Tell me Sup Forums, what are ya buyin with your next paycheck?

Tell me Sup Forums, what are ya buyin with your next paycheck?

A trip to Japan

That depends. What are ya sellin?

nioh. friend brought it over last night and we played it till dawn. Friday can't come soon enough.

Hey Dustin

A Switch, Breath of the Wild, and considering just saying fuck it, and paying the absurdly high price for one of Kanekos artbooks from eBay.

Weed dude

I don't buy viedo games

Tranny prostitute.

A good RE game.

a painting or a guitar. i can't decide.

Games? The new torment if it's decent and Nier.

The rest? Aderall and friends, banking hours are killing me

A Ryzen CPU and another TITAN X. Why?



l m a o

I've been in the mood for a space game and am undecided on Stellaris, is it good now? Is the A.I. control over your space sectors as bad as it seems? Also I love exploration stuff, is that as good as I hear?


I don't have a job

My first gun, Nier Automata and it's OST, and a trip to the ear doctor because my dumb ass thought it would be a good idea to play russian roulette with a capgun.

also, fix our shit hiroshimoot

NieR: Automata

Nier, Nioh, or Berseria

Rent, food, quick-return investments, and I'll probably bite the bullet and buy NioH if I make enough to be comfortable dropping the cash on it. NEETBUX basically condemns you to a life of poverty. If 100% of it doesn't go towards rent, the small remainder is spent desperately trying to fill the void.

>my dumb ass thought it would be a good idea to play russian roulette with a capgun.
Methinks you should remain a noguns.

Are people seriously buying shit immediately with their next paycheck? Don't you have a budget or something?

videogames are accounted for in my budget

Was thinking nioh. But i was too casual to put effort into getting good with bloodborne and dark souls so I worry if ill suck at this too. I did get through the first two betas. Didnt try the third. Should I take the dive Sup Forums?

> job

It's got a great beginning game, a tedious middle game, and an okay late game.

The ai controlled sectors are retarded and all enemy ai is passive as fuck towards the player.

It's okay, I recommend it, and good luck with the end game crises if you make it that far

If you managed the first two betas, then the game is a cakewalk

Either yakuza zero or nioh, can't really decide. What do you guys think? I've beat ever soulsborne game and haven't really burned out them, but ive also never played a game like yakuza or shenmue.


Thats what i wanted to here. Thanks user. From the sound of it if i suck i can just use sloth talismans anyway. How early are they obtainable?

nothing really until Crash Trilogy and Ni No Kuni 2 comes out and perhaps DQ XI if I'm lucky

maybe I'll buy DOOM and Rise of Tomb Raider if there will be some sale and Fallout 4 when it will finally get GOTY/Comeplete edition of some sort

Ys Origin. The SFV Season 1 character pass is on sale too, so I might pick that up.



yes that's me

Your autismbux will run out eventually user.

Northgard comes out today so that, and adderal.

My paycheck is going towards a nice birthday present for my mom. Because I love my mom. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?

NHK was a mistake


>living in a country where you get paid enough to pay the electricity bill, not to mention games

grow up

A new TV.
I had been playing on my old crt all the time and I want to get a proper TV before buying a Wii U.

do you not know how much money you get each time or are you just not planning anything?

My budget accounts for ~20% of my paycheck being burned on stupid shit every month without issues

I bought a stiletto, gonna shank some kniggahs.

>on workman's comp

>check is 2/3rd's pay

>still more than usual because it isn't taxed.

Books on the gnostic belief, just to know whats up, tough I've already reached gnosis.
My other option was a new set of dice so I can play Call of Cthulhu and some forgettable vidya for the bone.

Nier Automata

A new TV if my local Best Buy doesn't repair my old one.
Backlights died but the picture still works.

Then RE7, Yakuza 0 and Ni Oh.

>tfw work for family small business
>both of these apply
Kill me

at least it's making you happy right?

So will each of our lives, so who cares?

a new 2 piece race suit for track days on my fireblade

maybe some fiber or tritium sights for my carry gun idk

Either one of these
>upgrading my 750ti to 1050ti
>a used ps3 for persona 5
>a wacom
>Nier on pc

>upgrading my 750ti to 1050ti

IT bro here, don't even bother. Either wait and upgrade to GTX 1060 if anything or go with a cheaper option and get an 8 gig version of RX 480

I just ordered pic related today. The whole anthology was actually 5 Euros cheaper than just Skyrim Special Edition currently on sale on Steam. What was Bethesda even thinking with that shit?

It's not that I didn't consider those cards
>living in a 3rd world shit hole so 1050ti costs 200 bux, while 1060 and 480 aren't cheaper than 350 bux
>I only use a 1280x1024 screen so those cards are just overkill anyway
>also my psu does not have extra connector for graphic card and I don't want to spend more money

Either a Fender Super Reverb, a new bedroom set, or a sectional.

You mean, with your mommy's next paycheck? Because if you will not phrase it correctly, thread will be empty..

I'm way too busy being an uneducated overweight NEET to work a job

So if his blood is worth $50 how much for his semen?

>tfw living on a monthly allowance of 40€ at 24
Maybe I'll get Nier if it turns out to be using Denovo.

>Satou is now two years younger than me

Probably more cocaine and maybe battlefield 1.

a new ssd to get that stupid bottleneck out of my computer

It's really not worth even spending the cash for such marginal upgrade. Seriously bro, wait and bank the cash for those

>buying games

Oh user

Rent, bills, groceries, diapers, maybe titanfall 2, it's for sale on psn.

Buying a 1060 6gb and a 480gb/240gb ssd card. Also a water cooler if I need to.
I just want to play witcher 3 with smooth framerate.

BF1 Premium

I'm gonna need some new working clothes and I want to get some new thigns for my kitchen.

I'm looking at getting Dead Rising, Dead Space 1/2 or Condemed. I'm in the mood for one of those games and they're on Steam, even if they're not on sale I want one of them.

Nier if it gets good reviews, maybe I'll even have enough left to buy a rope and hang myself.

I bought Berseria, and I never played a Tales game. It's pretty fun, its like an old-school RPG but with better combat. It's pretty comfy all around.

Yakuza 0, Chaos;Head Noah, some assorted PSP games, some assorted X360 games, shitloads of electronics components for my side projects

Also, considering Switch but I think I'll hold off until it gets at least 10 game I'm interested in, so far there are 3.