Sonic Adventure

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best 3d sonic with a GOAT soundtrack

Im drunk

No. I bought it on Steam but I found it less than satisfactory and never really finished it.

Yes. The original was great, unlike that butchered GameCube/PC port.

good for its time

On DC? yeah. On any other system? no they fucked it up.

what about now?

I've only ever played the demo of Adventure 2 on PS3.

Why are the controls so sensitive, even at high speeds? I'd try to go slightly to the right to grab a ring and end up against the guardrail.

Is this first game the same?

Yeah, I did. I would've considered it a 10/10 game when I first played it. But the years have made it's flaws more apparent to me. Now I just think it's a mediocre game at best. I'd be lying if I didn't say I still liked it though.

Yes. I liked it less upon revisiting. I still recommend people play it, just like the first Mass Effect, even if it has quite a few flaws. Just one of those of games.

There's not nearly as much difference between SA2 and SA2B as there is with SA1 and SADX.

It probably came the closest to capturing the atmosphere of classic Sonic in the third dimension. It followed on from the plot of S3K, every character was mostly consistent with their old personalities, the spindash was still relevant, Gamma's storyline was a natural expansion of the "animals in robots" plot point from the 2D games; it had the fewest "corridors in the sky" out of any 3D Sonic game and it brought back a lot of classic stage gimmicks we haven't seen since, like the mesh tunnel things in Final Egg (previously from Metropolis and Flying Battery). Plus, the soundtrack had some of the greatest musical variety out of any Sonic title.

Anybody who says Sonic Heroes claims the title of being the closest 3D representation of the original Sonic style is a literal child who got so easily distracted by tube Special Stages and checkerboards that they didn't realize it was a cold unfeeling piece of trash that actually had very little in common with them aesthetically.

I mean, I still think Adventure is flawed and I'd only give it maybe a 7, or 7.5 at best, but in terms of atmosphere and I guess "heart" in a 3D Sonic game it has yet to be beaten.

played it again to see if it holds up. only sonic and gammas stages were fun. tails are just sonics stages but shorter. emerald hunting was never fun for me but it sure as hell was better handled in adventure. Amy is just annoying until the very end were you finally get to kick the shit out of that robot.

forgot how much i hated big. he was cleary made for kids with autism.

Not him, but it holds up OK. Really just OK. Still enjoyable.

I thought the Big stages were comfy

SA2 also follows the plot of S3K.

Shadow is based on the painting in hidden palace zone, Gerald has a piece of the ancient civilization ruins in the space colony etc. etc.

whats wrong with DX

Replayed this game recently. It was alright.
They could have just left it at just Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Gamma's storylines and it would have been fine. Big drags the game down with his shitty fishing sections that add nothing to the experience and Amy's levels are meh, not nearly as fun as Sonic, Tails or Knuckles.
I also hated the hub world, I felt like it was really pointless since, other than the stages, there wasn't much fun to do. Maybe find a Chao egg here or sit in Eggman's chair in the egg carrier, but it all felt pointless overall.
I feel like Adventure 2 improves on just about everything which keeps me from coming back to this game a lot of the time (but Adventure 2 dropped the ball on Treasure missions, both in terms of the shit radar and the maps just really irritate me)

Do you eve realize how fucking important Sonic was to me when I was 11 ?

>Shadow is based on the painting in hidden palace zone
user I like that theory too but let's not pretend it's anything other than very convenient fanon. SA2 is a good sequel to SA though, I did like the Artificial Chaos and other SA1 references once you get on board the ARK.

your on the on the spectrum user.

your not a true sonic fan

Only thing SADX adds is a bare bones version of the DLC that came out for the DC. Also there's a bunch of random easter eggs.

I might have an idea. I was the same way as a kid with the original Genesis games. I remembered being so hyped to play Sonic 3.

you can fix the PC version with some mods, iirc

Yes, it's one of the games that raised me. Something about 3d Sega games of this era that are so comfy to me. This, Monkey Ball, and FZero GX are just so nice.

>as a kid I used to call Knuckles and Super Sonic yellow and red Sonic. I just figured out their names when Sonic Adventure first came out on the DC when I was 10 years old.

i forgot.

the final mission was hype as fuck.

My first sonic game
was sonic 1 and then 2
I like 2d ones
I liked spinball
I hated adventure it is exactly like the games nintendo makes now a days

Watch out, you're gonna crash

yes, but i know its only nostalgia after playing both adventure games last summer. the only thing they have going for them at the end of the day are the chao gardens and the soundtracks.
i've said it time and time again, but StH really is the best 3d sonic there is and it depresses me that people can't look past the obvious and go try out the god tier level design for yourself. the length of them can take you up to half an hour each, there's multiple ways to finish them and go towards branching paths, and the final level is probably the coolest most drawn out final sequence i've ever played in a platformer

again i know people will never look past just the box art though. makes me sad. maybe if it was on steam, people would give it another chance

>Fucking Shadow The Hedgehog shilling again
The way this has cropped up in the last few weeks out of nowhere almost makes me pine for that period of time about half a year ago when people were unironically calling Sonic Unleashed the pinnacle of the franchise. Why does the Sonic fanbase have to be so contrarian?

maybe. i played the original 3 back when i was 3-4 years old. loved them to death. years later i saw sonic adventure 2 in my friends house and beg my parents to buy it for me. i thought sonic died after sega genesis

>pinball game integrated in the linear level
>hopping around on vines
many parts of Heroes felt old fashioned Sonic, but
>unlock cannons to progress by defeating enemies
>Rail Canyon
>Cryptic Castle puzzles
Very un-2d Sonic like.

fuck you, i've been spewing this for maybe two years now. it is the best 3D sonic game and deserved better ;__;


or was that Sonic Adventure 2

>every character was mostly consistent with their old personalities

What personalities? The closest thing I can think of was Knuckles with his chuckling. Oh wait, I guess he doesn't do that anymore.

Shadow the Hedgehog is pretty good

Still think Sonic Heroes is the best 3Dhog out though

I was mostly referring to their personalities as described by the Japanese manuals.

>I hated adventure it is exactly like the games nintendo makes now a days
That's not even remotely true

underage faggot

2. First level of 2. First 10~ minutes of gameplay.

but user, 1999 was 100 years ago

Twilight princess and all the marios have mediocre gameplay
Mediocre story
Bad level design
Easy as fuck difficulty
and cringy atmosphere of the game

Neo Nintendo has down syndrome compared to the past

Why did you bring up TP but not SS?

Pretty good, but it annoys how sensitive running can be. Especially when trying to correct myself after missing something.

Sonic's story was barely matched by his gameplay in SA2. It's been too long, SEGA. Fix this shit

>rolled me back to right before killing princess in mara
>no longer have quest credit to get the bow I need

SS is the same shit tp set the standard

ALBW is passable but the ghosts non complexity in the puzzles and the bosses and forcing the player to select a hard mode which is STANDARD gameplay from 1993-1998 over a super casual and boring game.

Difficulty needs to make a come back


>better chao garden
>mission mode
>minigames and metal sonic as emblem rewards
>maps in the menu
>character voicing the menus
>leaderboards in the x360 port


>levels retextured and/or completely restyled
>doesn't include the SA DLC (
>the lantern lighting is removed to make the game run at 60fps (kinda) on gamecube
>broken and missing graphicalal effects
>locked at 480p in the x360 and ps3 ports

Here is a fan patch dedicated to bringing the dreamcast assets to SADX PC while fixing various bugs and glitches found in the original SA game.

And another patch that is porting the original 1999 character models to create the perfect version of the game.

It was my first 3D game.
It made me completely immune to bad camera in any other games ever.

I did when I was in like 5th or 6th grade. I got this, soul caliber, and a dreamcast on Christmas. I think my presents were so good that year because my parents got a ugly divorce shortly after.

The graphics blew me away when I was that age, even though they are awful looking now. The whale crashing through the boardwalk was a big deal back then.

All of sonic's levels were good. Same goes for Tails. The hubworld was weird yet charming. The voice acting, lines, and lip movement is all pretty terrible, but at 11 or 12, you don't really care too much.

The rest of the game was okay. I only beat the game because I fell in love with the Sonic levels and I enjoyed the chaos garden.

If I were to go back to this game, I'd proably enjoy the sonic and tail's levels still, but besides that I see no reason to beat it other than to fulfill some nostalgia quota.

For it's time, it was definitely a 8/10 game. Now, it's much less. I can't imagine it's withstood the test of time like Mario 64 has. for example.

Gay they got rid of the cool shiny effect of the game

I WOULD play this but since sonic is not shiny it looks fuicking retarded

Sonic Adventure had an interesting development where Sonic Team basically went on a field trip to various jungles, ruins and cities to research some of the types of areas they wanted in the game. During this trip they took a lot of photos and most of the photos were later converted into textures for the stages. The SADX port seems to swap out the photo-realistic textures for flat, traditional ones, as maybe they thought the initial technique would leave the game feeling dated and blurry. Strangely enough the original textures look worlds better even in 1080p.

Nope. The game is jank in every regard, it controls poorly, isn't even hard to find glitches, level design isn't very good and the other character routes aren't enjoyable

You can disable it if you want to. That's one of the options with the mod. If you prefer the Dreamcast art assets with SADX's glossy models, you can do that. If you prefer SADX's art assets with the better lighting, you can do that.

>SBFP do a playthrough
>Start out all hyping the game up
>End of it they are all trying to rationalise the flaws
>Realised the only really hype bit was how they remembered the last boss

Sonic Adventure is more or less the origin factor in why Sonic games are the way they are these days. There's a reason people used to say that Sonic's friends were shit.

Let's be honest, aside from Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Gamma and Big were shit to play as. I know some people like Knuckles' treasure hunting stages, but I personally hated them. The entire reason they even exist was pretty simple: the game would be far too short without them. Sonic isn't known for having long games, generally having some of the shortest games of all 16-bit platformers. But a game that short wouldn't fly anymore, so they had to lengthen the game. Having five extra characters allowed them to cheaply re-use environments and assets five times, lengthening the game to six times what it originally would have been. The problem here is that Sonic's stages are always consistently the best. And since many future Sonic games tried to emulate SA1's formula, it ultimately resulted in the meme that Sonic's friends were all stupid and unnecessary.

yes but the controls were awful

It is a broken mess.
Great OST.

>For it's time, it was definitely a 8/10 game.
Not really. The games was released on 23rd of December 1998, so pretty late in 1998 and even later in the west

By that time we had MGS, Zelda OoT, Banjo-Kazooie and Crash Bandicoot 1-3. 3D games had already surpassed it, SA looks like a unfinished mess in comparison

It was fun

My favorite 3D sonic game

Here's my main issue with Dreamcast era Sonic games: They all feel so unrefined. Like they needed another two or three months of fine-tuning and plates ting. They really should have taken extra time to smooth out and refine the gameplay.

Another issue is how repetitive the games are. I'm cool with multiple characters with their own unique campaigns, but SIX? I have to play the game six times?! SA2 was a bit better since you technically only had to play twice, but we all know it was just so they could double the game's length. Heroes was the worst offender, though, since the stages and core gameplay are EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME BETWEEN ALL FOUR CAMPAIGNS.

That isn't the main reason people complain about his friends, it is because they are fucking annoying as characters. They have annoying voices and personalities which aren't helped by a terrible script. This only gets worse as their speaking roles became more intrusive.

That is why people now don't complain about the characters in boom (at least the show), cause they are actually entertaining

>An 8/10 game
>Not really
Not that user, but it literally was. Sure, we can call the legitimacy of reviewers into question (IGN giving Sonic Unleashed PS360 lower score than Sonic 06? wtf?) but the fact remains that Sonic Adventure averaged scores over 8 out of 10 by most media outlets when it was released, and that still holds true even if you remove the game magazines that were blatantly funded by Sega (Dreamcast Planet, Official Dreamcast Magazine etc)

YOU might not have ever considered it to be an 8+/10, but by definition it was.

Dude, no. It has way better textures and polycount than any of these games.

WW set the standard. The new game looks harder than the N64 games, basically using features of the hero modes fron the Gamecube remasters, but I don't know if that'll satisfy people's difficulty boners. The actual hard mode better do something with the AI.

After SA sonic follows a formula

Big new gimmick instead of improving the basics, all the effort goes into early stages and then as the game goes on you slowly see the time and budget put in drain away.

Even the better recent sonic games like Generations does this, They refuse to just make a basic ass sonic game where they maintain a level of quality all teh way through

Not him but that's not necessarily true. People dislike other characters for their different gameplay styles.

One reason people don't dislike Blaze (or at least as much as the other characters) is that she pretty much plays like Sonic in her debut game with some minor differences. Compared to Big who's all about fishing.

Yes. And irrespective of what twits like Arin and Jared and SuperBunnyHop try to play up, the laughable cutscenes, camera controls, and glitchiness were issues of the games I knew about since launch day, and it never once diminished the sheer amount of fun I had playing both the Adventure games. Fuck the lot of them, and fuck the pussies who try to play it off like people only think the games are good due to nostalgia. Time hasn't done shit to these games. They're the same sloppy, broken, groove-inducing rollercoasters that came out over 15 years ago, and there exists not one single solitary reason for me to love them even a tiny bit less than I did back then.

>They refuse to just make a basic ass sonic game where they maintain a level of quality all teh way through
Technically Sonic Colors is this game. The problem is it had practically no budget compared to Sonic Unleashed or Generations, so although it maintains a level of quality, that quality is pretty much "cool drift corridor followed by Mario style block platforming". It's definitely consistent, but it's just consistently "okay".

>>By that time we had MGS, Zelda OoT, Banjo-Kazooie and Crash Bandicoot 1-3. 3D games had already surpassed it, SA looks like a unfinished mess in comparison

I'd rather play any of those games than sa.

>, we can call the legitimacy of reviewers
We can, cause according to you Dragon Age 2 is a solid 8/10 for the time when clearly for the time that game fails to reach that on even a technical level.

You even have to admit how reviews were paid off.

Even if I just give you that, the game has also aged far worse than them especially cause of teh awful animations.

1/4th heart

I believe the game that introduced that was WW
and I agree
in WW i got all these abilities and shit and i was like ok thats cool and all but now every enemy is beaten within seconds and I am like this is not fun at all.

>Technically Sonic Colors is this game.
those aliens that give you weird power ups are gimmicks

The game does come pretty close though

Well sure, but the ranking out of 5/10/100 system only exists for two purposes - as a scale for reviews by games 'journalists', and as a scale for your own opinion. If you don't trust games journalism then rating the game out of 10 at all (or saying it isn't an 8) serves as nothing but posturing for your own subjective views on the game.

Sonic Adventure is viewed as above an 8/10 in the eyes of the industry and it sold well to boot. It's certainly not objective but that's about as close to objectivity as you're going to get with ranking vidya

>People dislike other characters for their different gameplay styles.
People generally like Gamma though (who had the only thing close to good writing in SA), meanwhile people shit on Shadow who is literally a sonic clone which is even more true if we look at heroes where each team has a "sonic" yet people still dislike those characters.

That's not really a gimmick any more than, say, Elemental Shields are gimmicks. Special abilities locked behind collectible power-ups is a standard thing for platformers.

Gamma is probably one of the few exceptions. I agree that people do shit on Shadow (though you can argue that Shadow does have his gameplay styles in his own game). I guess it really depends on the game really.

You are jabbering about nothing right now.

>serves as nothing but posturing for your own subjective views on the game.
I wasn't the one who brought up scores or journalist, you were. So stop posturing and saying well they said it was good even though if we compare it to games from before or the same time it is obviously much worse. And you already admitted those scores were paid off.

> it sold well
You realise how many awful games you are arguing are good right?

>and as a scale for your own opinion.
Okay then, 3D games had already surpassed it, SA looks like an unfinished mess in comparison to games from the same time. 3/10 - it doesn't glitch out sometimes I guess

Shields did stuff like not make you die in some areas, the aliens made you turn into a drill or a rocket

>I wasn't the one who brought up scores, you were
No, this user was , and then you disputed him calling it an 8/10 game. I hardly think it was wrong for me to assume you were both talking about review scores, seeing as that's the only place where a rating out of 10 scale actually matters

Mario games have power ups that turn you into animals or have stuff like drills or propellers equipped. Are those gimmicks? Plus Wisps are optional for the most part and some levels don't have any at all besides the Boost ones.

> turn you into
It isn't about the turn you into, it is that those significantly change gameplay. Fire flower? You still control like mario just with one new attack. But lets say Mario had a power up where he now controlled very differently leading to a very different gameplay section not your normal run and jump man (he probably does I just can't think of one), then yeah that is a gimmick

>(he probably does I just can't think of one)
Yeah, Super Mario Galaxy had that a fair few times I believe. Spring Mario, Boo Mario, there were probably others but my memory of those games is hazy

thats a good first post

Still my favorite 3d sonic as well which is sad because it says a lot when a launch dreamcast title did sonic better then the following efforts. Its fresh and has that 90 attitude but still has that classic sonic feel. With the only good casino level.

>did sonic better
but it did it worse than later ones, people just forgave it cause a 3D sonic was a new thing and shiny graphics. Even just looking at SA2 it objectively improved on most parts. The only game it beats out is Sonic'06

>people are so dumb that they actually like the port with no functional lighting
DX totally fucked up the sounds, animations, models, textures, and a bunch of other shit. Some sounds and animations are just totally missing from the game after the port too.

whoops, forgot that they fucked up the lighting
Also, turns out that some sound clipping is due to running it at 60fps instead of 30.

>Even just looking at SA2 it objectively improved on most parts
>Ruins the SA1 spindash (as broken as it was it was fun as fuck)
>Takes the "Adventure" out of Adventure by removing the hubs
>Instead of letting you do each gameplay style at its own pace, SA2 forces you to keep switching between running shooting and hunting
>Treasure hunting stages in SA2 were too big to be fun, the radar was worse and it didn't give you the added benefit of having already explored these sections as Sonic
>Mad Space
>The shooting levels in SA2 were much slower and clunkier, much less "Sonic-esque" in my opinion
>Far more corridor-in-the-sky type levels, much more linearity on the whole
>That fucking try-hard storyline
That's just off the top of my head. How did SA2 beat it out exactly? I guess it had better Chao system, a 2P mode, and better music (which is HIGHLY subjective) imo. That's really the only things it improved on

Examples or proof?

>but it did it worse than later ones

Secret rings
Black knight
06 like you listed
Lost world

I think only SA2,colors and gens beat it flat out. People would argue unleashed but while the visuals and mechanics were good the stage design was shit,filled with QTEs and speed traps and tons of play themselves auto sections that adds a lot of fluff and not much to bite into.

I argue the other boost games because while they refined the gameplay I don't feel like its truly sonic.SA2 is a direct improvement in most areas but the classic feeling is gone completely. Adventure is that full package for someone like me that adored the classic games and wanted a new perspective in 3d.

How the fuck did you guys get out of the sewers on dreamcast?

Took me like 2 hours to finally dash out of there properly.


That game is bad to begin with, but the PS3/360 ports are even worse. The only real way to play the game is on gamecube, as it's controller fixes some of the sensitivity issues. Adventure 1 is still the better game though.

Unleashed > Generations > SA2 > SA1 > Heroes > Lost World > 06

It has a few good levels but fuck knows last time I played it. Feels way to simple and the collision and stability is fucked. Maybe when it becomes BC i'll give it another spin

I think this is a pretty fair comparison of SA1 and 2, covers everything I could think of, though I didn't mind the try-hard story.

I hope that ridiculous SA1 style Sonic complete with spindash comes the fuck back someday

using the light dash? if you remove the crate using a hex editor you can use the elevator to twinkle park the way big does.