Anyone else think it's just okay? not great and not shit, just an OK game?
Anyone else think it's just okay? not great and not shit, just an OK game?
Maybe, I guess.
It's a legit 8/10
If the Masamune Date DLC proves to be good maybe it will raise it to a 9/10
I would say it's 'very good.'
There's gonna be a Masamune Date DLC? Shit nigga I'm hyped
the fact that people are struggling to say that its good says it all, really
Y-yeah, that's it! It's ok... no need for a PC port, just ok. Enjoy your merely decent game, sony ponies, I won't be needing it......
It's pretty good. DeS/DaS and BB are still much better in pretty much every regard aside from combat.
It's coming on April
I would say its one notch above being just OK. Its good. However Team Ninja seem to be really passionate about the post-release support, so it could potentially become truly great later on. The end-game missions/PvP updates could make the game a lot better if they are implemented well.
it's a good timesink but nothing special
>DeS/DaS and BB are still much better in pretty much every regard aside from the aspect of a game that matters the absolute most
yeah the gameplay is great and the bosses are good but everything else about the game is pretty mediocre. less than 10 enemy types, 5 weapon types, unexecptional level design, difficulty majorly turned down since alpha, horrible MMO loot system that forces you to grind for hours to get the highest stats on your equipment NG+, sub missions are pure fluff made from recycled bosses. you can really tell the game was built from a 13 year old ps2 game, alot of aspects of it feel so weird and outdated.
It will be better with every DLC.
Since DLC1 is adding at least 1 new weapon type and more enemy types.
It's like most Koei-Tecmo games: a lotta heart, a lot of ambition, significantly less money and talent than any studio should be reasonably expected to work with, but somehow they make it work.
>less than 10 enemy types
Two completely different acting Oni. The small one eyed ogre, The giant one eyed ogre, Skeletons, Dwellers, Bullet, Those tounge guys, The Wheels, the umbrella's, The Guitar players and thier spirits, Umi-bozu, Tengu, Various Humans of various sizes and weapons, Onryoki since he shows up so much in late game that he basicly a normal enemy, Walls, Kappa, Tanuki, Spiders of varying sizes, and Sentinels.
I feel I am missing one or two of them but there are far more than just 10 enemy types. Not including bosses.
The combat is great, far superior to any of the Souls games even if they fucked up and made it way too easy due to player complaints (if Itagaki were around he'd have told them to make it harder)
The thing is, everything else is way way worse. There's almost no enemy variety, levels arr rook same, the story is trash, and most people seem to get bored and stop playing around Umi-Bozu and the spider boss.
The combat is better than souls but still not good enough to carry the game on its own, it needed a great plot or heavy atmosphere or just enough variety to supplement the combat and hold people's interest.
I had way more fun with the alpha than I did the final product.
You see you see 10 of the 12 or so types you mentioned in the first two stages.
Most of those enemies are dealt with in the exact same way.
If you're going to try to argue that there is enough enemy variety in Nioh no one is going to agree with you. All Nioh has going for it is combat and said combat is too easy.
what were they thinking?
It matters the most, but it isn't good enough to overcome its shortcomings elsewhere.
If Dark Souls combat is a 4/10 Nioh's is a 6/10. Technically better but still plagued by numerous issues.
Kusari-gama and 2kat movesets, the ridiculous power of yin-yang status and kekkai, sloth, and carnage talismans, all of the higher-grade ninjitsu casts, instant flux iai chaining, there's so much abuseable crap in the system that finding a challenge after the first few stages is near-impossible unless you purposefully gimp yourself to an insane degree.
i was not aware how much i would miss souls coherent world and enemie variations but i still like it alot!
>being hyped for a DLC featuring the most meme samurai
It's pretty good. There's nothing really bad that isn't just endemic to its cousins.
I'm just tired of Souls-em-ups, I guess.
I've played through all 4 souls games, some multiple times. I could go back to DaS1 or 2 right now and have a good time going through the whole game.
I've completely stopped after spider-bitch because I'm so goddamned bored of killing the same skeletons and people and the 3 oni types that all pose zero fucking threat.
The level design also plummeted off of a fucking cliff after Hino-Enma.
At this point I'd prefer a boss rush to the actual game
Is magic worth investing much into in this game?
I wanted to do a heart/magic build and be a Samurai spellsword but from what I've heard magic isn't worth leveling past 15, maybe 20.
>want to wear Nobunaga's set because it looks cool
>entire set puts you at 75% weight
once you've got kekkai, sloth, carnage, and maybe an elemental talisman or two you're set.
>good time going through the whole game
Why would you spread lies on the internet of all places?
The game gives you all these tools and options to use but goes 'if you use any of these you will completely incapacitate and/or destroy enemies before they can do anything'
there's no point putting any more points in spirit, magic or dexterity than you need for whatever jutsu's or guardian spirits you desire (unless you use Kusarigama).
I love it but see a lot of its problems. A sequel with most of them corrected has the potential to be among the best ever.
>instead of falcon's talons, tonfa, naginata or literally anything else we got axe
What were they fucking thinking? It's the most overpowered ability in any type of these games short of literal glitches. Who the fuck thought that reducing bosses to super slow motion would be even remotely balanced? Even if the fucking bosses one shot you at that speed it would be overpowered.
Okay is a 5-7 in my book so no.
No one mentioned Musashi...
Would be a solid 8/10 if there was an Okatsu disguise
You see humans, Dwellers, and Oni, in the first two stages.
If you mean the bat bitches lair than you see humans, dwellers, oni, wall, skeleton, 1 kappa, and the gaint 1 eyed ogre
>pretending that skeletons and humans are meaningfully different from eachother
>pretending that the small cyclops that avoids combat until it can transform into a big cyclops is a new enemy
its still less than 20 and nearly every enemy could be found In the DEMO for the game. I saw a large majority of them before the game even released
Would Itagaki tell Japan to shut up about the difficulty because that is who bitched.
Oni just aren't fun to fight. You get a whole bunch of skills that only work on human enemies.
best thing is sloth slow stacks with lightning slow and makishibi slow
The axe meme does need to fucking die. Axes are fucking tools for chopping wood. But, it's fine apparently, because snowniggers and their hard on for vikings. It's a like a weaboo trying to justify the ridiculous anime scythes with "b-but muh war scythes!".
>pretending that over half of the souls franchises enemies weren't one offs, non-hostiles, and reskins of older enemies from previous games.
Guess what nigga. Nioh has DLC coming and it has new weapons types and enemies.
Now this is memeing.
Musashi is in the original game though.
You get his worthless headband.
I'm having a blast with the game, but then again I've only been using a Katana without any magic, ninja or items except for healing items. It's how I always played the Souls games.
i like it more than i liked dark souls 3 i think.
i may need to replay DS3 because details of that game are foggy since i replayed DS1
>Musashi is in the original game though.
I didn't say he wasn't? I said no one mentioned him being in the DLC.
The story is fun and the combat is far better than any souls game despite being pretty easy.
Level design ranges from average to poor.
He real problem with this game is enemy variety. It's bad. Very bad.
That said I think the game is about a 7/8 because rn gets carried by its combat pretty hard.
A follow up with these mistakes addressed (not even necessarily completely fixed) would be GOTYAY
Isn't Musashi too young?
>The level design also plummeted off of a fucking cliff after Hino-Enma.
Hino-Emma is the worst fucking main stage in the game. Just a linear network of bland ass caves.
same here . I enjoyed nioh more than ds 3.
Though the new dlc for ds3 looks good.
i hope the dlc's add some longevity
Because he probably isn't.
Where is he?
the axe is great, and i'm pretty sure there are spears that are just naginatas with the spear moveset but I just use axe and katana.
That must be horrible for Muneshige, perceiving William moving around at mach 2.
No, it is awesome been playing hours and still not monotonous boring its really addictive cant wait for pvp.
my only gripe with this game is how overused the regular enemies were
> "Oh shit there's a yokai realm mist up ahead, I wonder what's going to fuck my butthole?"
Those were my thoughts in the first region. By the third one I could count the type of monsters that would pop out of there in one hand and that shit irked me to no end, so much that I started skipping sub missions by the fifth region because the asset reuse was getting ridiculous.
It's a solid game but they really dropped the ball in that aspect. I think there's more unique bosses than regular enemy types.
He is a bald dude in one of the later regions.
You are tasked to fight a horde of enemies with him as a side mission for the sword master.
Besides his shitty red headband that mentions him the character is completely unremarkable.
Any theories/speculations on how pvp will work?
>dark souls enemies
>nioh enemies
They're gonna need a lot of DLC to catch up
Sort of. He's actually in the base game.
English not your first language, friend?
either you pick a preset build (aka you pick to play as the Hanzo skin and you're locked into using ninjutsu's/kusari/2kat) and duel other players or everyone is a 3 stacks of instant applying quick change, makishibi throwing, Sloth spamming, Protection buffing, lightning dog exuding, carnage talisman loaded, heavy armour wearing but B agility build.
Any good audio books about this period of history? Pure history or historical fiction, whichever are cool. I feel left out. Just finished Shogun.
Why do you count all the enemies in DkS but only the category of enemies in Nioh?
I beat the fucking game yesterday and I don't remember him at all.
It was JP playtesters who said Ninja Gaiden was too hard, Itagaki responded by telling the devs to make it harder.
pcfags on suicide watch. AGAIN
Because that's the way the wikis are set up. but either way dark souls is still much higher and it was released 6 years ago
Don't some of the light armors with magic scaling or whatever have more defense than heavy armor? I'm expecting pvp to be a clusterfuck of flips, omyo, and jutsus with the occasional sword swing.
you only get that side mission if you complete the 2kat mastery dojo fight
I just started my second playthrough doing the same thing and I'm having a lot more fun limiting myself. Having a shit ton of options isn't an inherently good thing.
i genuinely enjoyed the game and im patiently waiting for all future dlc and update
>can't seem to find a good place to farm amrita stones so I can use living weapon to cheese Cuckonaga and the whore that has him on a leash because apparently developers thought everyone would be willing to spend 45 minutes playing cat and mouse
there are medium/heavy armours with magic or spirit scaling too
>Itagaki responded by telling the devs to make it harder
He can be alright sometimes.
why don't you just tag ice lady with sloth and lightning doggo and then completely ignore her.
What in the absolute FUCK happened to him? How did Devil's Third end up being so fucking terrible?
Because Nobunaga is a cuck that starts moving back towards the whore once his yellow nukenigger ass feels its strayed too far from her loose cunt.
But Iga's mansion is by far the best level in the game and its much later than Hino-Enma my dude.
she'll 'attack' you at like 1/4 speed, fucking avoid her or just eat the damage
or if you wanna deal with her first just sloth/dog nobunaga and then give her the lightning dog, carnage talisman + not-lightning elemental buff and stunlock her to death with yin/yang.
Now if you cut Dark souls down to enemy types and remove the non-hostile enemies you get like 30 enemy types at best.
blighttown only sucks on console
>souls game with an actual story, pretty good graphics, developed characters and a diablo loot system
best souls game I've played
I didn't even used 2kat all that much to get the mastery up high enough to take that test.
I guess you get a shit ton of mastery if you use the weapon on later stages.
The source of evil use the sake that boost amrita received you'll get a million
>not lost Izalith
The white tiger and snow bitch levels have the big crystals in them that drop a good amount of amrita stones, I'd look there if you need some.
ITT: Retards complaining about no story. Go read a book or watch a movie.
>It's a legit 8/10
I love everything but think the enemy and level variety could've been better
okay black people will start a war with the police then the white people will go to back up the police and people inbetween will eventually have to pick sides
I think this is a more realistic perspective on the game than most reviewers:
>ctrl+f story
>one person criticizing the story
>ctrl+f plot
>one person criticizing the plot but it's the same post as before
why did you just come into this thread, not read anything and then whinge that the thread is crying about stuff only one person mentioned negatively
Its good but its not great, I feel the combat system is negated by the broken shit in the game, like sloth, kusarigama's high stance being OP as shit, there not being anywhere near enough moves to make use of and customize your move sets, despite the function being there, once you have a good set you pretty much stop even using stance swaps, you just spam attack till a thing is dead. This ontop of incredibly weak aesthetics just kindof makes the game feel forgettable.
Better luck next time, it was nearly something great and is worth a play if you like Souls games, but its not as good as those games at all. Set the next game in different counties around the world so it looks different in each area with different enemies, weapons armors and spirits and youll have a game.
What are you talking about? Mid stance axe and square button alone is all you could ever need! :^)
nioh is fuckin sweet dude theres way more opportunity to fuck with the hosts