Fierce Deity Link is in Breath of the Wild!

Fierce Deity Link is in Breath of the Wild!

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yeah but is the cheerleading outfit in

Inb4 DLC locked

I desire the sauce of this particular image, my good friend.

If a retro link outfit is in the game I am all over that.

game is out on nintendo's european servers if you have a hacked wii u

get out now before spoilers

hey faglord
you see that little spoiler checkbox
you check it when posting spoiler

crazy i know

Classic Link and Fierce Deity scream DLC. I will be surprised if they aren't.

>can't tell he did it on purpose

Time to leave Sup Forums. No, really. It's only going to get worse from here.

Welp. I finally got an excuse to leave this shit hole.

You'll be back, they always come back.

Why are there no threads about this then?

everyone's probably playing it

that's not a playable version yet, it's just on the NUS server to let people who pre-ordered download their copy before launch.

>Using the stupid inverse colors shit from Smash for Dark Link instead of being a metallic shadow like in Ocarina of time

Right but who is this weenie genie that dumped these items in particular. I WANT MORE.

What is that eraser for?

Add the game leak?

really big mistakes


because you can't decrypt the files since we miss the .tik and is a faggot

Some dude in the /vg/ thread.

>tfw I dont even care stuff is being leaked

Sweet justice for nintendo jewing

More importantly, can you make Link completely nude, revealing his gigantic floppy dong?

WHy so many clothing recolors? Is one of the secrets that the blue tunic is actually up to the player?


He fights against Link in the Japanese trailer.
Look at the double helix sword.

So BotW is already playable? How can I hack my Wii U?

There's a shop that changes color tints of your outfit

It's not out yet, some faggot has it and he is hte one uploading the files. You cant play it yet.

Fuck me. I gotta avoid Sup Forums for the next month.

Thats a different helix sword, and also in the recent worldwide trailer

Holy shit. In that case, i finally have a reason to leave this cesspit for a month.

wtf I love majora now

So what buzzwords and utter bullshit will Sup Forums use to pretend this game is the worst game ever Nintendo is finished exe dee dee dee exe dee dee

Yes, definately , if you dont want to be spoiled now its the time to leave.

these seem to be the 5 most popular words so far

Sup Forums

No. You can download the files, but they're encrypted and nobody has the decryption keys yet (normally they're obtained off of disc copies)
>How can I hack my Wii U?
Follow It's pretty simple, all you need to do is drop some files onto an SD card and go to a website to launch CFW.

Is the EU release date the same as the US?

How much is this DLC?

>Dark Link
>Fierce Deity


You fucking lesbian


Fuck off



delete this


so you are excited to play a Zelda game where he has the same exact look as every other Zelda game?


I do not believe a single thing about that image

Partly because it is too good to be true

Classic link is goo-

some guy is dumping shit in /hbg/ this is 100% true.

Sup Forums

What is the purple haired one?

>thought was hidden spoilers
>was that instead
I deserve that

God dammit, you got me

No its not, I checked


>Oh nooo I'm gonna get spoiled! Eeek! :(
Nigga Link and Zelda beat Calamity Ganon with the help of their friends after Link beats five temples. What the fuck is there to be spoiled about?

you forgot some

the internet

>no princess uniform
not my game


>Nigga Link and Zelda beat Calamity Ganon
What about Regular Link?

Woah , what a party pooper.

Seriously fuck off.


>Fierce Deity Link will just be a fucking outfit and will have no cool abilities
Nintendo, if you have to shill, at least shill properly.

Worried about spoilers in a Zelda gane

You can probably fire beams from the sword.

oh no , Zelda gets kidnapped! Ganon is the final boss!

you want skirt with no underwear, right?
I want it too



>Trailers already confirmed who the big bad is and also explains the entire beginning of the game
There's not much left to fucking spoil now anyways.

All I care about is playable Zelda.

>you're responsible for making him a bad ass

I like it better this way to be honest, especially if they just include the clothes as an allusion as opposed to actually having the mask. I'll dress as the FD, carry around the biggest fucking sword I can find, no shield, and shit stomp everything in my way


sleep tight ma

the only thing i care about being spoiled is the music.


not a chance, fancy pants

Could somebody please explain to me where these came from? I have no reason not to believe it's just fan art.


i get the feeling ill be seeing this alot

Read dumb fuck




Oh boy!

In the Homebrew & Hacking general over on /vg/ an user started posting all the images contained here It looked close enough to the game's art stryle so people started losing their shit and spreading it everywhere.

It wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility to expect more in the coming days.

Don't care about story spoilers, but items are big spoilers in Zelda. One of the most fun parts is reaching a chest and not knowing what the fuck is in it, unless the dungeon already spoiled it with obvious hookshot markers or something.

HYLIAN SHIELD CONFIRMED FUCK YES. I'm hoping it cannot be broken or I'm just going to wear it outside of combat.


so has it been revealed if otcoroks are in it?

I wonder if it will be the ultimate shield of the gods like Skyward Sword or just some mass produced thing you buy at a store like the previous games.

I just wonder what Ganon's up to.


Are the other tunics gonna be unlockable? I'd want the option to wear the regular OOT outfit.