Is this game worth picking up? Currently on sale on gog, and I'm a huge classic jrpg fan

Is this game worth picking up? Currently on sale on gog, and I'm a huge classic jrpg fan.

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And is 30 trump bucks for both games a good deal?

Yeah. Very much like Grandia is you have played that.
Though I don't know why you just don't pirate it if you're buying on GOG.

>and I'm a huge classic jrpg fan.
If you are a bitchy one, then no, you'll eventually find a flaw, or create one and complain.
If you like videogames in general, and you like stories, then you'll love it.

Trails in the Sky's incredibly text-heavy, even for RPG standards. Each game in the Trails series individually has more text that the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

It's great if you don't mind the decent gameplay taking a seat on the backburner for hours of dialogue, development and world-building at a time.

Combat system's fairly unique (similar to Grandia in a lot of ways), although it isn't groundbreaking either.

Honestly, it was this that sold me on it:
And it sort of says it all. If you're in the mood for a comfy slice of life that takes its time, go for it.
If you want something a little more exiting, look elsewhere.

These two tracks sold me on the Trails series

>and I'm a huge classic jrpg fan
You answered your own question. Get it.
Some things to watch out for
>autistic level of NPC dialogue
>laid back and uneventful until final chapter
>cliffhanger ending
Basically the 1st game is for world building, something it does amazingly, you just have to let it do its thing. Final chapter kicks the story into high gear, something the 2nd game maintains throughout its wild ride.

Has part 3 been english translated?

not yet but itll be out in english in a few months

Not really. The game spends a massive amount of time on world-building to the exclusion of almost anything else. This would be fine if the setting was remotely unique or interesting, but it isn't.

TiTS has some decent character development, but that's all it has going for it.

For PSP?

PC only

Hey lets not forget:

I thought that it was really boring. It had heaps and heaps of writing, but it wasn't interesting writing. It was always about the most boring, banal nonsense, I couldn't play more than a few hours before deleting it.

And the combat system is terrible.

Yeah, it's fun and you'll probably like it. But it's half a story, if you don't get the Second Chapter as well you're gonna be shitting dicks when you get left on a cliffhanger. Fair warning, aye? Get the first one and if you're feeling it by the half way point, get SC too so you don't get cliffhung.

>Trails in the Sky's incredibly text-heavy, even for RPG standards. Each game in the Trails series individually has more text that the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Only if you actually bother talking to all the NPCs [spoilers]I did and regret nothing[/spoilers]

>Combat system's fairly unique (similar to Grandia in a lot of ways), although it isn't groundbreaking either.
Really? Seems pretty straight forward to me. Attack, Magic, Move, Item, Run. If you mean the magic system, I guess... I liked the orbment system, then they fucked it up with Cold Steel.

>The game spends a massive amount of time on world-building to the exclusion of almost anything else.
I've played every Legend of Heroes game, even the Gagharv ones. The first game is probably the second most boring in my opinion just because it is mostly world building.

Moving away from the comfy for a bit:

I meant "every Legend of Heroes game in English"

god fucking dfammit i want to ravage her ass and pussy

>pirating Estelle's games

I beat 1 on PSP years ago, would it be worth playing through it again on pc to get a perfect save and carry it over to 2 and 3?

Hell yeah


Exact same situation as you. I replayed the first one a few weeks ago because I wanted to refresh completely everything.

I finished the second one in 4 days (73 hours in game time). What a ride. Can't wait for 3rd to come out.

>Very much like Grandia

Nah, not even close.

How are the Cold Steel games? I can pick up the first two for $60

what the fuck is wrong with her neck

It's a mix of Grandia, classic Final Fantasy, Suikoden, and Persona. Every great JRPG series combined into one.

That was sarcastic, I hate the stupid fucks that make comparisons to Grandia and Suikoden.

If you like classic JRPGs then of course. It's a slow burner that spends a lot of time and effort on the character and world building. The combat system is a slightly modified Grandia one too so it's pretty damn good.

SC is where the main story really happens and FC is a wonderful preface to it, it's as if they took the first 5-10 hours of a normal JRPG and fleshed it out so you could really sink into the world and get to know the characters as early signs of the main story begin to surface.

>The combat system is a slightly modified Grandia one

No it isn't you retard.

>Reach new town
>Talk to everyone in new town
>Take one step forward in story

>Everyone in town has new dialogue

>Talk to everyone in town, many discussing what just happened in the story and their views on it


It's like the opposite of a Bethesda game.

I don't know why people get so excited about stuff like that when it's not even unique to the series.

>I don't know why you just don't pirate it
Because I'm not a faggot?

I've played plenty of RPGs and none of them come close to that kind of detail though.

FFX actually did it, except
1) obviously it wasn't every step taken that changed the dialogue
2) holy shit, who would actually run all the way back to luca, take two boat rides, etc just to read all the new dialogue?

When things like Arc the Lad and Wild ARMs 3 pull it off, it's really damn silly to practically advertise it as a feature.

Yes it quite obviously is my friend.

They're nothing alike apart from very common features found everywhere in the genre.
God, i just love OST from this game. Best battle theme ever.

Get it
Fantastic jRPG

Around 150 hours of gameplay total, so you're looking at 5 hours per dollar. That sounds like pretty good value to me. Of course, most of that time is dialog-based and focused on being cute and comfy, so base your judgment on whether you like that or not.

This one too
Its great for walking around on a clear sunny day

It's a solid JRPG. The world itself is fantastic, with all the books/flavor text found in the game being excellent.
The downside is, the characters themselves, save for a few interesting ones, are pretty much generic anime blobs with 1~2 exaggerated personality traits that get hammed out in every single bit of character building dialogue, much like Tales characters.

If you can ignore that the characters are mostly uninspired boring nonsense, and that the majority of the game is drawn out into effectively doing monotonous chores for townspeople, you'll definitely enjoy the world, and the last 10~15% of the story, which ramps up hard.

If the characters were written like normal, rational human beings similar to something like Suikoden II has, Trails games would easily be a top 5 JRPG series. Their world is excellent.

More like 100 hours if you do all sidequests
40 hours FC + 60 hours SC

Are the Cold Steel games any good?

The new NPC dialogues even extends to location you have to go out of your way to.

The haremshit format leaves a LOT to be desired, because it leaves fewer options for the female characters to get closer with the male characters since they all have to be "open" for the player (Rean) to get with. Character development is slow as fuck, and CS1 is basically a retread of FC with faster gameplay and worse everything else. Haven't played CS2 but if it's not at least 10 times better than CS1 it's not worth it.

>it leaves fewer options for the female characters to get closer with the male characters

How is this a bad thing?

I really don't like the entire cast of characters' relationships to be dictated 100% by "are they available to fuck the MC" but that's just me. Also, side note, Millium's dub voice is literally fucking unbearable and the scene where she wakes Rean up by bouncing up and down on his dick was so cringeworthy my face caved in on itself.

Can we agree on best girl (renne)


Is best girl actually playable at some point?

Imagine a TiTS where Agate and Tita's relationship doesn't exist or Olivier's and Schera's chemistry/sexual tension is completely removed. There's a complete set of relationships that are removed and it forces characters to be much blander. Not to mention that it totally fucks Rean's relationships as well since none of them can grow naturally and are relegated to optional scenes. Once again, imagine how much shittier TiTS would have been if all the Estelle/Joshua scenes had been relegated to optional content and couldn't have any real impact on the story. That massive emotional payoff when Estelle finally brings Joshua back? Gone.

Renne is playable in The 3rd, I don't know what that has to do with Josette though.

no exclusively single player game is worth buying. just pirate it


But anyway, yes she is in the final chapter of SC. But she is complete and total garbage, and when you're forced to use her, she doesn't even have her S-craft. She's playable in 3rd, but she's strictly used as an auxiliary member because she's still garbage in combat, but her support ability is pretty good.

Oh. Alright then.

I am pretty sure that there's a perfect save around on the internet if you don't feel like playing 1 again

Cold Steel is uncannily like Xenogears at times, though.

It's nothing like Final Fantasy. It's very similar to Grandia except turn-based instead of ATB, the battle system is otherwise the same.

>It's very similar to Grandia except turn-based instead of ATB, the battle system is otherwise the same.

Completely wrong.


Holy shit I kek'd. Now I must play this game

>Renne is playable in The 3rd


>Literally advertised as she is playable

It is a standard RPG with turn based/grid battle system. The closest comparsion would be with Growlanser.

>and Persona


I don't see how that's a spoiler when you already know she leaves Ouroboros at the end of SC and it's obvious she's in The 3rd.

It's not though.

The setting is both unique and interesting.

Yeah it is.

Played this game a few months before SC came out, I loved it.
It's probably in my top games of all time.

How so? The battle system is extremely similar to Grandia II and the tone and sense of adventure of the first game is extremely similar to Grandia. Seems to me like you're just saying it's not like Grandia because you liked Grandia but didn't like TitS.

3rd when?

Explain in detail how they're similar first. Try to avoid features that are common in the genre.

The combat has a heavy focus on staggering opponents to delay and stunlock them with various different speeds on attacks/casts, and I already explained how the tone is similar.

I said to avoid things that are common in the genre.

That's ignoring the fact that cancelling is pointless in Grandia 1/2 and TitS is all about artes spam.

>cancelling is pointless
It was still a feature intended to be used
>TitS is all about artes spam
Arts are powerful in the first game but not after that.
>I said to avoid things that are common in the genre
I did.


Q1 2017

according to XSEED

>Emma above anyone
At least you tried.

She's thicc as the dickens Logan

But Artes are powerful even in SC because they let you hit the entire screen, and more importantly the casters in the game don't have enough Attack to damage enemies with normal attacks by late game.

Plus that's not even counting the broken ass support crafts Earth Wall, Clock Up EX, and Clock Down

If you can ignore a feature entirely then you can't say it's a "heavy focus." This is true for all five games.

If you think artes are weak you've obviously never played SC or 3rd.

Crowd control is almost a universal concept. You really want to suggest that something used in Final Fantasy 4 isn't common in the genre? Please.

>If you can ignore a feature entirely then you can't say it's a "heavy focus."
I didn't say it was.
>If you think artes are weak you've obviously never played SC or 3rd.
I didn't say they were.
>Crowd control is almost a universal concept. You really want to suggest that something used in Final Fantasy 4 isn't common in the genre? Please.
I haven't mentioned CC in any of my posts.

Do you have a real argument, or are you going to continue saying "ur wrong im right i dun have to explain why"

>The combat has a heavy focus on staggering opponents

Not going to waste my time with blatant liars.

>Though I don't know why you just don't pirate it if you're buying on GOG

I never understood this. I mean it also applies to Steam. Steam games get cracked hour 1.

If you think you're not staggering enemies to delay them in Grandia then you didn't play the games.

But it only combines the shitty parts

It has the same style as Grandia and Suikoden, I don't think people are comparing them in terms of gameplay.

It's better than FF and Persona though?

I've heard that one way too much on the Gull Road, I can't enjoy it any more.

Because you want to support the publisher/developer in order to get more games like it and/or the distribution service for offering it and other quality products in a continent (and in GOG's case, DRM free) manner?

I think this game is a complete piece of shit. It's extremely mundane, generic and boring as fuck. The whole story feels like a sidequest that never fucking ends, only at the very end some shit actually happens. Other than that the characters are insufferable mary sues and moralfags and most of their interactions are overworded mundane and uninteresting bullshit. The music is also pretty bad.

Avoid like the plague unless you want to get bored to tears.

>Each game in the Trails series individually has more text that the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

This is true but you forgot to mention that most of said text is overworded and generic as fuck npc conversations. A million variations on npc being hungry, they lost their dog, they are waiting for husband to come home, they want to move to the city, and shit like that. Needless to say, you will never read most of this bullshit. Oh, and humorous chest memes.

>Mary Sues

I don't think we played the same game user

>Is this game worth picking up?
Yes. It's an incredible game everyone should play.

Are there any games set in Calvard or Erebonia and are they any good?

I like TiTs but I really wanna explore the nation's that border Liberl

>The music is also pretty bad.
Either you haven't even played the game and are simply shitposting, or you have the most plebeian taste ever seen on this Keynesian economics graph.

>The music is also pretty bad.