Publishers rushing games

Why are publishers so obsessed with making a quick buck NOW NOW NOW, rather than let the developers make their game as good as possible so they make more money, just a bit later?

Why aren't they patient?

give an example

Dragon Age 2.

Because kids play them and kids don't really have the best taste in games as they haven't experienced many games and the best ones

Because they're buckling under their own running costs and blatant mismanagement and because consumers will buy their shit, no matter how shit a shit it is.

Because normies and casuals will just eat that shit up

But if they wait both normies and gamers will eat that shit up.

Hobbyists have been replaced by casuals as the target audience; this industry should get nuked

just normal human greed

Investor pressure. Dev's are being pushed around by people who don't know shit about games, don't like games and just want to make $$$

Because the publishers want a quick buck NOW NOW NOW.

time is money. why waste time on making something good while you can half-ass it and still make a quick buck.

NOW NOW NOW is good for the bottom line.

Because publishers have investors and share holders. They don't care about games, they just want their money.

Nobody cares the casual audience is way bigger there's no point to pandering to any other audience as long as they eat it up.

dark souls 2 and dark souls 3

DS1 was rushed as fuck.

>let the developers make their game as good as possible so they make more money, just a bit later?

You live in a fantasy.
People who actually give a fuck about polish and competent technical execution are outnumbered 100,000 to 1 by a horde of cheap thrill carrot on a stick ADHD zombies.

It's this.

The entire western corporate system revolves around short-term financial gain, with the only real long-term planning revolving around increasingly vague promises of growth to appease shareholders.

>The entire western
Lmao, how are those MGS pachinko machines going?
Stop pretending that your honorabu samurai aren't fucking jewing people full throttle all the same.

Battlefront 2015