He can afford a 1000$+ PC rig

>he can afford a 1000$+ PC rig
>refuses to buy a 250$ console and begs for PC ports
>refuses to buy amazing console exclusives cuz "muuuuh 4K and 60 FPS" even though he admits that gameplay is more important

most of the console war shitters are underage kids whose mommy only bought them one platform so they're upset about the platforms they don't have

>buying a console when 99% of games are multiplatform

how does Bloodborne work for you?

oh wait

>Paying couple of hundred bucks to play a souls game

>and 60 FPS" even though he admits that gameplay is more important
when consoles reach and 60fps 1080p on every game, and the firmware is hacked, ill pick up a modded second hand one and play all those exlusives i guess
until then, sub 60fps is shit and i could barely make it through xenoblade on dolphin

I played it on a friends ps4. It was good but you're not missing much when you can play Dark Souls on pc. Hardly worth buying a whole console for.

~$400 for a console + the 3 good exclusives it has leaves you at 133$/game. seems reasonable not to take this deal.

Not too well. Framerate is shit and the game is blurry as fuck.

I just made it past Blood-starved Beast and haven't died yet. Game is overrated as FUUUUCK

quick rundown please

I wonder if anyone here actually thinks consoles are better than PCs, people seem to be just fishing for (you)'s

>implying it's the only good exclusive game

Yes they are now. PC golden age is long over.

games running at stable 60 fps is important though.

I can't play console simply because of the fucking controllers, using controllers in an FPS for example just makes me want to rip my dick off and light myself on fire.

Mouse and keyboard masterrace, and if you're gonna talk shit atleast do it IRL so I can fucking murder you.

Bloodborne is not a good exclusive.

Why because they have pretty good graphics now? kek.

well it actually is, tell us more about good ps4 exclusives

Bought a PS4 a month ago. Even though the games look and run bad, I'm having a good time.

>plays poorly emulated games with shit framerate instead of getting the console


I only see two good games in that entire stack, faggot.

>Japanese games
Fucking trash

I have BB for PS4, it's great however it is not the end all be all that this board thinks it should be.

The PC is also good for schoolwork, plays 90% of multiplatform games, can run other tools/programs and such, has mods, and has more graphical and control options for games than you could ever need. It's not unreasonable to sink 1000$+ into a PC because you're almost definitely going to get your money's worth out of it, especially since non-gaming rigs would run you about the same price when pre-built. But when your console only has a couple games I'm really interested in playing, you can be damn sure I'm going to be hesitant about dropping 300$+ dollars on a Bloodborne or Halo machine.

>I bought a $6000 rig
And I still aint shelling out to buy a turn on launch.
Maybe a second hand Wii(You)

This is why these arguments never go anywhere. It ends up being about subjective tastes.

I don't like consoles.
I dislike 30fps, low resolution, input lag, controllers and overrated mediocre "exclusives".

I played through Bloodborne on my friend's PS4 that he lent me and it was seriously not that good.

To me being able to play at 120fps at 1080p with a mouse and keyboard is more important than playing Bloodborne or Uncharted.
What's the point of playing a game if the framerate is low and it feels like shit to play it?

>writing off all japanese games
only trash here is you

>>plays poorly emulated games with shit framerate instead of getting the console
what emulator are you reffering to? cemU?

>gameplay is more important
Yeah, so consoles fall flat anyhow.

This, exactly. People wasting stupid amounts of money and then refusing to buy a console make no sense to me.

lmao tell me what shit ass games you play on your "rig"

Elite: Dangerous, Battlefield 4, Sins of a Solar Empire, Age of Empires 2, Titanfall 2, Quake Live, Fallout New Vegas, Red Orchestra 2, Toxikk, Insurgency, Crysis, Crysis 3, Dawn of War...

From the top of my head.

congratulations pointing out the 1%
literally what is your point

dota 2
emulated nintendo 64 games

>refuses to buy a 250$ console and begs for PC ports

Because I don't want a shitbox and people begging for ports are like 0.05% of the number of people on PC?

Reminder that outside of the USA it's literally 'if you're adult buy a PC, if you're a child buy a console'

>buying consoles that have poorly optimized exclusives, poor controls, dated hardware, paid online subscriptions mandatory for online play, microtransactions in every single game, DLC, season passes, and worst of all, have nothing but multiplats to prop up their library when the PC already has most of them

there isn't a single exclusive to consoles that I'd honestly say justifies the purchase. Each and every one has a major flaw that turns me away from it.

DiRT Rally, Total War Warhammer/Attila, Kerbal Space Program MP, Hearts of Iron 4, Europa Universalis 4's updates, ARK Survival Evolved, Galactic Civilizations 3, Pillars of Eternity, Age of Decadence, Talos Principle Looking forward to Rising Storm 2, Serious Sam 4, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Mountain Blade Bannerlord, Dawn of War 3.

Some of these games aren't necessarily exclusive but console players had to wait like a year to get them. Nearly all of those also came out within 1 year and all are better than anything on PS4 in 4.

I have literally not seen a single argument from console-only fags that doesn't involve an overzealous strawman



I was very tempted to buy a PS4 for Ace Combat 7 but since it's on PC as well I just have no way to justify buying a console.

All japanese games are fucking trash.
They are absolute fucking shit by default and anyone who fucking plays them and enjoys them are manchildren with a power fantasy/destiny complex and are gullible fucking retards.

We should've dropped more than two bombs.

>"muuuuh 4K and 60 FPS" even though he admits that gameplay is more important

People do not realize this but framerate is part of the gameplay experience, it doesn't fall in the category "graphics".

>hehe pay $400 for this game you can play over a weekend for like $10 in an internet cafe


Where did Velvet touch you?

>Buy $700~ PC, everything you need
>Have access to more games released over the past several decades than you can play in a lifetime
>Majority of games are cheaper yet of higher quality because they have to compete against decades of games that came before them
>Make small, incremental upgrades to PC over years, carrying over parts as you need them, allowing for a single PC (core components) to last a decade
>Moore's Law is reaching its endpoint, so a PC built today is going to last even longer than that

>Buy $300+ console
>Buy $100s more in bells, whistles, official peripherals and services
>Have a few worthwhile games before that console collects dust
>All games are $50+ for as long as possible because you don't have a choice
>Suckered into buying a slightly stronger console four years later

I love how you couldn't even find any valid point to refute his argument so as the stupid sonygger you are you just upload le epic goldenface which has no relation to that user's post.

You forgot
>Begs for PC ports
>Pirate the game
>Complain when there is no PC port

She cuddled me, told me she loves me and that I am infinitely superior to you. Then she lost her virginity to me after begging for hours.

We then got married and raised several children who now vandalize your house every weekend where you spend your remaining time alive alone in the basement.

Yes, gameplay is more important, which is why I don't want my controller response to feel like complete garbage by playing gimped versions of games at 30fps.

There's this thing called input lag that occurs when the framerate drops below like 100 fps. Makes the 'gameplay' feel like dogshit.

So yeah, fps and resolution are important, fuckwit.

Literally It's even worse when the 1 game worth getting the ps4 for runs ridiculously, ridiculously bad

a bunch of bad games, anime games and multiplats, gg

Gameplay is way more important that graphics but how can you enjoy gameplay if it's running in 900p 24fps. 1080p and a constant 30fps is bearable but there isn't a single console game that can do that.

>PC fats always on about 4k
>Rigs always have ONE (1) GoyTax 1080

So you don't play in 4k then.

1080p 30fps is too JUST tier for me

I'm fine with 720p 60 though

I refuse to give money to Sony since they're trash.
Maybe I'll get a 2nd hand PS4 in 2 or 3 years for like $80.

4k is for plebs I play at 8k

I play strategy games (which are mostly on PC, and there's more good ones than I have time to play), management games (same as above), rpg (which are all multiplatform), fps (which are shit on console), and multiplayer games of all kind (which are free, btw).
Why should I buy a console? What for? I dislike 'action' games like souls, bloodborne or uncharted. I don't even play those that are available on pc. I don't give a fuck about jrpgs and sports game.
What would I need to spend money for?

In addition to this, i really enjoy modding and customizing games. Which is a bit harder on console.


the only thing consolefag can argue

Don't forget the paid online multiplayer.

If you spend a grand on a PC it makes sense not to want to buy a $300 shitbox. Between the input lag from TVs, wireless controllers and 30fps with bad framepacing, consoles are an inferior experience in every way. I'd simply rather be playing on PC.

Its literally a Bloodborne machine with paid multiplayer

>not 100k


Actually I refuse to buy consoles because 'muh 1080p and 240hz'

4k is a meme compared to 240hz. You have no idea how fucking amazing it is.

but you're wrong
I have a PS4, but I also have a powerful PC, so given the choice, I'd much rather play games on PC with better graphics and more stable framerates

>anyone who fucking plays them and enjoys them are manchildren with a power fantasy/destiny complex
you could make that exact claim about most games from the west as well

>$250 console
>+$600 if you want multiplayer for the console's lifetime

wow what a deal

>have to buy consoles from 3 different companies to play all games
>have to upgrade console every few months because of shit tier hardware
>have to pay for online as well as video games
I'd rather just have a powerful pc that can do whatever the fuck I want it to do besides playing video games but to each his own.

>Gets an underclocked PC with less features for 250$
>He could've gotten a PC that had all games (except Bloodborne) and more without compromising graphics for gameplay
>Whines on a Malaysian Rice Cooking forum to hide his buyer's remorse


>input lag from TVs
couldn't you just plug the console's HDMI into a gaming monitor?

>can't think beyond himself or 3 minutes
>thinks he knows what he supports when he buys into the console scam
You will learn one day.

>paying 250 plus tip to play bloodborne at 22 fps

pokemon prism, on my work laptop in my off-time

on my rig I play rocket league, where I can type thing to other pc players in random matches, and can voip my mates when we play as a team

Yes, and most competitive console players use a monitor instead of a TV. I remember seeing videos of an FPS on monitor vs. TV, the difference in lag is night and day.


Not him, but my monitor only has DVI and display port.


>competitive console players

>buy a pc and do tons of shit with it
>essentially pay 300+ dollars for a single game

>all these poor/retard fags bitching because they cant build a PC
>all these elitist/nostalgia cucks with too much shit taste/too busy cleaning their alpha's dick to buy consoles

>not being Idort at all times for maximum gaming

Wow at this.

>Idort comes in to fling shit at everyone
Daily reminder that most idorts are manchildren.
Except me of course, because I'm not a faggot.

Honestly a console is just one more thing I need to make room for. Under my TV while it's being used, then in a box someplace once the next generation comes out. I just can't be bothered with the hassle when my PC will always be there.


I'm not falling for that meme again, i fell for it with the Wii and Xbox to play Metroid Prime and Halo and fuck me never again am I buying consoles just for one or two games.

Now I just stick to PC, consoles suck ass.


You act like these issues don't happen on consoles too.
You seem to have forgotten all the games that have to get patched to work properly.

The only difference is that console kids don't know any better and don't have forums where they can go to complain, so you never see these complaints en masse.

At least PC players know better than to just gobble up any turd the devs throw their way.

>Buy a PS3
>Can't play PS2 games
How is it not a scam?

I bought a cfw'd PS3 very late into its lifespan because you guys wouldn't shut up about it. Sure, stuff on it is OK and sometimes even pretty great, but not a single of its games was something I'd put among my all time favorites.

It must suck to have such a shit taste.

i dont beg for pc ports because i cant afford the console, i beg for pc ports because making you buy a console is a shitty business practice that fucks over the consumer
>$1000 pc
>$250 console
top kek

>posts some weebshit anime slut

real people play videogames to play games, not to masturbate to them. That's literally what hentai and porn are for.

Why would I buy a 250 dollar console that runs games like shit?

Let me reiterate. Bu the time I got it, the best things on the system already had a PC port.

I don't mean neptunia though.

Never had problems with any PS4 exclusive cuck.

This is Dishonored 2, right?

Why would I want a game to be multiplat when every home gaming experience is objectively better on PC? It makes more sense to bitch about it and not support consoles.


>implying letting game publishers know what you want as a consumer in the hopes that they oblige is a good thing
>implying framerate doesn't affect gameplay
And if the game is the same on all platforms gameplay wise, then 4k becomes important.