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To right mate, it should be captain cook or bloody Ned Kelly.

more like capitan cucked by polynesian savages


>putting requested civs like poland and australia in individual dlcs instead of including them in an expansion

Their jew powers are growing stronger.

whats he even saying?

On the other hand, they had more DLC out in this stage of Civ V's cycle. What happened?

shitposting propably

>this was changed because it wasn't serious enough

Instead of barbarian tribes, do abbos spawn?

"G'day cunt"

>wanna play knifey-spoony you cunt


They're not abbos u cunt

No, these do

>1/64 Tahitian

Phew, those guys are way more reasonable.

Oh boy, is this the new shitpost thread?

where's the lazy eye

Everyone down under knows it's the Cassowaries who rule Australia mate.

He's hiding it along with his hairline.

Isn't Australia essentially just a branch of English civilization?


t. Emu defense force.

Cassowaries are the niggers of the bird world.

I think a better question than "why" would be, who's going to be the alternate leader for Australia? Tony Abbott?

Shame the game fucking sucks ass, runs like shit and they still didnt fix the issue with the fucking tracker coming down in over 6 months.
Fucking Firaxis is kill, just let it die.

>Tfw we should have sent Emus and Cassowaries at Gallipoli instead of letting our mates get killed.


fuck this shit. fuck this stupid game

It's just a colonial faction, yeah.

I wouldn't say that Australia has really warranted enough significance for a faction, especially since "the glory days" could be replaced with any WW1 faction, and modern-day Australia is just knockoff America like most of the western world, but if they wanted a rep for every continent then it sure beats putting Chief Wagga Wagga Sniffin Scratcha on the silver screen.

watch your mouth nigger.

>australia gets in
>still no belgium

will it be free or another polack cancer pack

Of course it won't be free.

>No Lithuania

>yfw Leopold II is the Leader

>not Steve Irwin
>not even Paul Hogan
>special ability isn't shitposting, getting drunk or getting into fights or bantz

fucking cunts

>We will never have Belgium under King Leopold II

Literal who?-tier countries.

American detected
Go back to school.

Leaders get leader positions, not pop-culture icons.

New Zealand is never, never fucking ever going to let that go.
And I fucking love it.

Wrong mate, try again.

Who would even be the leader? Mindaugas? Vytautas?

fuck you Steve Irwin is our national hero.

fight me faggot



pls explain

Then you really have no excuse for your ignorance.

what do you mean, it was a polynesian city already

He was a hippy prick and he couldn't lead a barb out of a stingray.

Delete this

Someone post a gif of the guy punching a kangaroo already.


how can my mix of chink and pajeets aussie dick compete?

>that feel when no Canada with Macdonald or Maxkenzie

Then tell us what belgium and lithuania did that they should be in the civ? Come on.

An Australian left wing leb commie abbo-loving professor multiculturalist was teaching a class on Mohammed Abderrahman, known Terrorist.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Mo and accept that he was the most highly evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Steve the Irwin!"

At this moment, a brave, blue aussie, solidaric pro-white Australia policy TV presenter called Paul Henry who served more than 1500 hours on breakfast TV and fully understood the necessity of VPL for breakfast and fully supported all decisions made by the Australian cricket board stood up and held up a glass bottle.

"What's in this bottle, ya big gallah?"

The arrogant drongo smirked quite poofily and smugly replied "That is a bottle of Victoria Pale Ale, you bloody wombat".

"Wrong. This is the national drink of all Australians, and if towel heads are aussies, then why can't they drink it?

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and his copy of the Qu'ran. He stormed out of the room crying those Melbourne anti-aussie tears.

The students applauded and all went out to get pissed and go surfing that day. A Kookabura named "Mick Dundee" entered the room and threw a shrimp on the barbie.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He was killed by an abbo who has been huffing fumes all day and no one even liked him enough to call him a cunt at his funeral.

Fuckin' drongo.

Ill tell you as much as I remember.
Big game of cricket, cup is on the line or something.
Final bowl of the game and Australia announces that they are going to bowl underarm to NZ.
Everyone is shitting themselves as it is bad form and wrong to do such a thing.
Aus does it anyway and the NZ batsman throws his bat after blocking the shot.
That type of bowl is technically not illegal but its the cuntiest thing you could do for the last bowl and Aus did it and they continue to do it sometimes to NZ just to say we fucked you over so hard and we are never going to let you forget it.

Why'd they turn me prime minister into a fuckin manlet

>Not Tones

much more than stupid aussies.

country is basically known as mad max country and shitposting drunks


Tones is a disgrace you fucking drongo

So known for something then

>no Dutch
>no Venice
>no Ottoman empire
All these deserve to be in VI way more than fucking Australia.

>If you don't like our country, you're a dirty burger
Are you russian or something?

Also I'm european and I can confirm that Belgium is a no name country


>Tassie is scummiest for beer
Fucking two faced bastards I fucking knew it.

>Non-governmental observation only held by unemployed marxists.

This isn't even low hanging fruit, it's dropped from the tree and begun to rot. Particulary poignant in the middle of "Black History Month".

We need to glass tasmania

Also I didn't know there were different terms in different states, since I just get a pint every time.


Lithuania is at fault for my ignorance.
Do something relevant already.

Civil ability - hands off: able to reduce the population in half of colonial tiles on other continents.

Who made that webm

>one pint
>15 oz
At least Queensland and NSW do actual fucking 20oz pints.

Aye fuck that a pint's a pint

>still no argentina with peron as a leader
5min mark and beyond for the story of how Australia skirted the rules and cucked New Zealand.

i made it

>White leader

>Alt leader is Harold Halt
>Vanishes an hour in

What happened?
I can't see a damn thing.

That is not an answer to the question, that is just bitching. Give me reason why they should be in civ.

>most disgraceful moment in cricket history


>Leaf clapping
This needs to be updated

Perhaps with a canadian flag on the ground.

Also is the new Russel Coight out yet?


Game didn't sell very well is the most likely answer.

>During the Second World War, Prime Minister John Curtin reinforced the policy, saying "This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race."
oh firaxis you rascals


Please post picture with already announced leaders.


Just bring back Venice so I can jew everybody out of city-states.

Battlefield Australia 1932 when?

It made a shitload of pre-orders, it probably did sell well enough. More likely they're spending some of their time on the SDK shit that should've been in ages ago.

well its because it was shit and boring.
Filthy who's a huge fan of Civ got swallowed by EU4 now. Civ is truly the normie games of strategy / 4x games

>photo is Black and White
>The skin is white

So guys, how do we add Canada to Civ 6?

What abilities would they have?

>"Gain production for cities next to Tundra tiles."

>"Special Unit : Mounties : Cavalry but can cross cities states borders and increase reputation with them"
>"Special Buildings : La Citadelle : Give a big bonus for sea defense, cities deal more damage to boats, increased visibility at sea"

>still no cyprus

>he doesn't know

>So guys, how do we add Canada to Civ 6?
we don't

Add Trudeau, and anytime conflict arises, he says this and if they push forward, Canada dies and loses

Baba yetu mother fuckers