but I have not encountered one video game that is scary, maybe because I grew up watching horror movies but I have not experienced any real frights in a while, the last time I was remotely affected by a "horror" game was Silent Hill Downpour but I think I kinda contributed to that by playing when really sleepy late at night with no lights and earphones on. Playing horror games while sleepy messes with me but other than that they aren't scary. Anyone else not scared by so called horror games?
Does this face scare you? It scares me
>hasn't even played a first person horror game in VR
>says horror games aren't scary
ok, at least try Alien Isolation.
post suicide girls
I played Alien, it was kinda boring, I gave it 2 hours of my time and hit the meh button Also, don't care for VR at all, if a game needs VR to scare me then it's not scary.
Everytime i see someone with a nose ring, i feel so compelled to pull it as hard as i can.
Empty eyes tend to do that, jump scares get me but being legit scared is a pretty rare occurrence, besides can anyone recommend me a 2spooky4me game?
There you go.
she's cute
>Nose piercing
>Not only fingernail paint but some weird finger coloring too
This image scares me too, OP. This is the future of white women. This is the future of our race.
It's fucking horrifying.
>anyone else not scared by so called horror games?
the modern ""horror"" games (spooky walking sims w/ hide&run sections for LP watchers), definitely yeah.
Meanwhile, old classics, like Silent Hill 1-4 and the HL1 mod, Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut, still unnerve me. Especially AoM is such an endless nightmare-fuel ride, that it is mentally exhausting to play for long periods of time.
>the HL1 mod, Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut
cry of fear was MILES better
it was good and technically impressive, but nowhere near as creepy and balls to walls hard as AoM:DC.
>Alien: Isolation
>kinda boring
You have poor taste. Everything about that game was fantastic. Visually compelling, fucking amazing sound design that oozed tension, well integrated save system, great homages and look and feel of the '79 movie...It's harder to list the things that game didn't do well.
If you would have said it was "not scary" I could have bought it and given you a pass, but "kinda boring" just means you have poor taste in video games sir.
I don't care for playing hide and seek, it's boring. One of the first encounters with the alien is so forced and unrealistic as the alien circles the area like an on duty soldier, no matter how long you sit there waiting it goes back and forth, that didn't feel right to me, it felt stupid actually as I wouldn't imagine the alien doing that at all.
The game is literally a deadly game of hide and seek, but again, I played for 2 hours before shutting it down, shit I hear that the game turns into shit at the halfway point.
It scares me my daughter will turn out like her.
Yeah user, the game set in space with an alien trying to hunt you down is unrealistic. Thanks for the heads up.
You have garbage taste.
I meant in terms of the unrealistic alien from the movie which the game is based off of,smarten up Rick. It's not something the alien from the movie would actually do or maybe the alien did walk back and forth through a hallway in one of the later movies, I don't know.
>I meant in terms of the unrealistic alien from the movie
You mean how it would go into vents all the time and the only way you had any idea when it would pop out is if you heard it moving around?
Which happened in the game.
>it's not something the alien from the movie would actually do
The alien from the movie is dead, retard. Did you even watch it?
if anything, im triggered at how blurry that picture is. and even if it was in focus, whoever took the picture had the focus on her hands instead of her eye.
you didn't grow up watching horror movies. if you did you would understand that the horror genre isn't defined by whether or not it succeeds in scaring you, but by a largely definitive collection of themes, stylistic choices and tropes. you're just falseflagging to get you's because you know people get defensive about horror.
It's the photoshop.
welcome to hell.jpg
Is this referencing what I think it's referencing....?
no its not. its blurry from camera shake.
Name? Google can only get as far as sg
ive got this game on the shelf right next to me next to nearly every silent hill game to of ever come out. fast paced action too in that one.
try cry of fear, i enjoyed that playthrough.
Bit stupid of you to think you can list your opinion and objectively good things as a way to say someones subjective experience is wrong.
Little less fedora little more trimming the neck hairs, sir.
Tried to upload another pic of her but upload keeps failing so fuck it.
no picur arrowed
dinbg dong ban u