I'm a bit new to Sup Forums and have been playing pic related a lot lately but I've found the matches to often be hit...

I'm a bit new to Sup Forums and have been playing pic related a lot lately but I've found the matches to often be hit or miss, as it's easy to get stuck with a team of fucks

Can we have a dota 2 thread?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, man. If you really wanna win matches, then start playing either carry or mid and single handely carry you way trough the matches, playing as support is just suffering.
T. Guy with 700 game hours, 64% winrate as storm spirit and lone druid and 4,7k mmr

yes, you can't carry in the lategame with a support, and games go on forever in the lower mmrs

why not post on /vg/ instead?

You've clearly never actually tried to talk about dota on /d2g/

Neither Sup Forums nor /vg/ actually talk about games

>new to Sup Forums



Usually play by yourself? 700 hours of random teams?

>playing dota


Just by yourself too?

I imagine putting a team together with friends on steam would make winning much easier with players that complement each other well, or is that easy to do with randoms?



No, fuck off with your shitty genre.

>ended up with a 10 win streak crystal maiden because im an old league shitter

feels good

LoL players are typically shit at dota when they first start out though, often even more so than people who have never played either


/vg/ was created to contain that cancer

>dota 2

It was created to contain Katawa Shoujo primarily, Starcraft 2 secondarily (wasn't dead at the time) and League of Legends thirdly

Please explain what is Adelaide to me.

stop evading bans mate

Some autistic neetsexual.

Arteezy is strim

It's probably you



>he hasnt seen the FFXIV generals happening on here

We can talk about vidya. /vg/ is nothing but tripfaggotry, porn posting and shitposting. Can't get any good discussion going.

>Invoker above meepo

>want to watch dota streams in bed
>have to go to see my shrink instead

Life sucks.


meepo is nothing but tab poof

meepo isnt hard to play to 100% effectiveness
invoker is


actually he's filtered

Dotagames should be banned since the only people who play them are underage

When is Sniper Aghs viable? Serious Question.

Meepo is way difficult than Invoker once the enemy team has counters for you. What differs a shit player from a good meepo player is how they play around heroes like Sven and other who fuck your shit up.

Sort of interested finally, but am I too late to start this game?

viable as a 5th item because you need 232 physical damage to outdamage the level 3 ult

yes ded game

>Silencer at the worst

cool bait

why cant i post

testing 123

Remember to sage and hide all dota 2 threads.

is Adelaide here?


what about armor? Everyone always tells me aghs is a wasted slot because you need items for it to surpass lv 3 damage and by then its already later on in the game where people have naturally higher armor therefore canceling out its worth. I want it to work but it always just seems to tickle people.

Hear me out user, please try other games before you invest your life in something like this, there are so many other games that are more fun, less frustrating and overall just better. It took me hundreds of hours to realize games like this are not worth it at all

This is what techies players believe.

i cant fucking post

>you need 232 physical damage to outdamage the level 3 ult

It gets mitigated by armour, that's why it's so shit and a waste of a slot on Sniper who could either get more damage or some kind of survivability item.

It should literally just be an AOE of his current ultimate.



Stopped playing DOTA2 after TI3 and now I kinda want to come back but the game is so different now, plenty of resources (runes/shrines/camps) scattered around the game it looks like a brawler now(no different than LOL/Smite).

Seems like old DOTA2 was all about sacrificing supports' xp/gold to give to your cores and gather resources by stacking/stealing camps.

you spanner, you call someone a newfag when they display ignorance, and especially when they do so while acting as if they're been part of the Sup Forums gang for years.
Like how you just did.
Now sage this thread and let it die. It should be in /vg/.

I probably have like 2000 hours of solo queue, and let me tell you one thing: it doesn't get better.

If you can, get 2 people to play with so the important roles are covered (carry/mid/offlaner), and which you know you can rely on. Pubs are way too hit and miss. You'll plateau extremely quickly and develop bad habits from having to play around trash pubs.

Drop the game if you can't. Not worth it. Unless you really know how to have fun with the game.

>not putting meepo into every category since there are 5 of them

hello fellow dotards,

can someone explain how the whole faction choosing thing works? Is it just a random coincidence? Why did i get radiant 12 times out of 13?

It evens itself out when the number pool gets bigger, so once you reach 100 games or so, it'll be closer to 50%.

It is wasted don't buy it. It's literally OD tier


You still do that as support except the stacking stuff since it was nerfed. If you harass out the enemy offlane you either pull or roam, never take xp from core

>normal skill


>Wraith King bottom tier
>Pic Related
>Skeleton King Top Tier

You are partially forgiven

If you want to get better at Dota 2 (and have more enjoyable matches), then just watch and infuse the wisdom of our god and savior Kevin "Purge" "Fuck Slacks" Godec.

There are multiple people 8k and above you play support either often or nearly exclusively. The real secret to gaining MMR is just getting good.

>it's easy to get stuck with a team of fucks

If you ever want to get good at Dota you have to change your attitude. One team is always going to win and one team is always going to lose every game so there's no point in thinking negatively about your team.

4k and 8k are like different universes

>never take xp from core

There is no such thing as "never" in Dota.

Who's a carry for someone who gets bored of carries?

They're similar enough.

Ogre Magi is fun. That is all.