NITW thread

So how are you enjoying the game bros?
I fucking love it, Demontower especially was cool as fuck

Good game.

How many floors?

around 10-ish, didn't actually count.
Leafy Graves is the hardest floor though.


c'mon guise

I can't participate in this thread because I'm afraid of spoilers, sorry op.

worth $20 y/n I need something to play before Zeruda comes out

Whats the name? Looks interesting

also any word on the PS4 version? Run alright and all that?


I even regret the pirate, that's how much I enjoyed it

6 hours in and i didn't leave 1st chapter yet


Runs well, had maybe three or four times where I had small stutters but nothing serious at all.

Also apparently they released a patch already for some issues, I didn't encounter anything major but there was literally a single spot where the audio desynced from the animation but then caught back up. Also a few items in the game (certain posters or cards) looked to be at a slightly lower resolution than they were meant to be but this may have already been patched.


Yeah this to be honest.

no taste, go play zelda or horizon.
Those are up your alley

this game lacks skateboard so you could move quicker around

Weak false flag.

go back to catalog and see what threads are up and there come back here.
All i see is new overwatch character butthurt, Zelda, Horizon, RE7, Switch/PS faggotry and shitposting.
And that's been going for months already

link to torrent?

cant be seen supporting these sjw devs

I am a furry
Would I like his?

Are there any husbandos?

Fox and Bear are gay pair so i guess it has?