will this be a victim of a game people think they want? the gameplay videos look so boring
Will this be a victim of a game people think they want? the gameplay videos look so boring
all 3d platformers look boring. The fun is in the solid controls and comfy atmosphere they have while you're running around collecting shit.
It'll probably be shit. But then again I was playing the banjo kazooie games recently with the rare replay bundle and it was pretty underwhelming from what I remember
It might be a victim of a banjo-tooie method.
People liked BK when the levels were tiny and crammed with junk you could collect. In BT they made the levels bigger and consolidated pickups like notes and eggs into nests because it made collecting less tedious. Now they've seem to gone more in the later's direction, huge levels with not much to pick up. More of an emphasis on exploring and platforming then walking around running into hundreds of little objects in a line and going "GUH-HUH!"
You think you want it...
and it probably won't be DA BEST GAEM EVAR but I like and respect what they're doing
after watching the gameplay videos I went from going to pick it up on release day to lets wait and see what those people say about it first, I picked up nioh on release and sold it to my friend for $30 after 3 days and even he felt ripped off
It looks fun. I don't know what I'm supposed to expect
It will be praised by critics as a great callback and a "revival" of the 3D platforming tradition or whatever. Barely anyone will buy it and user scores will be low. It's a perfect example of a game that has merit on paper, but in practice falls short. There's a reason no one makes wide open 3D collectathons anymore.
Well I can still enjoy video games. Do not get the hate for it here. Wish they ditched the expansion mechanic for more overall levels but it's going to be good.
>Modern gaming industry is entirely made of A, AA and AAA tier devs and garage indie tier garage games.
>Why is there no B tier games anymore?
Looks better than any Mario in years. Your life must be boring
>garage devs
It actually looks pretty fun IMO.
>Banjo Kazooie
Rare was never good. Most over rated developer ever. The only good game they made was Viva Pinata. I guess this could be good, since games developed by ex devs or people working on their IPs after the fact usually do a better job than Rare originally did. See: Timesplitters, DKC: Returns/Tropical Freeze
What a nice contrarian bait.
Almost got me.
>The only good game they made was Viva Pinata
L-lets not joke THIS hard now
perfect dark was good, and blast corps was original. i dont care what you say about the rest of their games. thier 3d platformers could never touch mario 64
Are you really going to argue DKC2 is not a good game?
I liked how in Banjo-Kazooie there were Jiggys placed in regular areas that were pretty cool. It felt like you were rewarded just for walking around and exploring the world.
I can hardly remember a single Jiggy in Tooie that wasn't hidden behind some arbitrary "challenge" bullshit
ok ok, I've never actually played this game. Only the first one. I stand by how shit their n64 output was, though.
I'm not saying there should be, that's my point. Low effort low budget shit like this isn't something anyone actually wants, except people blinded by nostalgia. When they get this they'll realize it's not so great after all. But because in theory the concept has merit and most game reviewers only play through an hour or two of a game, it will get good reviews.
I'm mainly nostalgia bonering banjo and hoping its just as fun
The first one is unfortunately the worst of the original 3.
It's funny because I think it'll be the opposite review-wise. I think the critics will be lukewarm because this was a kickstarter game and not an AAA title where there's a early copy/good review thing going on that we see so often. Add the open world concept and collectables and I can see complains that it's confusing or even too difficult (probably going to be BK easy but in the YL IGN demo the girl struggled to make a rolling jump in the first level)
I think it's the user reviews that will be higher. There's also going to be a lot of people who already gave their money and will want to validate their purchase even if it's somehow not very good.
it's the same people that Rare booted when they were struck by critical massive autism pouring a shitload of love and money into a fucking carbon copy of that 1990s formula
it's gonna probably be good
I'm going to preorder it on Steam.
It's aimed towards sonic and banjo fans that are so desperate for a good game they'll jump on anything with functioning controls.
It'll be like most kickstarter games I think, early user reviews will be fantastic because those are the people who funded it trying to rationalize their purchase. Review averages will dip as time goes on and people actually try the game with an objective perspective.
Fuck off Blizzard. I know exactly what I want, a sequel and or successor to Banjo Kazooie/Tooie.
Thanks for effectively summarizing why I hate tooie and I think bk is one of the best games ever made.
You can watch the gameplay videos and look at effort the group is giving on twitter and such and know they put the work in. I think there's going to be some aspects that might be iffy since more creative and technical freedom isn't always a good thing but this isn't some MM9 money laundering scheme.
The audience isn't 10 anymore with 3D alone being this crazy new thing to look at so that alone will prevent it from being seen as good as the BK-BT games.
It's not going to do as amazing as you guys think. It's gonna suffer from the "it took too long to come out" disease.
For sure. There's going to be a lot of basic "my childhood is back" reviews from people who have just played the first level.
I think it's going to suffer a lot once the dust settles from what some people have already mentioned in that some people only think they want this type of game. People who played BK or even just M64 or Spyro when they were 9 and haven't touched the genre in 15 years.
I will admit I'm a little worried about the OST. Nothing has jumped out at me yet. I mean worst case it's just something you forget about while playing, I'm sure it will fit the level and such but when you hear former Rare guys being thrown around you want that listen on youtube level soundtrack quality. I don't think we're getting that.
I think the other major complaint is going to be too big of levels. 25 pagies per level so we are getting some big levels that expand (I'm guessing 15 pagies with two expansions with 5 pagies per level). I haven't seen a BT warp pad mechanic yet ether. I'm in the minority but most people preferred BK which especially early on had smaller type levels where you could pretty much see everything no matter where you were. I'm expecting levels even bigger than BT since there's only 5 and I think that's going to turn people off.