>Halo is good
>PC gaming has gotten more obnoxious than what it used to be
>E3 hasn't been fun since 2011
Has it happened to you yet?
It 'happened to me' around the time period that the DS got replaced with the 3DS, whatever year that was. For as much hate as the Wii got, I really liked a big handful of games on it and I enjoyed the shit out of most of the DS's lineup too.
I was a Segabro until they died then I jumped on-board the Nintendo train. I only really venture outside of Nintendo for GTA, Metal Gear and Persona but now they've all gone to shit as well as Nintendo so there's really very little left for me in gaming. I really have tried to get into all of the hottest new gaming memes like MOBAs and Souls games but nothing has really stuck.
Most of my gaming time nowadays is either dusting off an old console like the Saturn or PS1, or playing hacked Pokemon ROMs at 4x speed on my phone
It happened to me once cheat codes stopped being a thing and games started focusing on achievements
>I was a Segabro until they died
Fake news.
Oh right so I was just imagining that they dropped out of the console race, started neglecting most of their old IPs and primarily became a publisher instead of developing in-house
Listen, man. I've got a TV show, two games coming out this year. You did pre-order Mania, right?
shitty reward system instead of fun codes, that does suck !
>Sonic is the only part of Sega
This is how I know you were never a Sega bro
but yes I pre-ordered Mania Collectors Edition, it's the first time I've been excited for a game in months/years. I feel like such a sad old man
>Halo is good
Happened to me then. I was eagerly awaiting the original open world concept being developed for Mac and PC. Then Microsoft got their grubby hands on it, and it became the unfortunate poster child for what would later become everything wrong with current FPS gaming.
What are you from Brazil, or something? Nobody cares about Alex. I mean yeah it's a shame they aren't making sequels to the many, many franchises they developed, but sequelitis has tarnished the hell out of Nintendo's brand. Have you played Tembo? Tembo was good.
i am PC it will never happen to me im looking forward to BOTW as well because i am also console
Nah European, Sega was pretty big here. Nintendo never really got a chance to take over in the 80s because our infatuation with computer gaming bullshit like the BBC Micro meant that there was never enough of a console market for it to "crash" in the first place.
Was Tembo Sega? I remember hearing that it was developed by Game Freak but I never did play it. I guess I'll give it a go at some point.
I realized I'm not the target audience anymore when people gobbled up the dogshit that was Spore 2008
Yeah, developed by Game Freak, published by Sega. It's $4 on Steam right now. Plays a little bit like Sonic meets Drill Dozer.
what was wrong with it?
>no idea how to use Facebook
>no idea what Facebook is even used for
My mom knows how to Facebook! Why can't I?
I have an EA account now and subscription to their "free" game and discount thing after 2011-2016 boycotting EA. And I couldn't give less of a shit that a new nintendo console is about to happen or did happen already.
So yeah kinda.
facebook is so 2011 gramps
I don't know what that means but I haven't been able to really enjoy video games the same way since the whole no man's sky fiasco. I barely have the drive to start up games I want to play.
It also happened to me when I saw people talking about Bioshock 1 as a "classic".
God damn you fucking underage shitters get some fucking taste.
Exactly how I feel about Twitter, it's got LESS features than the average social media website and incredibly tight character limits to boot. I just don't understand how it even took off in the first place and only about 5 people I actually know IRL have one so I'm left wondering, what the fuck am I supposed to do with this? just retweet celebrities and spam memes that can fit into 140 characters? Goes way over my head.
Popular games have actually gotten worse though.
Like any medium, the most popular thing isn't necessarily the best, but at least they worked and didn't have $500 of DLC
Probably with Skyrim and FO4
You don't need an intricate story nor good combat to make a game, you just need to hook the player into an endless cycle of "Kill, Loot, Return"
Also make sure we have a full orchestra, cinematic intro and full voice acting to make sure they pre-order
Are you crazy? E3 2013 was hilarious.
Halo was 16 years ago gramps.
No one thinks Halo is good anymore. It's certainly not popular.