You know it's true
I am the harbinger of your disillusionment
>This will suck
Other urls found in this thread:
What makes you think I care?
Tell me something I'm actually looking forward to is going to be shit. I haven't even beaten ME1 (and I probably never will, it's boring).
You're all right, user
Ok, tell me what you're looking forward to and if it's shit I'll tell you
It'll be the best selling bioware game.
You know it's true.
Need for Speed 2017
Nah. It'll sell its fair share of copies and way more than it deserves, but it won't be the best selling bioware game.
what the fuck my dude
Just like how DA:I was going to flop. :^)
It won't
It will sell in millions and there will be a sequel
And you know it.
Exquisite taste meine freunde
DA:I was complete garbage
DA:I did not sell particularly well.
And every game is going to flop according to nu/v/ so that word has lost all meaning
>The most expensive edition doesn't contain all bonuses
>It even doesn't contain a FUCKING GAME
gosh OP, with Sup Forums's stellar record of predictions, I'm inclined to believe you.
While "game not included" is something I've seen before in a collector's edition, not including all that other digital shit is some next level faggotry.
How low can bioware go?
EA said it was the best release of any bioware game.
>you would literally have to spend almost 400$ to get everything
Jesus fucking christ
I know it's going to be completely shit but I'm still semi interested, however I heard that there is no more classes (stupid mistake) and it looks like y ou're forced to play a woman.
So no ty.
Will the game have EDI like android to form a romantic relationship with? No, than it will be shit.
They haven't released any sales figures. That alone should tell you enough.
>b-but EA said its the best selling Bioware game yet
Of course they would, it's a fucking marketing trick.
>looks like y ou're forced to play a woman
Unless you refuse to play manlets, which I can completely understand, but it's still possible to play as male Ryder.
There's plenty of shit wrong with this game. No need to make shit up.
>It will suck
>Nu-Bioware can only make autistic and fat twi-leks and rocky protheans as """""new""""" aliens.
You don't fucking say.
Yea, they also announced "hours played" rather than "copies sold" to their shareholders, so I'd take their statements with a grain of salt if I were you.
They fired almost the entirety of their core staff and replaced them with cheap "literally who" nobodies with barely, if any, experience in the field. You thought Hamburger Hepler was bad? Their entire staff is that tier now, because those people are a lot cheaper than educated professionals.
The only thing that could possibly redeem the game is if you can make sure that peepoo dies.
It's kind of funny everyone on Sup Forums has convinced themselves bioware is a failing studio yet somehow they keep making games.
Are you implying that hamburger helper was an educated professional?
cohhcarnage said it will be game of the year so stfu op
>You thought Hamburger Hepler was bad?
She wrote orzammar and the dwarf commoner origin.
I still can't get over how fucking stupid that name is. Peebee, sounds like something an autistic tard names his awful coloring book doodle figure. This shit's as retarded as Gears of War 4's "Deebies" but it made sense because it was intials of Damon Baird.
Depends on your definition of failing. They will always sell games on brand recognition alone so in that sense they won't fail.
But look at the quality of just about anything in ME:A. The animation, the models, the graphics, the squad members.
It's made by a bunch of amateurs because they let go most of their experienced staff and replace them by tumblrwales and that poo in loo.
I never made it up, I heard it from another user which I am very glad to see that he's real, this has at least put it back on the table, the lack of classes thing is still a bit shit though.
Wait, this fucking hamgoblin wrote the dwarves in DA???
Samefag here, meant wrong not real, doh.
>She wrote Orzammar
Nice meme, guess which parts she actually wrote though, I'll even give you a hint; Paragon.
>And the Dwarf commoner origin
Which I'm pretty sure most people consider the worst origin in the game, and good lord it pales in comparison to the City Elf and Dwarf noble origin.
Quite the opposite my illiterate friend.
Most studios that had successful games in the past can afford some failures, DA2 didn't sink Bioware either, but you're delusional if you can't see the constant downsizing and replacing expensive employees with cheaper alternatives isn't the signs of a dying studio.
She wrote Ogrhen getting cucked by a carpet muncher, which people will insist is her "writing the dwarves"
What's the point of the super deluxe edition? Is anyone truly autistic enough to pay an extra $20 dollars for even more multiplayer boosts?
>Is anyone truly autistic enough to pay an extra $20 dollars for even more multiplayer boosts
user, have you been in a coma for about a decade?
Would not fuck
Will not buy
>Nice meme, guess which parts she actually wrote though, I'll even give you a hint; Paragon.
>Jennifer wrote most of the dwarven NPCs in Orzammar, and the Dwarf Commoner Origin. She co-wrote the plot of A Paragon of Her Kind with Lukas Kristjanson, and wrote the Anvil of the Void quest line, including Branka and Hespith. She oversaw the development of dwarven culture and the city of Orzammar and was an early contributor to the Landsmeet plot
>Which I'm pretty sure most people consider the worst origin in the game, and good lord it pales in comparison to the City Elf and Dwarf noble origin.
Bullshit. Sup Forums fucking loved the dwarfs.
user, there's threads about mobile games on Sup Forums daily now. Let that sink in. I mean where have you been buddy? Best go back there because this crazy shit is normal now.
I will be the judge of that Mr Anonymous
If this is the norm then I'm going back to my hidey hole
>RC Vehicle
So this is the Bioware audience, huh?
RC is cheaper than Blue Tooth.
>Sup Forums loved the dwarves
If by dwarves you mean the dwarf noble origin, then yes.
The rest of the entire dwarven area is usually considered the worst part of the game, though this is also in part due to the deep roads being obnoxious. Though that also means that relief from the deep roads makes the dwarves look better by contrast.
I haven't seen revisionism this bad since DA2 came out and Sup Forums suddenly hated everything bioware.
It will be complete garbage but it will do well and people will love it
I dunno man, I actually played as a poorfag dwarf as my first origin and though it was decent. Not fantastic or anything, but it conveyed the whole "you're a piece of shit nobody cares about" feeling bretty gud.
It was maybe one of the weakest origins but I don't think it was bad per se.
He's right though. Most people absolutely dread the deep roads and the dwarf noble origin is great.
oh look it's another episode of the Sup Forums spergs out about bioware thread
>cisquisition, because apparently there might be a gay in it
>nothing but sjws [directed at character's haircut]
>cucked because i dunno stop being so cucked cucked
>only normies play [insert bioware game]
>mass effect 1 is the only good game and literally nothing at all is good or fun about the sequels and if you like them you're a feminist
>me3 ending pts
>mass spamming of indian guy's twitter
>TORTANIC nevermind that it was immensely popular and profitable once it flipped free to play and has continued to be so for years nevertheless TORTANIC
>hamburger fat chick spam post
I don't think most of the dwarf areas are really "bad" beside the stupid shit with Ogren. It's not offensively bad as the shit she wrote on her own, but rather than thinking she suddenly became a competent author the other writers keeping things in check seems the more likely option.
It wasn't until DA2 that Sup Forums stopped talking about how great the dwarves were.
>$0.05 has been deposited in your EA account
Welcome to 2008
It's my guilty pleasure. I already have it pre-ordered.
It'll be decent.
>everyone on Sup Forums has convinced themselves bioware is a failing studio yet somehow they keep making games
are you new to video games, you don't stop making games until EA lays you all off and merges any leftovers into another studio
>there might be a gay in it
And it will always be human because pussy Bioware won't let us fuck the Aliens
>all part of a scheme to harvest the industry's competent talent in a repeating cycle of purges that has continued relentlessly over countless cycles.
Fuck off faggot.
except all the real talent leaves when they get bought out, all EA does is buy names
>That thing is considered a new alien
>uses gun
>can't be assed to make something slightly primative but can set traps and explosives and into melee
>can't make anything look unique and have erratic behavior
>Can't make anything have a special way to kill them like dismembering their body to release gas keeping them alive
Holy shit what a bunch of fucking talentless hacks.
There is a 10 year difference between these promo shots...
alright what's with bioware and not making a decent looking human head for women? these "humans" heads looks like from tes oblivion
You forgot
>"meta" breakdown by bioware shill posting for good goy points
what the fug
I know ME1 didn't actually look like that (on Xbox anyway), but this is bloody criminal. How can devs prioritise graphics over all else when the benefits are this obviously reaching a plateau?
Make me Faggot.
>posting bullshots of scenes that did not happen in Mass Effect 1
Is this legit?
Why the hell is this thing allowed to live at all?
They're promo bullshots from 2007, so yeah the game never actually look like that when it came out.
But it does show how little the quality of the art and capability of the team hasn't really improved at all, pretty scary.
It's a fake you dummy. I bet you think that hamburger worker on mass effect.
>Quality workforce gone or fired.
>Their new IP gets canned.
>Forced to stick to increasingly mistrusted franchises.
Everything's fine.
Reminds me of those 2 shots that did not happen in Citadel DLC which still irritate me
>>Their new IP gets canned.
What's this?
Didn't even know they were working on one.
Romancefags are the cancer killing WRPGs
No that's waifufags.
They already infest all witcher threads.