>modern CRPG
>tries to capture the magic of classics like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Fallout, etc
>ends up being completely mediocre
Why does this keep happening?
>modern CRPG
>tries to capture the magic of classics like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Fallout, etc
>ends up being completely mediocre
Why does this keep happening?
>Any isometric rpg ever
Because they're predominately crowd funded. Say what you will about publishers, they ensure a quality product most of the time. When your salary is paid for by fucking donations, there's very little incentive to succeed.
Also, Tyranny was shit. Not mediocre. And PoE was trash.
I hardly believe that most of the team behind Tyranny even played those isometric rpgs. No wonder they can't make an interesting one.
>Because they're predominately crowd funded. Say what you will about publishers, they ensure a quality product most of the time.
Most publishers wouldn't even allow a game like Baldur's Gate or Arcanum to be made nowadays though. Just look at the absolute garbage modern Bioware is churning out.
>anything but mediocre
You haven't played an actual bad game before, kid.
>Yeah I have it's called Tyranny :^)
Nope. Go play something like Haze or Sonic 2006 and report back.
Maybe because cRPGs are mediocre? They were great for their time, but advances in everything lead to other avenues of interest.
>can't make a good game unless someone else has already done 90% of the work for them
really correlates my cashews
I would have played it. If it was anything like advertised.
You are literally playing for a right hand of evil overlord doing whatever the fuck every npc you meet wants (from scrubbing their back and gathering flowers to having personally kill overgrown roaches and crazed beggars) or lose reputation.
loading screens
shitty magic system
loading screens
morality points
loading screens
What is with the absurd level of female warriors in this game? Magical Androgen Amulets?
yeh was average as fuck.
bit obvious with the feminist shit too. games used to be subtle with it.
i think i just prefer the dungeons and dragons universe too. these new ones they keep coming up with just aren't as rich and interesting.
Because you have nostalgia googles on for the older CRPGs.
I played all the IE games other than Torment one more time last year.
They are not as good as you remember them.
New ones are probably just as good you just have overly high expectations.
Hell the only genuinely interesting and original RPG in infinity engine was Torment.
Not saying the other games ware bad just that people over over exaggerate their quality.
For instance in the original Baldurs gates 1 and 2 your stats had no impact on conversations.
And Baldrus gate 1 didn't even have complex quests.
All of them ware short minimal story sequences.
BG2 did better quests and dungeons but still suffered from lack of your characters stats having any impact on the quest.
you played the classic when you were little, so they literally defined the genre for you and are the standard to which you hold up everything
the new rpg wave is just something that tries to be something you already played, so it's basically bound to fail or be nothing more than a temporary fix
They play to safe.
>stats had no impact on conversations
thats not a particularly damning criticism though. if thats the biggest one you can think of then it must be a pretty good game.
I'm not buying this, at least in Baldurs gate and torment people behaved believably, if in a exaggerated fantasy way.
stick of truth is better
Because it's very difficult to recapture the feeling of nostalgia that people hold for those games.
a lot of people are saying nostalgia but the old rpgs do seem genuinely better made.
Lack of mods. Since devs dont want a modding scene because games need to have a short commercial span so they can sell you a new one.
you just grew up and started seeing videogame dialogue for what it is
when you were little you were "inside" the videogame, you were living it, when you grow up you're aware you're just playing a videogame, but you still have memories of that feeling of discovering a sprawling world, overcoming the combat system, etc
Obsidian should just make PoE2 an anime waifubait cRPG, then Sup Forums will eat it up and declare it 10/10 GOTYAY.
Aren't romances one of the stretch goals for PoE2? I kek'd when I saw that.
Mods can be a selling point, like Skyrim and Fallout 4. Mods won't stop people from wanting to buy other games.
You can still get into a video game like you did when you were a kid, but it's harder to do.
This, 90% of Baldur's Gate's writing is utter shite.
Because old CRPGs were usually very well made, and had a lot of options regarding each encounter.
Tyranny is a good example of something that could have been good, but got completely gutted by having to meet stupid deadlines and as a result, there's a lot of cut corners in the game.
>Almost no choices in encounters past act 1, thus:
>almost every single conversation only ends in [fight]
>gameplay gets boring after a while since all you can ever do is [fight]
>big lead up so you can start doing cool things in act 3, then
>4th act completely cut out
The magic is gone. All that's left is tears and ashes of broken dreams. Hold me Sup Forums Baldur's Gate 3 never ever.
games based on pre-existing tabletop RPG systems tend to translate pretty poorly into vidya but they gather massive cult following
games based on original RPG systems handcrafted for vidya commit the fallacy of trying to pander to those nostalgiafags who enjoyed tabletop systems yet at the same time try to establish anything of their own, leading to a very disgusting case of heteroglossia
notice that you don't really need character classes or numeric stats imposing a certain percentile-based bonus/penalty to your performance but many vidya utilise those
Yeah no. It's just a matter of shit writing. I used to be a total bookworm. As an adult I thought my tastes had changed, that I now I hated literature because I was too old to believe it. Turns out I was just reading trash.
Same with vidya. Compare the dialogs of vampire bloodlines, Morrowind, Oblivion and deus ex with any modern rpg wannabe. Ones are immersive or at least acceptable at their weakest. They make you smile and feel. I didn't play some old vidya jewels until 20+ and enjoyed these classics as if I was 12.
to be fair, bg3 was never a real possibility. how would the saga even continue?
also, where's my ps:t 2 and arcanum 2?!
RPGs are not contituted by the quality of their writing, they are constituted by character progression within an established system that rewards you for feats of battle, exploration and yes, gab
there's nothing wrong with unambitious writing as long as the writing isn't detrimental to the gameplay itself
Switched to JRPGs. There's no hope left for Western man. The Western games industry is kill.
I would not mind a collector edition box of the cover, if that game came out back then.
Act 3 could have been so much more than it was, Jesus fucking Christ. They could have cashed in on all the different players you established your relationship to over the course of the game. You could have made alliances, pushed others out, become entangled in an absolute web of intrigue and betrayal.
No, it's just going to every fucking leader one after the other and either killing them or subjugating them, all to reach the same fucking ending eventually.
baldur's gate 3 would be great but i dont think any modern development team is up to the task.
>extremely short
>forced ending
>lazy signs like more tower slots than actual towers
>no real purpose for even using edicts
Playing bg2 right now, what's a good favoured enemy for a ranger?
Vampires are among the most annoying cunts under the sun, so that.
underrail is quite different from the isometrics that the OP is prolly referring to.
I don't have the words for this.
Played it until I was about halfway through and couldn't read or listen to that fucking dialogue anymore. Basic as shit combat too.
weren't even able to get Barik out of that armour. what the fuck kind of so-called rpg that relies heavily on the relationship between your character and your party, and doing quests, misses an opportunity like that?
Because they were never good, you genius. Also, dungeon crawlers >>> wrpgs, AKA the movie games of the past.
But i am playing dcss and elona+ right now.
>objectively ugly, and not just in the "isometric graphics in 2017 COME ON" way
>combat gets extremely dull very quickly, even though the game is mostly about combat
>exploration rarely feels fun because of the objective ugliness of every single thing
At least the character building aspect is decent. Not enough to redeem the shittier qualities of the game, though.
>implying graphics actually matter
They do. Good graphics rarely make a game stand out, but bad graphics can really subtract from one. I don't mind BG2, Arcanum or Fallout graphics or even well-done ASCII stuff, but Underrail just isn't enjoyable to look at.
Underrail fucking awesome. Stop with your baiting already.
no talent in the industry, all the good ones moved on and developers like Bioware and Obsidian hire cancerous millennials straight out of college, no talent or vision
The graphics did initially turn me off from the the game, also the audio effects were terrible. But I had so much fun with the combat and story that I was too immersed in the game to care about it after a while.
Because they aren't doing anything to distinguish themselves. They aren't taking risks.
The reason Tyranny was so mediocre was because it was painfully paint-by-the-numbers with its 'original' concept. Having your character be a flat-out villain in a villainous setting COULD have been done much better if they hadn't pulled their punches like crazy.
It could have explored rape, the type of mafia-esque respect you can find in blatantly evil organizations, whether you can justify torture and murder if they provide security and peace, etc. But instead if went for such generic levels of faux-villainy that Planescape outclassed the shit out of it like two-decades prior.
Bottom line is, you can't capture the magic of a genre unless you deliver a product that is more original and better made than previous titles in that genre, and nobody is putting enough effort in to make that happen in the CRPG ring.
Yeah hated how vampires constantly drained my stats/levels in BG2.
Loved the story in Shadows of Amn but the gameplay is pretty hard.
think bodhi's vag can get wet? must feel pretty cold on the ol' penis
I have the feeling that OP is wrong and it was PoE and not Tyranny that tried to be an infinity engine game. Tyranny sounds like an experiment for "reactive" story-telling. Isn't it like 8 hours for the main quest?
>publishers, they ensure a quality product most of the time.
actual idiot dork confirmed
Graphics matter and don't.
You don't need a game with high quality textures and models. You need a game where graphics immerse you in the world or convey the right things.
This is what many devs don't understand, and they spend a gorillion bucks to animate every hair on a character instead of making the style appealing. Even FF7-tier graphics work in the current year.
Because only Nostalgia keeps the older titles relevant.
No reason to make new ones when all of them are shit
yeah the idea of being an evil overlord in Tyranny was really cringey thinking back on it, the type of stuff a Saturday morning cartoon villain does which could work as a satire but the game played it straight
obsidians just tapping into that easy money crpg market, because good crpgs are lacking. But they fuck it all up when they inject the SJW pandering into their works. Cheap kickstartin ass faggots
False. People still discover these amazing games many years later and enjoy them. That is just a lazy excuse for mediocre game developers.
ahh!! the sjW pandering, this game I have spent 60 hours in is RUINED now!!!
I agree, style and the tone it conveys matter more than the actual quality of the graphics. But even then, little details can change a lot. For example Tales of Maj'Eyal is kind of an ugly as fuck game, but its graphics don't bother me at all. Meanwhile the fucking star selection circles and typewriter log of Wasteland 2 grates on me so much it's a genuine turn off for me. Well, I'd probably get over it if the game was worth it, but it isn't so yeah.
It does. A fantasy world doesn't need to suffer from the same issues as this one, and if it does it should not be for the sake of pandering. Look at the Witcher, though. You see a lot of racism and misogyny and people struggling in those situations. That's well done.
However if I see an Amazon huntress telling me to mind xer pronouns I will normally drop the game unless they do a good job at presenting the situation, which they generally don't.
>it does
pro-tip: it doesn't.
D-did this actually happen in the game?
Maj'Eyal are actually looking good, sure like it look better than Underrail. Fight me
At least i won't need to keep pressing tab to see shit obstructed by countless walls in claustrophobic metro tunnels.
Not in PoE. At least not outside of the shit backer characters.
>modern Classic Roleplaying Game
What did he mean by thsi?
No, it didn't.
Tyranny had a companion who spouted modern feminist propaganda/misandry constantly though. But Tyranny was shit and sold like 100k units, so that's not surprising.
>Fight me
No. I will not shit on a game I like for another game I like too.
>Yeah, I'm one of THOSE people.
Because all those games are completely mediocre.
Not that guy, but I agree with him. Not everyone tolerates hamfisted incursion of currents issues that totally break immersion.
Not him, but for what it's worth, it does for me too.
>Every fantasy universe must be 100% like christian medieval europe or is sjw pandering!!!111
no game has had such horrible immersion breaking SJW bullshit, except for those stupid Enhanced Editions of BG.
i liked poe, but I love dungeon crawling, combat, and playing with my dolls by making autistic spreadsheets of flavor build characters
The game had flaws, but considering how great the two expansions were, and how much they corrected compared to the base game, I am hopeful about deadfire
Honestly i have a hard time getting more bang for my buck than crpgs
It doesn't, but I sure as hell don't enjoy settings that are actually present day California pretending to be something else.
>Tyranny had a companion who spouted modern feminist propaganda/misandry constantly though.
What. Who was that? Verse? Only one I didn't take with me because she didn't fit my party.
Morrowind isn't. Prince of Persia Sands of time isn't and nobody complained. Guess why.
very first conversation you have with her
because they're made by shit hollow companies that have no artistic or creative talent left in them
you could write a book on how shit PoE and Tyranny is.
you barely manage to come up with two sentences of criticism, and the majority of that without merit.
Oh that. Can't you literally tell her she's a sexist cunt in that conversation as well?
Also she never brought that up again while with me, she was too busy cursing me for killing her friends and burning her home.
I got you covered.
you are an idiot if you think the writing and story quality is anywhere near what it was.
someone at beamdog was paid to write this dialogue branching, just think about that.
Tyranny team would've made DnD uninteresting too. It irks me that they had a good chance to do something interesting with their own IP, but ended up with generic shit because no one bothered to read anything about the bronze age.
>Too much stuff to read
>Need to read stuff
>Cinematics and voice over is important
How do these people even cooperate in our world?
Is everything spoonfeed to them with internet?
>100k units
>not an amazing number for based Obsidian
Can't wait for Tyranny 2.
Surely this will be good, right? Or will I have to wait until D:OS2?
This HAS to be fake, please
I won't defend them, but an increasing trend in RPGs is that written dialogue is substituted by spoken dialogue. As the latter becomes more common, less players experience the former and regard it as tedious. Myself included, really.