How come you guys hate Bethesda so much? In fact most people seem to have a low opinion of them

How come you guys hate Bethesda so much? In fact most people seem to have a low opinion of them.

I'm kinda outta the loop, so what gives?

Other urls found in this thread:

They ruined Fallout

They ruined my favorite franchise.

They ruined 's favorite franchise

Bought a franchise and turned it into casual arcade shooter.

Todd is a fucking liar and Hines is a retard who doesn't really know what good PR is.

Track record of buggy games. Gradual removal of roleplaying opportunities in their roleplaying games.

Boo fucking hoo.

Their games have no gameplay and shitty writing.

Very uncreative writing, overly bare and simplistic gameplay, terrible voice actors, raping Fallout...

I dont hate them because they give a nice base for modding :^)

Only a retard would complain when they're given such huge open world sandbox they can flaw to their tastes with some effort. It would take much longer time for you to create a new game from scratch with it's own engines and such. Bethesda games are bland and lack a lot themself, but modding fixes it, not even joking.

>shit combat
>shit ai
>shit storytelling
>shit graphics
>shit animations
>shit engine
>shit rpg in general
>"we want the call of duty audience"
>empty worlds
>mods create new bethesda games
>modders always do a better job than bethesda when it comes to their own games

They have made nothing besides absolutely hollow openworld timesink games (that people think are RPGs for some reason?) since Morrowind

They seem incapable of learning from mistakes or simply don't give a fuck about how unpolished their games are and ignore all of the criticisms

They raped Fallout, handed it over to proper developers who actually managed make a proper CRPG out of their shitty foundation laid by Fallout 3, fucked them over, and raped Fallout again

Because they make objectively shit games and receive too much praise from the casual gaming audience, critics rate their game high just because it has the word Bethesda in it. They rely on hype alone to sell their shit games.

On other hand we have actual good developers like Cdpr that make good game like the Witcher franchise, and they don't even receive 10% of the hype Bethesda titles get. Despite their games being 100x better than anything Bethesda shits out. Just compare the shit game that is Skyrim to Witcher 3.

All of the above. Its especially bad how much they keep dumbing down gameplay elements every time they shit out a game. Usually franchises get better and more detailed.

Hey Todd. It's because you have been using the same engine for more than a decade and continue to do less and less inspired things with it. The More You Know...

They make mediocre games yet everyone hails them as the best thing since presliced bread.

They made Fallout 4. And I liked Fallout 3 and Skyrim unironically.

Because their games are too god for Sup Forums

>release a Skyrim "special edition" with minimal to none graphical enhancements and zero new content for 60 bucks, even though the game is 5 years old now

>literally steal quest mods from Nexus and re-use them in their DLC without giving any recognition or compensation to the mod creator

>refuse to give out early review copies to any of their future titles because of ridiculous bullshit made up reasons ie "we want everybody to experience our games at the same time"

>bait people to buy the Fallout 4 season pass by lowering the price for a short period of time and saying ambiguous stuff like "we will release this amount of content but we may release more content than planned ;)"

>they have used the same engine since Morrowind and each title loses more and more RPG mechanics and Bethesda goes with the "modders will fix this and that" mentality

>the whole paid mods fiasco

>their lead PR guy is a person who literally does not give a single fuck about any of the established lore and consistency

>>their lead PR guy is a person who literally does not give a single fuck about any of the established lore and consistency
Well yeah, he's a PR guy not a writer.

>Making basically the same game since Oblivion
>No improvements other than graphics
>Actually removing rpg elements and simplifying gameplay
>Getting lazy with DLC, something they were pretty good with since Knights of the Nine.
>Todd "Tell Me Lies" Howard

they used to be good but the last couple of years they just pump out garbage

Yes but the PR guy should at least pretend to care about the games. He is THE public figure of the company after all.

They've given no reason to like them.

Oblivion was a fine launch title, but as an RPG is was broken beyond belief; and without mods, the game had to be played with constant vigilance of stat-ups to not fall behind the level scaling. Morrowind also had an odd levelling system, but the game-world was static and growth was never detrimental. This idea was fucked in the ass with oblivion, and leveling meant that the pc would more often become weaker over time

Fallout 3 was decent enough, but comparative to other fallout games it was very much lacking. The best thing I can say about it is that as a semi-modern game, it handled VA in a way that didn't immediately make me hate it

Skyrim looked better than previous bethesda games, but played worse. Removing core RPG elements from an RPG series is ridiculous, and the VA was 100% worse than previous titles.

I dislike full VA in games, and bethesda is the company that both instigated that opinion, and remains on of the largest factors factors that supports my opinion still

>shit games
>shit writing and they're completely oblivious as to how shit it is
>incredibly jewish practices
>paving the way for removing RPG elements while being the west's biggest RPG studio
bethesda are a disease and we only stand to gain if they die

>They're lazy as sin
>Butchered their own franchise/betrayed their original fans to chase the LCD audience
>Bought a beloved other franchise to ruin it too
Fuck them.

>Cdpr that make good game like the Witcher franchise, and they don't even receive 10% of the hype Bethesda titles get.

they've made one good game and have gotten plenty of hype for it.

>Reminder that Bethesda learned it's lesson with FO4 and they will make TES great again

They kinda fucked up fallout, they more or less make lowest common denominator media and they lie or obfuscate details about their games

I don't really hate them, it's sort of overcompensation for the hype

Because its big and popular

Hipster mentAlity

I hated it before it was shit

I like most of their games. Haven't played all of them but fallout 4 was a fucking disgrace.

Games are boring, buggy shit. But I didn't care / just skipped them, now it's mostly just hate about Todd posting. I hate seeing that manlet's stupid face in every fucking Sup Forums thread.

It'll all go away when you buy my game

>Buggy mess games that run like hot dogshit
>holding review copies with bullshit excuses that literally no one believes
>Ruined Fallout
>Won't let obsidian make another Fallout
>Shit writing
>Shit voice acting
>Shit engine
>Bonus: Their pricing in my country is atrocious.

Fuck Bethesda

Their games have shitty writing, they rape their own lore (HURR THEY OWN IT THEY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WANT DURR), they use shitty engines and that engine creates game breaking bugs BUT gameplay is always decent.

F4 and skyrim's weak poimts aren't their gameplay.

They release unfinished games, but since it's "mod friendly" it's up to the community to fix it.

>Reminder that Emil didn't see anything wrong with the writing or design outside of the shit dialogue wheel and will continue to be personally responsible for the shitfests their games have become

>BUT gameplay is always decent.
Skyrim's main weakpoint is its gameplay
Fallout 4's strong point is its gameplay, but that's because it's the only "ok" thing in a shit-tier game


eat shit, a million flies can't be wrong.

>>F4 and skyrim's weak poimts aren't their gameplay.

>if you dual wield in skyrim there's no way to dodge, block or parry, active or passive
>in both games the big bad enemies will have health bars that can take >5 mins to whittle away regardless of if you build your character correctly or not, but instead are more dependent on finding overpowered methods of defeat that fall firmly under the blanket of meta-gaming

How do we fix Bethesda?

Emil didn't see anything wrong with Fallout 3's ending either. Then they finally caved to everyone pointing out how retarded the story was and made Broken Steel retcon it.

He probably still doesn't see how fucking retarded Fallout 4's plot is.


their console ports are sub-par in most cases (borderline unplayable on ps3), and they need to fuck off with their overpriced season passes
(50 dollars for Fallout 4, 40 dollars for New Doom)

>vanilla game is always atrocious
>bugs and crashes prevalent in every game
>piss-poor writing for the most part

Reminder that you can easily torrent every single Bethesda game. Fallout 4 with all DLC's is available for free from the pirate bay.

Should I start with their extremely buggy games (that have run on the same engine for almost 20 years) or should I start with their never ending record of screwing over dev studios, some which are borderline illegal.

Tell me which one you want and ill go into great detail about why I fucking hate them.

I still like them. Fo4 has been the only one they've released that was absolutely awful. I will admit they've been dumbing down over time, but I still have put thousands of hours in to all of their mainline games over the past 25 years.

It's totally subjective. Hate what you want, like what you want. It don't matter. None of this matters.

They are the only company left with good mod support. And I respect that.

Otherwise they only make casual open world games on really shitty engines.
You can also say they bastardize RPGs, but tell me one big AAA that don't do it.

He wanted to have the player be able to kill maxson and take over the BoS because he hates synths, but they only reason they didn't do it was because they were too lazy to change the general BoS npcs dialogue about not liking synths
He's such a hack and he's the lead of both writing and design. Their games would be 10x better if they removed him

Every new game feels like a shitty ripoff of their last game

>You can also say they bastardize RPGs, but tell me one big AAA that don't do it.

They sell games full of bugs, gAmes that should be finished and tested. They are unprofessional group of lazy bastard who cannot even compete against the SJW's diarrhea games.

Also the Bethesda DLC sucks.

No Skyrim's weak point is definitively it's gameplay, Skyrim in my opinion has 2 things going for it, exploration and mods.

Fallout 4's strong point is it's gameplay and exploration while everything related to RPGs sucks.

Bethesda should just give up on their next games and remove all the RPG elements, obviously it would work better for them if they just made Fallout and TES action games.


3-4 syllables
full VA


Are you implying that voice acting makes an RPG automatically bad?

Screwing over development teams! :o

Gee, then Michael Bay's movies have to be the best!

I change my opinion on Bethesda and their games almost weekly.

they've made 3 good games.
let's not forget Sup Forums sucked The Witcher 2's dick when it was still a PC exclusive.

Ben Tre

New Vegas deal comes to mind
>18 week time
>They take the game for QA (which isn't done at all)
>oh boy, off by 1 point, shame about the bonus (^:

>shame about the bonus
Fucking dumb as shit from obsidian to accept that part in the first place. Metacritic, really?

>but everyone who owned it got the SE edition for free....

>who'd they steal from? just curious

>why should they give out review copies? how does that benefit them, or you and me? we're going to buy that shit any get at least 200 hours of playtime out of it.

>i don't agree with season pass economy, but if you bought it you did get 6 DLCs out of it, and would've saved a good bit of money.

>the engine has changed quite a bit, but i agree - it's garbage

>complain about them stealing mods from people, and then complain about modders wanting to be paid instead of stolen from. fuck you you child

>you don't want your pr guy to give a fuck about the lore. that's now how businesses work. you want your PR guy to by snorting coke in the bathroom before he goes on stage and hypes the fuck out of everyone. you don't want him to be some aspie nerd complaining about video games on Sup Forums like you.

Gameplay is definitely, by far the biggest problem of Bethesda, above all else. Like some other user said, their games rely on exploration and mods: the tactical elements in combat are non-existent or at bare minimum, at best.

>we're going to buy that shit any get at least 200 hours of playtime out of it
Spoken like a good little drone

Because it's not japanese. If it's western it better be an indie title or Sup Forums will shit all over it.

Who the fuck are you quoting you reddit fuck?

Full VA, yes.

It's an immense task for any developer to create a good role-playing game of worth in the first place, without also having to hire voice actors and pay them for a specific amount of time for dialogue that might end up actually being terrible.

Distancing ones self from text-based dialogue does two things.
>financial constraints on publishers to produce a product that is not only mentally engaging, but also audibly engaging
>artistic dissonance, where dialogue must be written fewer times to easily slot into a wider range of potential 'roles', to ensure funding isn't getting wasted on excessive voice acting

Reading a characters' response to an event is far more powerful and personal than hearing some dumbfuck over-payed VA fail to convince the listener of what they're speaking

Why would someone waste time making that?

This. Fuck white people and fuck Todd Howard. Only Japanese people should be able to make games.
Dark Souls > Morrowind
Dark Souls 2 > Oblivion
Dark Souls 3 > Skyrim
Fire Emblem > X-Com
Splatoon > Doom
Let me repeat myself.

Dev groups have next to no say at their end of the pipeline with regards to publisher relations especially.

Take some game dev related classes or attend some seminars at uni with some industry insiders as speakers. We have the current DLC market as a result of this power dynamic for the most part. It's been common in the past to lay off the division of your company who just completed your latest game the very night they celebrated it going gold. Like my favorite horror story I heard was just that, they held a pizza party to celebrate going gold and were handed pink slips that night at the fucking party.

This is why when you get into the industry everyone sings DLCs praises. Because you get to keep your job if you're still making money for your publisher after your game is finished.

This is the root of all cancer in gaming.

not that guy but
>SE edition for free....
Only if you owned the base game and all the dlc on PC, otherwise you had to pay
>who'd they steal from?
There was a mod that had a murder mystery with robots in a vault that was very similar to a quest in Far Harbour, plus the settlement building was very similar to a NV mod
>why should they give out review copies?
So consumers have a better idea of what the game is like before purchasing. Not giving out review copies is objectively an anti-consumer practice

>season pass
They were very shady and jewish with 4's pass. They promised free content then only released Survival Mode, and at the same time revealed a bunch of new content for the season pass while announcing they're upping the price (but you still have time to buy it cheap, goyim)

>paid mods
the issue was more them wanting to take a huge slice than anything else

>pr guy
you want your pr guy to actually care about fans and what they want, not practically insult them for caring about your games

Learn to greentext first retarded newfag. Then I'll take you seriously

here's the tl;dr version
their games are simply bad.

The irony is that all the Japanese games you listed suck dick just as well.

Full VA makes it harder but it doesn't mean it's impossible to have a good game, especially if you have more than enough money. New Vegas had mostly fine VA, and the writing didn't suffer at all. PoE2's full VA was its own stretch goal so it's safe to assume they've got the money to afford the time it'll require

in what ways?

why the meme arrows
what are you doing

stop responding to obvious bait

t.Fallout: BoS apologist

All games are objectively bad. Prove me wrong.

>Only if you owned the base game and all the dlc on PC, otherwise you had to pay
>not owning it on PC in the first place

they stood to earn a lot more money from the bonus than the residuals.
Plus FoNV /is/ a better game than 3, also from a huge well known franchise, as well as the sequel to a huge GOTY. They had every single right to suspect it would favor well.

What they DIDNT expect was for bethesda to literally go after almost every single one of the smaller review sites (ie: anyone not giant bomb, game informer, IGN, the big boys) and threaten to remove ALL ads from them if they didnt participate in bethesda's newest PR scheme, which was 'to hold games accountable'.

In a nutshell, they PR'd an event that boiled down to "you should rate every single game based on the game itself, not who published it, no who developed it, not what franchise its from, etc. If theres a bug, call it out and make them pay for it. Hold your score accountable". This is all while knowing bethesda didnt Q/A the game, and forced them to use the buggy as fuck base engine of 3 instead of the far less buggy BoS one they had and wouldnt let them switch it out.

The end result was FONV got screwed and the PR event was never seen again after that game

They ruined two great rpg series.

Yes I know that. And everyone knows metacritic results can get skewed as fuck.

That still doesn't explain why Obsidian thought it would be a good idea to base the bonus on metacritic score of all things they could have picked, like oh I don't know, amount of copies sold?

If you've paid attention to Bethesda since daggerfall you'd understand that the settlement system is them trying to break back into ideas they left behind after daggerfall because technology couldn't accommodate it alongside a playable game. As a fallout game? 4 is trash. It's unfinished in terms of world-building and story because instead it ended up being the tech demo for a strategy msta-game that will finally turn Bethesda open worlds into complete games. They were attempting the same shit with Skyrim's main quest warfare system, just ran out of budget or willpower I guess.

It still made concessions, which is really the problem I have the most with full VA.

In an RPG, one should be allowed to take on practically any role they see fit. While NV wasn't a bad game by any means, it was far more difficult to play a few left-of-center roles because the VA meant that player responses had to prompt them

In the days where an RPG meant a solid picture of the entity you're conversing with a list of social options to address them with, a writer could conceivably complete a dialogue arc to the point where it's ready to ship withing minutes
Once you have to write it, hire a VA, and ensure the dialogue will not need to be changed further down the line so as to not pay a VA twice, you've immediately eliminated the driving force behind role diversity in role playing games

They make terrible games that somehow appeal to normies who will defend them to death because they don't know any better


I hope you have some free time.

With every new ARPG Elder Scrolls title, the RPG part is diminished, while the action part is elevated. This is just a matter of taste. The problem is that every Elder Scrolls title has a mediocre combat system.

TES6 being delayed so long actually gives me some hope.

>90 minutes of dissection(nitpicking)
There's literally no game that can stand up to this scrutiny.

Oops. (You) was unintended.

Watch the video. The points he makes are very strong. He devolved to ironic retard shouting sometimes, but the points are still valid.

> it was far more difficult to play a few left-of-center roles
Can you give some examples of this? I don't see how making the writers finish sooner means it limits role diversity. I can't think of any situations in NV that would be improved rp-wise by not having characters voiced

Thank you

You clearly do not understand how it works.
How it works is the publisher, bethesda, tells you what they are willing to give. The standard is a % per unit sold. Is usually small, around .5 to 1.5%, depending on track record, etc.

They GAVE them the option of the bonus, which was estimated to be 2-3x the estimated amount they would have got based on estimated units sold (which was around the same number as FO3).

You can say its dumb all you want, but FONV isnt an 84, its around a 93 and FO3 is not a 91 by any stretch. If bethesda hadnt fucked them over, it would have been fine... but they DID make the choice to allow bethesda TO fuck them over. But honestly thats what almost every single one of bethesdas victims boil down to.

I've watched it. My opinion is as stated, that yes the game comes off as looking as garbage just as the title says, but no game can hold up to 90 minutes of such scrutiny.