FF7 is one of my favorite games of all time. Let's talk about it. Not the remake, the original.

Let's talk about some of our favorite moments, characters, or elements that comprise this amazing game. Maybe those who aren't clear on things or just those who want to learn more can ask some questions about it and we can discuss stuff.

Let's keep the shitposting to a minimum guys. A lot of people love this game and it's got a lot of love to give, so let's try and have a good time in this cynical ass era.

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it's twenty years old. it can legally vote.

You think it would have voted Republican or Democrat?

Vermin Supreme

Huh. That actually makes some sense.

In an insane world

I love ff7. The music is what really puts it over the top for me. Solid, solid 8/10 rpg but that music and the timing etc is what makes it what it is.

Honestly yeah. I don't think of soundtrack too often, but reflecting on it I find myself whistling a lot of tunes from FF7 at work. Like the Rufus march, Cosmo Canyon, Tifa's Theme, the boss theme. Like it really is an amazing soundtrack. Also helps make FF15 more bearable when you can bust out some mad FF7 tracks.

I wasn't even born when this game cam out so i'm looking forward to the remake to fill me in. :/

is she trying to insinuate how long cloud's penis is?

It's overrated but a great game.

I bought it on Steam cause it was so cheap. Now I need to use Motionjoy to enable d-pad though which is a major piss off. Controlling movement with analog stick is horrendous.

I like how all the characters get pretty good side-stories. Vincent's is sort of truncated but still is something for a character you can skip over entirely.

Yuffie's is great, Nanaki's is great, Tifa is actually one of the more lame ones. Cid is a great character even if he isn't fleshed out too much beyond "I GOTTA F$*@(ING GET TO SPACE".

They made the world feel very huge despite the fact it technically isn't that big.

>Maybe those who aren't clear on things or just those who want to learn more can ask some questions about it and we can discuss stuff.
This open forum is going to eventually lead to some idiot claiming that Sephiroth was Jenova's puppet and not the other way around.

Lets not go into that idiocy this time around. Sephiroth is the puppetmaster and that's that. Hojo even creamed himself over the revelation that Sephiroth was the one putting his reunion theory in motion and not Jenova itself.

Nobody actually thinks that but Sephiroth fangirls from Tumblr. Anyone here that brings it up is mostly just shitposting or a Sephiroth fangirl from Tumblr.

What was your favorite Gold Saucer attraction?

Speed Square

Why is Abestgirl so rude?

basketball game

Ferris wheel with Nanaki. Sad there was no kiss scene though.

>He doesn't know

I don't think RedXIII could go on the ferris wheel tho...

he just looks out the window

Which was worse to gather for you: rare steals or enemy skills?

(rare materia doesn't count because going through the entire chocobo breeding minigame to get Knights of the Round was and still is bullshit)

Cait sith is the worst character, Prove me wrong. You cant

I always post about this when I see FF7 threads, but it kind of bothers me that I didn't care to play this game for years because of the damn cultist ritual that is dismissing this game because of hype. Anytime 7 is brought up it seems someone has to tell you about how 6 was so much better and 7 is average at best. I would be willing to bet that 90% of youtube reviews of this game have the phrase "People like it because it was their first RPG" in it. As a kid I started off the series with 8, then went on until 13, and after that train wreck, I went back to FF6, then 7. I really enjoyed some of those games (6,9, & 12) but 7 easily is my favorite of them all, and I only played it 6 years ago. Personally the only one to come close to matching how much I enjoyed 7 is Tactics, and it just sort of frustrates me to see this as some meme game that people dismiss because of the hype that surrounded it when it came out. I'm sure there were plenty of autistic fans of it, but the game is genuinely great and made with a ton of heart. It's one of, if not the only game where rather than hype, the game seemed to be so dismissed or disliked, that when I played it I was surprised by how great it actually was.

I just got him, what's wrong with him? His dice limit sounds fun

>His dice limit sounds fun

Its pretty useless most the time and have fun getting hit with Death.

I'm trying to play this game right now, but I get irritated with how simple and easy, yet also time-consuming the combat is.

It's like, I want to hit fast forward, but I know if I do, somebody will tell me I didn't experience the "real game".

We call them autistic faggots, you also belong in that category for being swayed so easily. You autistic faggot

Once you get a little bit in you'll get good materia with more slotted/chained weapons, and you'll start curbstomping everything. Resisting hitting FF will reward you with catharsis soon.

Did the recent ports of the game touch up the translation?

Yes, but they also changed Aeris to Aerith so it's fucked

Yeah, I feel you. I always loved how everyone has their own chapter basically. I've always loved Red's and Barret's.

Those people are just shit posters who've never played the game. The game makes it pretty obvious Sephiroth is the real big bad.


Fucking enemy skills. I was fucking suicidal about getting Pandora's Box because the way the game fags up trying to get it. Then getting it on all four materia. Then you can't max more than three of the four anyway. Missed Trine on one of the four last time I played.

One of his limits can instantly kill him. I've gotten a game over from it before.

It's just contrarianism really.Sad to say. I've played half of the FF series including 6 and I still call 7 my favorite. Unfortunately, sometimes people just have to hate what others love.

Well, you can rename her, right? So no problem there.

If you haven't done a bit of grinding, I recommend you do some, but just once until you unlock northern crater. The best time to grind is when you have access to mythril mines and the matra magic enemy skill; basically right after you cross the swamp, but before you cross the ocean.

I usually get Yuffie, go to the bottom of Junion and buy as many tents as I can afford, then go back to mythril mines. You want the room to the north from the Junion side exit. This room only has enemy groups of 4-5. This makes it great to grind out new limit breaks (limit breaks unlock first after you use a limit 6-8 times, then break into the next tier once that character has killed X amount of enemies). I usually stop and grind here for several hours until all my characters limits are unlocked. This puts me at lv30 usually with a a lot of gil and some level 2 materia. Put on a video and blast away nigga. I also recommend going outside the cave and into the grass to farm using limit breaks, since the mobs there hit a bit harder.

Even so the revelation that Jenova was an alien superbeing that crashed into the planet riding a meteor really makes me wonder who actually made the Black Materia. What if Jenova was its planet's Sephiroth? What if we were actually playing Species: The Movie: The Game the whole time?

Wait, why can't you max out all four of the Enemy Skill materia? Is there one you only get after a missable skill?

FF7 isn't really that hard... doing that really takes the wind out of the games sails, I feel. Grinding limits I get, but all those levels?

From my remembrance of things, yeah. I believe there's a certain move that you only get one chance to pick up and you only have three at the time and you get the fourth afterwards.

FF7's monsters feel more unique to me.

Maybe it's because seeing them in 3D made it more impactful compared to seeing them as sprites.

On the other hand, knowing that Hojo had a hand at creating some of them makes him and his abominations more terrifying. In most games, you're fighting something natural or supernatural, things that exist within and beyond your comparison. With Hojo's involvement, you're going against things that SHOULDN'T exist but do.

Oh actually it is Trine. Godo as part of Yuffie's side quest can be beaten and you'll be without Trine on one materia if you kill him before you obtain it.

Of course the game only casts Pandora's Box ONCE ever, so that one is even more imperative.

There was supposed to be a side quest/story where Hojo had made two purple "clones" of Red XIII that you'd fight twice, I believe. Too bad it was cut.

>mfw Aerith will never again have the flirtatious, slightly bitchy personality she demonstrated in the original

why does square hate characters with actual personalities

>Red XIII was planned to be the focus on a cut sub-plot. After being captured by Shinra, Hojo would have produced several clones of Red XIII, which would have had blue and purple fur and been named Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV, respectively. After defeating them, the party would be confronted by two more clones, and a battle would ensue where the party would fight both the clones and the real Red XIII, and be forced to figure out which was the real thing and avoid killing him. Though the clones would be defeated, Red XIII would have the party spare them, as they were the last of his kind beyond him. Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV would later reappear in the final dungeon partially mechanized, determined to prove themselves superior to the original Red XIII.

From the wiki

I see nothing wrong with having 7 as your series favorite. Plenty of people have 8 and 10 as theirs, are we supposed to tell them why they're wrong every time? Hell even the sacred cow that is 9 is nowhere near as flawless as people say it is, especially in terms of gameplay.

If I hear 3 seconds of any song from the game, I get the overwhelming urge to play it. I can always come back, no matter how many times I have played it. Despite how fucking ugly it is, how clunky and goofy it is, or how terrible the translation is, it just has that endless appeal. That intro, the first trip to ShinRa, dat chocobo breeding, the WEAPONs, etc.

Fuck, now I want to play.

Tifa was my first video game fap

I have just bought ps4 version last week. Just arrived in rocket town, trying to get bromance trophy (i hate being harsh towards tifa).
Man, this game is what jrpgs should be done. Simple turn based battles, ordinary level up system (no spheres, charts, bubbles or whatsoever), and great magic system. Its really fun grinding to kill some bosses or buying stuff.
I enjoyed ffxv but i really lost interest after finishing, because the battle system is so fucking boring!
How can a 20yo game be so much more fun?

I feel you man, it happens to me a lot too. I usually play it again once or twice a year.

Same, but Red XIII.


I missed school for a month to playing this game. My uncle gave it to me said it was good. I had never played an rpg before. Thought they were lame games with no gameplay.

>when the town is destroyed because they were looking for you, I was devastated.
>Aeris being killed in front of me made me so angry
>The two fights with the super powerful optional bosses in the end...Jizzed in my pants

I passed the game in 56 hours and I had never played a game that long before. Played it again and a third time afterwards but I used a guide on the last playthrough so I could get everything.

Don't be like that.

Remake or not you should play the original. You can pick it up on PC or PS4 and it's totally worth it.

You uncle recommended it huh? FF7 had such a presence with the older crowd in general. Which is weird for a JRPG but FF7 almost seemed to transcend that label. Actually I even saw an ad for it in one of my father's old Playboys.


My favourite moments:

> reaching Icicle village - the comfiest location in any RPG and that music with it.......
> Tifa flashback story to when her father died - mainly because of the music, linked below, the best song of any game ever
> returning to Midgar after excavating the key, felt almost nostalgic returning to where the game all started after having been off exploring the world
> riding your own chocobo in the gold saucer for the first time
> learning awesome enemy skills like Trine and Aquabreath
> acquiring new summons and using them all for the first time
> getting the Highwind and having the map open out to you
> leaving Midgar for the first time
> reaching Coral after hiking through the mountains
> checking out weapon and materia shops at each new location
> seeing the gold chocobo appear on your screen for the first time - I still remember calling him Goldie to this day

It was just incredible. The atmosphere, music, story, characterisation, setting, the emotion involved. I had a pretty toxic home life, divorced parents, constant fighting at home, Dad had moved to the other side of the world a couple of years before and didn't see or hear from him in over a decade. But sat playing FF7, sat on the edge of my bed was just pure escapism. Each person likes a game for their own individual reason but for me FF7 will always be special because of how much a profound effect it had on me and how much of a comfort it was for me.


i love this song but I've only ever beaten like >5 times over 15 or so years.I've attempted it like 10+ times but it is a pretty long game that can be tedious. Currently doing a playthrough on PS4, thank God for the sped up battles.

Gonna try to go for as close to a 100% I can do.

>favorite moments
Any cinematic where Tifa's cow tits jiggled.

You can get Trine way before this in the game. I think it's the big spider thing by the Nibelheim reactor that uses it.

Just got it, mt. Nibel boss casts it.

Well it depends if you want to just beat the game, or if you want to do everything optional. Regardless of when you decide to grind, the room I mentioned is still hands down the best in the game for limit grinding, so if you're going to do it anyway, you may as well do it when the EXP means something and it gets you some gil go get going. If you don't plan on doing optional stuff, this bit of grinding here is the only you will ever have to do, as it'll put you ahead and you'll stay there.

>favorite moments

Shut up, I'm not crying

Yeah. That's also the boss you want to make sure Vincent isn't in your party.

Yeah, but you cant get all four Enemy Skills until after that fight. I believe Trine is available three times.

youtube.com/watch?v=RNHrQGdgLYY I still remember when you reach the ancient village and this starts playing and till this day the village and music still give me creeps.

Isn't it crazy though? At the point we learn this, Red hasn't been with us for a ridiculously long amount of time. He's played little part in the story but this sub-story is just beautiful and so well placed and acts as the motivation behind him staying in with you. It's these little things that just make FF7 so perfect, no other game I've ever played has managed to get the story and connection to the characters so right.

A powerful moment, for sure. I think that's actually a really amazing scene and arc in general and really has a lot of emotional weight to it. Brings a lot of light to Nanaki's character.

I'm sorry to hear you had that sort of life, but I'm happy FF7 was present in your life then. Ultimately isn't that what a game is meant to be? An escape? Even if only for a moment.

>It's these little things that just make FF7 so perfect

How come? I never used Vincent anyway.

I guess he could go Limit and go berserk on the boss? But I mean who didn't run Deathblow with Sniper CR with Vincent for crits every hit AND giving you the ability to attack while saving limit without using up magic?

Vincent's first Limit Break has a powerful fire-elemental spell that it uses at random, and the game designers, either due to being oblivious or cruel, decided to make the first boss you can use him against absorb fire.

I think so yeah, but I've had people disagree and say games should be for entertainment - I suppose different people want different things, in the same way some people might listen to different types of music to experience different emotions.

I think immersion or an escape is what I've always enjoyed in games though, in the same way people like getting lost in a book, I like getting lost in a game.

Chocobo racing. I actually bred and raced my way to a top grade gold chocobo.

His name was Flash.

Interupted By Fireworks still makes me tear up whenever I hear it

Not so much because of the moments it was associated with, rather because it makes me remember the game + that era i.e. my childhood in general

For some reason that song triggers a lot of memories for me, more than any of the others (they still do as well, just not as much or as quickly)

Reminds me of playing at my old house, when I lived with my grandparents

Reminds me of our old dogs, old christmases, playing with neighbor kids, just barely discovering anime, RPGs, the internet, etc

Fuck I miss all of that so much


I tended to use characters on the basis of who had the best limit breaks, because the materia was interchangeable (though I know stats had an effect on Magic and summons, but when you get end game it's all 9999 anyway, pretty much). Subsequently my part always consisted of Cid, Barrett and Cloud.

Speaking of Sniper CR/Deathblow I'll let you guys in on some other amazing combos.

>Tifa's Powersoul with Cursed Ring with armor with a paired Added Effect and Destruct made her unable to die from Death and powered up her attack power to insane levels

>Flash (upgraded Slash All) with a paired Added Effect and Hades on a weapon allows you to 100% inflict every status Hades can inflict that the enemy is vulnerable to

Want more?

You think I need your charity, peasant?

Ah yeah, the feels man. People say it's nostalgia etc. but I've played games avidly for the last 25 years and none had an effect on me like FF7 did. The feelings it arouses, I can't remember ever not wanting to put the pad down as much as with FF7, I used to look forward to loading it up, I even think at the time I appreciated how special it was.

Remember this music from when you're on the date at the gold saucer and you're looking out at the fireworks when you've gone on the train carriage ride. Set the scene for what was due to be the start of really serious stuff at the temple of ancients and everything after.

>mfw I completely ignored equipment bonuses and focused on materia combos instead

The first time I saw Powersoul + Deathblow in a speedrun I realized I had ignored like half the equipment in the game

I couldn't get into it. I tried to get into VI too but found it kind of dull. I more or less enjoyed the DS version of IV, though. Enemies and bosses were more of a threat even if they were still trivialized by buffs and debuffs and exploiting whatever their weaknesses were. It was still enough to keep the game fun to the end.

Maybe V or the first three are more my style?

Didn't know either of those - that's awesome about flash with hades and added effect; I think I was too young to exploit/make use of a lot of the elemental / status stuff like this. I just played it on the basis of attack, magic, summon, limit and didn't give too much consideration to support materia (aside from ALL).

Fucking loved the prerendered backgrounds.

The game isn't ugly. Sure it's a PS1 game, but it's a really good looking one. Also . I can't imagine how pretty the remake will look on the PS5

Funny thing is, not every combo you think of actually works. For example Slash All and Drain HP or MP. BUT You can fucking circumvent this with Master Command materia. Fucking amazing. You can break the game in such wonderful ways.

Did this have much in the way of sidequests? Only played it as a kid with no internet so never did any.

Ah shit I'm almost tempted to start a new game today on my PS4 just to experiment about win this stuff. In fact this whole thread has really motivated me to wanna give it another run through. I tend to leave a few years between each fresh run so it doesn't get stale and I can still enjoy the experience.

>You think it would have voted Republican or Democrat?
Given the heroes' beginnings as a radical ecoterrorist group trying to close the poverty gap between the rich Shinra Co folks and the poor slumming fellas down below, I'd have to say Green Party.

Everything related to Vincent and Yuffie.

Why the FUCK do i always get Blade Beam before Climhazzard even though it's a higher level?

You get Climhazzard from using Blade Beam you autist

Unless you're talking about Meteorain which you get from killing enemies

They have different requirements

It's actually The Thing. Jenova is recorded as being able to 100% copy people they eat and it's how they were dooming the Cetra before they found out what was going on

Grinding is totally unnecessary in FF7. Gaining extra levels just makes up for poor strategy.

Probably still everything up until you leave Midgar. The rest of the game is great too though.

Also Kitase said that voice recordings for the remake are almost done, so expect news soon

Its fun either way

>lvl 99
>3 sets of master materia equipped on each character
>max spr/str/lck/vit/spd

Just walking around like the big dick

Just got Yuffie in my party, I dunno how any kid would think to trial and error the dialogue choices until she joins. Unless they remembered seeing her in the manual, I guess.

No sorry I meant Cross Slash. Every time I play after probably the first 2 I always get Blade Beam before Cross Slash despite BB being a higher level

Yeah honestly, I wonder the same.

Her encounter feels really weird. It feels like story so if you encounter her again you try different shit

Well it works the same way, you get Cross Slash from using Braver 5 times and once you get something like 75 kills with Cloud you unlock Blade Beam.

Ever since I was a kid I've always hated Yuffie.

>moronic, bargain bin reject look
>irritating recruitment procedures
>obnoxious in your face personality
>completely irrelevant to the plot
>her sidequest consists of her being even more of a cunt
>completely unrepentant
>and finally... Her victory animation always annoyed me. It always looked stiff and awkward and weird and I hated looking at it.

So it's from endlessly grinding the guys in the Train tunnel after you're detected by the ID scan? I used to run backwards in tunnel and grind them with (magic)+all in the early part of the game because there was almost no wait in between fights. Usually didn't use a lot of limit breaks probably and just murdered for extended periods of time

That'd do it

I actually thought you also needed to have unlocked cross slash to even get blade beam. What I thought happened is that at the point you trigger the 5 braver uses, if you've also killed 75 enemies at that point then it gives you them both at the end of the battle. I've never seen blade beam before getting cross slash, didn't think that was possible.

>you're not aloud to say anthing nice about it else you are shilling for a 20 year old game.