Here I was hoping a game to challenge Ocarina of Time was coming out and they pull this shit

Here I was hoping a game to challenge Ocarina of Time was coming out and they pull this shit.

Not even going to buy it now.


good for you

>implying you were gonna buy it anyway

I was. I haven't played a Zelda game since Wind Waker and was going to buy a switch for this game since it seems to bring Zelda back to its roots.

I am not now. DLC and season passes ruined it for me. Fuck this game.

>its not ok when Nintendo does it

It's not okay when ANY COMPANY DOES IT.

Thank you for the content.

The only Zelda that holds a candle to Ocarina of Time is any of them because OoT is just awful.

Let's give OP a round of applause.

tell me about other games you don't want to play
i'm interested

Thanks for the update, I really wanted to hear all about your opinion.


Princess looks like she has massive cleavage from the thumbnail

Basically just this. Any game with season passes are the worst.

>Basically just this. Any game with season passes are the worst.
Nice job, you contradicted yourself in ONE post.

I don't want to play any game with season passes.

How am I contradicting anything ever?

>haven't played zelda since wind waker

Good riddance then. This game isn't for plebs like you.


>basically JUST this
You're implying this is the only game ever in the world to have a season pass. Surely there are more games out there with season passes you don't want to play?

Ill wait a year to buy it. Hope there's a goty edition


No, I'm saying I JUST don't play any games with season passes.

>$20 worth of DLC made OP decide to not buy a $300 console

Majoras Mask was basically dlc

>optional content ruined it for me

OoT was trash. You already have shit tastes.

Confirmed shill. Any true Zelda fan is buying this regardless of optional content.

Can't lose a sale if they didn't get the sale to being with

nice blog where do i subscribe

Then what do you play? Serious question. Most of the games I seen anymore, obviously excluding indie games, have season passes/DLC of some sort.
Are you fine with DLC as long as you can't buy it all in one season pass?

>optional things ruined it for me

It's DLC that you don't have to buy. It's not DLC you have to get to get the full experience. The game is already complete. It is no big deal, OP.

>locking hard mode behind dlc
fuck nintendo desu

If it's complete then why is there Story DLC?

>Includes hard mode
>includes original story

You totally don't have to get it, guys

DLC 2 pack literally says new story DLC.

You totally don't have to get it, guys

Believe it or not, there are still games without season pass bullshit

>Not even going to buy it now.

You were never going to buy it. Don't lie. This is bait. Congratulations. It worked.

For an hour, people are paying attention and interacting with you. Enjoy it. After it's over you'll go back to being you.

Because it's not made yet

I know, my point is you DO have to get it for a full experience. It raises the price of the game. Zelda is now $80

Believe it or not, some games with DLC are still great and 10/10

I can a very long list of games that are like that

Fuck you. I WAS going to buy it. I was literalyl going to buy the switch for this game because I was so in love with Ocarina of Time and this game seems to be as good as it.

Now, that the Season Pass DLC has been revealed. I will NOT buy this game or the switch.

Again they didn't lose the sale since you never done it.

You haven't shown even a lazy pre-order edit.

No one has any reason to believe a baiter like you.

Nothing wrong with well executed DLC. The Mario Kart 8 DLC was fantastic as well. Whatever, your loss.

>"New original story"
It's an added story. Like a Disney movie and its DVD sequel. It does fine by itself and the extra story is not needed.

I don't necessarily have a problem with DLC, I just wish people didn't label it as optional. If it contains anything other than cosmetic stuff, it's required and raises the cost of the game.

>Again they didn't lose the sale since you never done it.

The same rational people who pirate video games use. Lazy.

Keeping the Cave of Trials out is all the clue I need.

This is simply false

Fuck off drone.
When is Hiro going to make a containment board for you insufferable cunts?

How so?

Yeah that shit is the final nail in the coffin. It should be a special gift given to players who want a challenge, not kept as an optional thing that we have to shell out money for. Like really, why should we pay for more difficulty?

Witcher 3 is literally the only example in the last 10 years of well executed DLC.

>Fuck you. I WAS going to buy it.

You can keep saying it, but nobody believes you. Sorry kid.

Literally nothing wrong with pirates.
If anything it helps the industry.

A company has every right to continue to make content for a game after its been finalized, as long as it isn't on the disc they have the right to charge for it too.
It's called capitalism.

stop shilling witcher 3. it isnt good.

You have a complete game with a complete story. If extra content is added later on it doesn't retroactively make the game incomplete. It is just that, EXTRA.

I keep saying the truth yet no one believes me. Should I stop saying the truth? No.

I say fuck you and continue to say the truth.

>a difficulty level is DLC


If the game is complete, then why the extra content that advertises an new dungeon, new mode, and more story? Why werent this extra content included in the complete game? What if the consumer feels the game isn't complete without these features? You have to be able to answer these before justifying the DLC.

Witcher 3 DLC was more like 10 hour expansions on par with shit like shivering isle. CDPR kept minor stuff completely free like cosmetics and one off quests. We'll be lucky if this dlc lasts 5 hours

>what is MK8
>what is Hyrule Warriors


What are those games indeed. I've never played them because of shit DLC.

Some Souls DLC was pretty good.

Why would you pretend to be someone so irrational that they would let an extra $20 of extra content change a nearly $400 purchasing decision?

Why are you make believing as such a silly person?

So you're butthurt that for $20 you can get OPTIONAL content that adds stuff to the game? You realize this isn't stuff they took out to resell at the last second and that they're still working on the DLC?

>Metal Gear Rising
>Asura's Wrath
>Hyrule Warriors
>Any fighting game

>You realize this isn't stuff they took out to resell at the last second and that they're still working on the DLC?
You actually cannot prove they didn't plan this.

And like I said, Mario Kart 8

>It's just 20 bucks bro

It's 20 dollars too much. End of story.

Because the story content is necessary. It's part of the game. It will definitely contain the game characters which means you're missing out on plot points if you don't get it. It's not like the DLC story will be about Mario

Prove it.

You have to pay for a higher difficulty level?

I mean, I don't mind certain things being DLC, but fucking hell, that's just bad.

When people speak the truth they often have proof with it.

You even see the messages regarding outrageous claims on certain boards?
That's why they are there, as an anonymous poster unless you have proof claims such as that hold no water.

Bullshit. Everyone is going to play this game and suck it's dick, even the HZD shills, and you know it.

Cool. I just don't like being forced to buy digital

All of that shit is fodder to justify the price, the only meaningful piece of content there is the story bit and who knows how expansive that will be.

Chances are a 3 heart run will be more difficult anyways, and you can do that for free

>Metal Gear Rising
Nope. Game was so rushed that stuff should have been free as an apology.

All I know is I cannot wait for the backlash thats going to hit Nintendo for this.

I'd like a higher difficulty, but fuck if I'm going to get double dipped for it.

It's a complete story but not THE complete story. If you truly believe what you preach, I want you to buy the game but not the DLC. Stand confused as others discuss plot points you have no recollection of

>Implying NDF will give out any backlash

I understand I can gimp myself, but that doesn't justify being asked to buy a difficulty level. That's fucking madness.

Resident Evil 7 launched with a season pass. I'm in week 4 of playing it and it hasn't even occurred to me to buy the DLC yet.

I loved my first run through of the game so much that I immediately played through it again. After that, I challenged myself to speed run it. Now I'm in the middle of a Madhouse run.

I keep clicking no thanks/remind me later on the DLC because I honestly don't need it.

Maybe in six months though I'll have nothing else to play. In that case, I'll be really glad that there's $20 of additional RE7 shit I can play.

I can't fathom people getting upset over DLC. Buy it or don't.

It will based on the base game and whatever the DLC ends up giving.

This. They wanted to charge $80 for the game so they're forcing people to pay it to get the full game

>I keep clicking no thanks/remind me later on the DLC because I honestly don't need it.
wait, RE actually has a fucking reminder? Talk about atrocious. thats something I expect from a freemium game, not a paid game

>going to
Unless they just don't release it after people bought it I'm not sure what more backlash there will than what we see mow.

But that begs the question why not just have that content ready for the $80? It seems they're stretching it out for the sake of making it look like it wasn't planned.

You can turn it off. But I keep asking them to remind me. It's my own doing, but you certainly don't have to see the reminders.

Like I said, the story is already completed. The new story won't even leave an impact on the rest of the game. It is not needed. Nintendo decided to do this after the game was completed.

>I want you to buy the game but not the DLC.
Why don't you do the same, since you "clearly" were going to buy the game in the first place?

Don't be a pleb and wait for all the DLC to go on sale 2 years from now and get it dirt cheap. That's what I did for RE6. I know I wasn't in a rush to play it. I'm doing the same thing with Xcom 2, even though I hear it's bad compared to the first one.

So does "new hard mode" indicate that there will already be a hard mode in the base game, and the DLC hard mode is "new", or is it a "new mode", which is hard mode? Due to time concerns I won't be able to get this until summer anyway, and even though I agree that locking difficulties and treasure behind DLC is shitty business practice I buy games so infrequently I'm going to bend over for this one.

Can't possible see what's wrong with paid story expansions though, that shit's been around for ages.

Honestly, I think the full development wasnt finished so they put out what they had and are testing how people react to DLC while they finish the game

Y'all niggas need to stop having OCD

I will buy the game in a year when the goty edition drops

Plus there's still "Not a Hero" to look forward to.

That's like saying anything aside from the main story doesn't matter. Side quests and tangent stories matter. They are part of the game. I truly don't understand how anyone can think STORY content isn't mandatory