Name a better launch


that wasn't launch, that was a year after launch

Include Onimusha in there as well.


>let's include Fifa, and other garbage as well, this dumb sonygger will surely fall for it!

>/threading your own post

i cant wait to play skyrim in the fall of 2017

You start.

Dreamcast or N64.

You just made me realize that the Switch is the first console I've ever bought on launch. Well if I manage to get my hands on it.


I canĀ“t

ps2 is literally the gold standard of how to do a console

mgs2 couldnt have been launch because i played the demo to death

tekken tag 1 was a great launch title though
so much fun to be had

I forgot how awesome my young adulthood was. I truly lived in the golden age of gaming. PS2 was my favorite system next to SNES.

That wasn't launch though

Here's the real PS2 launch line up.

That launch is pathetic.

oh great you get to play zelda for 8 months
what a fucking amazing launch ninty does it again

>smugglers run
>unreal tournament
>armored core 2


That's not launch you moron. Launch line up for PS2 was pretty fucking awful.

Stop reminding me there was a time when there was a reason to pick a console at launch, you fucks. That's depressing. Now you gotta wait about 3 years until some games are out.

Fuck no. It got a lot of games, but the actual console is built like crap.

Yeah, there wasn't a single launch title that had the same impact SM64 did. Dreamcast is also pretty damn great.

>Midnight Club
>Ready 2 Rumble
>Ridge Racer V
Not bad.

>another street fighter 2(still best on genesis)
>another bomberman
>another mario
>muh Zelda
why are people excited for this again?

>street fighter 2(still best on genesis)
The fuck?

>>another street fighter 2(still best on genesis)
Way to invalidate any opinion you may have right from the get go.

ahahahahahaha are they for real
this is shockingly bad
nintoddlers btfo themselves


Is it really this easy to bait Sup Forums now?


rip gungriffon head dev

dark alliance was shit. champion of norrath was the best of that short lived genre.


The PS2 is overrated as shit. It was a cheap dvd player with hardly any worthwile games.

Name me 5 good PS2 games as quickly as you can.

US Dreamcast for variety, N64 for single biggest game (Super Mario 64)

SMT Nocturne
Dragon Quest VIII
Kingdom Hearts 2