG's gameplay, though the games after MGS3 don't do as much for me.
Not that it matters what I'll tell you since you're invested in being smug and dismissive anyway. What are your favorite games, user? You know, since you're not a teenager and all?
Not him, but what exactly does that prove? He said he writes everything except some codecs. Doesn't prove that he wrote that one or didn't. But after seeing the quality of writng that dropped after 3 it's safe to assume he's a hack.
He said he helps with the codecs.
Kojima said he writes every single word.
>But after seeing the quality of writng that dropped after 3 it's safe to assume he's a hack.
Probably the fact that Kojima simply didn't want MGS to become this large.
He wants to do different stuff.
In fact, I can safely say that he is never, EVER going to make a sequel ever again since it's obvious that lore is a problem for him.
>But after seeing the quality of writng that dropped after 3 it's safe to assume he's a hack.
Why? MG2 was done without Fukushima. And while that game is sparse in terms of story content it's not that far removed from its sequels in terms of general style in characters and theming.
I think Ghost Babel shows Fukushima was competent and likely had a beneficial influence on Kojima, but I think the reason for the drop in quality in the games after MGS3 stems mainly from weak design choices (which Fukushima never had anything to do with, as far as we know) and the deleterious effect of lingering in a series with all the story wrung out of it already.
I have plenty of favorites, kind of a hard question to answer. What kind of genre are you looking for?
Just in general. Name five to ten that you love and revisit often.