What did Sup Forums like about Undertale?
What did Sup Forums like about Undertale?
haha 10/10 ebin thread, faggot, would upvote
I like how easy it makes browsing Sup Forums. I instantly know who is a faggot that should be ignored.
i thought you faggots liked this game
I liked how every character was trans
The music
The music, that's about it. The ending was shit
It was something fresh and new, the humor was also way better than I expected it to be.
Too bad the fanbase made liking this game a sin
How did the fanbase become so bad in the first place? It went warp speed beyond even Sonic levels.
...The blending of gameplay mechanics with storytelling
It was the Homestuck audience that decided this game was meant for them.
rose from the ashes of the homestuck one
I don't even know what homestuck is. Is it good I don't?
>newfagging this hard
this has to be a falseflag
It's like not knowing about my little pony or sonic.
Doesn't matter if you're normal but you should probably stay away if you're in an at risk group
come on, are we at the point where people don't remember the sburb threads we used to have here?
No I'm dead serious, all I know is it's a webcomic that the fans masturbate over, but I don't actually know anything about it.
this. remove music and it's a 4/10 game at best
it doesn't really matter what it's about, all you need to know is that the fanbase is cancer.
it's a kingdom hearts tier convoluted mess plot wise
Glad I haven't heard of it then, the Sonic fanbase makes me enjoy Sonic less and less everyday, and I'm blessed every day because I've never had an urge to visit /mlp/
Its a really long, overly convoluted mess of pages that would require too much time to really comprehend all that happens in the "story".
You could always look it up and start reading a few pages. Fanbase may be cancer, but really judge it yourself, fucking hate how everything is decided based on fanbases and not personal critique
Fantastic music, nice atmosphere, charming characters, neat 4th wall breaking story. Toby knows Earthbound like the back of his hand and it shows.
Solid 8/10
Music was good and the way it was used in a couple scenarios was very effective
Enjoyable writing
Gameplay elements affecting the narrative is something I always love in video games
Had some replay value
It was pretty good
The utterly endearing characters
...Sup Forums giving legitimate opinions that aren't vitriolic???
What timeline have I stepped into!?
Here's a chart to get you started :^)
Characters, music, 4th wall is fun to break, layers of story mean you can enjoy it on whatever level you like. r/undertail is a festering pile of cancer though.
>fantastic music
>nice atmosphere
Overall yes
>charming characters
Nearly every character was fucking annoying, quit memeing
>4th wall breaking story
LOL CURAZEE ENDING! SO RANDOM XD. No the ending meant absolutely nothing.
It made me like spiders
Take my opinion with a grain of salt, considering I also love Homestuck and Kingdom Hearts.
enjoyment for collide on the chart should be way higher. everybody was so fucking hyped since it looked like it was back on form for the finale. then we got act 7.
The fact that it breaks the 4th wall in a manner that's actually engaging.
Fair enough. People always go on and on about the characters being lovable. Ace Attorney is a series with great characters, not Undertale but that's my opinion. The gameplay wasn't bad or anything, but it was nothing special. I'm not gonna really complain though, I got it for free.
But Kingdom Hearts isn't a bad series.
Music is really nice, the way combat works is fairly entertaining and it generally has a lot of charm. Also this Maybe I just liked it because it called me out on my savescumming in a pretty creepy fashion and then later altering the gameplay around it. Compared to OneShot which turned me off on it since it addresses you directly in the first two minutes no matter what.
The less favorable parts include some characters being somewhat cringey, certain character motivations and other mechanics not being very intuitive.
Collide was 100% mediocrity
it was great fuck you
Music was like a 6/10, the rest of the 'game' was pieced together so the creator could sell it for more than the cost of a typical album.
It lacked tension and was even more inconsistent art-wise than Cascade. It was neither a clever, interesting or satisfying resolution to HIC, the felt or Slick and Jack.
It was fun. Because the battle gameplay was simple, yet addictive. The monsters had a lot of variety, some areas such as the one where waterfall plays were god-tier, funny 4rth wall breaking...
It's okay.
i though it was alright
undyne couldn't replace vriska for me though
It was a fresh breath of air in a era of no-effort indieshit being pumped out like crazy.
It was no effort indieshit.
The fact it's still not on a home console
Except the agenda of gay characters. It was a great game. I liked Flowey and the music. I give it a 7/10. Good game.
the music, the back story of Toriel and Asgore, and the different playthroughs.
that said, I only ever played through once and have no compulsion to do the others. The combat, while clever at times, gets repetitive very fast (I'm also bad at it), and the middle of the game drags on for way too long.