How you sonyggers going to feel when we look back in 5 years and see the Switch out sold your precious PS4?
How you sonyggers going to feel when we look back in 5 years and see the Switch out sold your precious PS4?
>he got Randy's butchered Duke
What a cuck.
Are these threads made by Sonyggers who want to feel good about their low-effort bait when the Switch expectedly bombs so they can go around screaming "TOP KEK LOOK AT THIS COLLAGE OF Sup Forums POSTS THAT SAID OTHERWISE"?
In what universe does that happen? Because I'm sure that will not happen in this line time
Given the fact the switch is not in direct competition with the PS4?
The same way someone that have a scania bus look at the motorbike sales.
If anything, the switch will push some PS4 sales because people will want "the full thing" after played the switch version.
>Couldn't even beat the xbox
Also the PS3 outsold the Wii already.
Brand loyalty is cancer. This thread reeks of your own insecurities as a gamer.
I mean, I am going to get this thing day one and even I dont think it will outsell PS4, its too late for that. I'm sure it will sell a lot more than Wii U, so much so that it wont be considered a failure, but PS4? Never.
Wow, that's the entire PS4 game library
anyone who dwells on console sales figures FIVE YEARS after the fact is a cunt.
They will probably say something like it was a fluke and it will never happen again
>two systems with a strong line up of exclusive titles that are designed to be played in different contexts
>outselling the ps4
>in five years
No. Not happening. That's a 50mil lead Sony has, and that took some four years of pushing and crafting arguably quality games. I'm Xbone4Lyfe and all that dudebro shit and even I know the Switch will probably only reach 25-30mil in that timeframe.
He doesn't even have Bloodborne
Pretty much
say it with me
" the switch will sell absolutely shockingly outside of america "
>tfw there is literally absolutely zero none nil hype in the UK
we rule the pop culture of europe, no hype here, no hype anywhere, sorry nintendfaggots, enjoy your corpse of a console like the wii u
>inb4 some cunt says there is hype
i have a large social circle, dont bullshit.
If it even breaks 15 million in the course of it's entire lifetime I'll be surprised.
>If anything, the switch will push some PS4 sales because people will want "the full thing" after played the switch version.
This is some of the best, most subtle bait I've seen on this board. Sup Forums usually Hd the subtlety of a dump truck. Good job, user.
Unfortunately, a little too subtle to get responses from most of the retards here.
Down under in the nether regions of PAL we're all pretty hyped for it
You can only hype up to 50 times per second.
It's not the same as the 60 hypes per second of the NTSC regions.
>we rule the pop culture of europe
One or two of your non-crime series being broadcasted outside of your country is hardly rule.
Uluru is actually a giant hype beacon that musters all the cattle rearers to the nearest EB Games to preorder Nintendo products
Probably the same way I felt when the Wii outsold the PS3, I couldn't care less. Funny that 6 years later i was still enjoying my ps3 and the continuous stream of high quality games, just like the Wii.. oh wait..
>I-It's the sonyggers, they're the ones doing this, it can't be that Sup Forums is a shithole!
Come on, now. You can't pretend every bad post is Sonyggers unless you're delusional.
approximately half of them are falseflagging while the other half is 00' born failed abortions who saw the falseflagging and figured they're in good company
The PS4 already sold like 55 million. You really think the Switch can play catch up even when the PS4 is still selling like hotcakes? lol
In JP yes worldwide very unlikely
The same way I looked at the WiiU outselling the PS4
oh wait
PS4 haven't even outsold the 3DS and it has like 120p resolution
3DS also came out 2.5 years before the PS4
can't really compare a home console to a handheld.
switch would be an exception though.
Nice excuse lmao
You do realize PS4 is on track to outsell 3DS in less than 2.5 years right?
Okay then, the PS2 outsold the 3DS :)
They're lucky if they manage to sell anything when the Switch and Scorpio is released.
Keep telling yourself that.
>tfw started to manually hide all consolewars/shitpost threads
Sup Forums was so fucking good since then
The Switch will never outsell the PS4 during the PS4 lifetime.
Even if it is very successful, like Wii successful, the switch will only pass the PS4 when the PS5 be like 2-3 years in the market.
But there won't be a middle generation takeover.
Scorpio will be a failure.
Console power never been a factor and never will be.
It's the games, and now sadly the online server that count, and unless scorpio have a secret mode that allows it to infiltrate in the PSN servers, it will not be able to compete with the PS4.
>Console power never been a factor and never will be.
The PS2 was the weakest console of its gen and it sold 155M units
The Wii was slightly more powerful than a PS2 and yet it sold 100M
Well, to be more specific, it is only a factor when it is very behind what developers can do.
And PS4 is just fine at this.
>when the PS4 is the weakest it's fine
It really is the worst.
Okay, i'm a developer.
I made an exclusive scorpio game.
What's in for me in terms of profit?
Well, it'll probably sell more than Bloodborne (snaps fingers)
Actually it probably won't. Xboxfags mostly play CoD and FIFA.
No sane dev would make something for the Scorpio, it's risky since the sales are probably never gonna reach PS4-tier.
And the sales are caused by low exclusive count which is MS fault, it's just a big shit show.
It will sell more than if i do a multiplatform version that don't exactly exploit all the powers of scorpio?
I have serious doubts the Switch will accomplish that Nintenfriend.
I'm so sure in fact, that I'm literally willing to make a wager on it.