what did they mean by this
What did they mean by this
Means sony paid them?
is that hard to understand?
Means it will come to PC later, exactly like Nioh.
2017 and it's STILL not worth it to get a PS4. I had plans to get one this year but it looks like that's delayed yet again.
>implying anyone in history bought a console because of a Crash bandicoot game lol
It means it's coming to PSN, Vita, and Sony VR.
It means Sony is revealing a new system at E3.
Crash is owned by Activision, right?
How many Activision games are exclusives?
PS4, PS4 Pro, and now another one?
>It's not an exclusive It's not an exclusive It's not an exclusive It's not an exclusive It's not an exclusive It's not an exclusive It's not an exclusive
Literally no one baught a PS4 for crash bandicoot.
Nioh is ps4 exclusive forever
you forgot the ps4 slim
Boy you're dense
Since it can play PS4 games, it doesn't make sense to say that it comes out for PS4 FIRST and THEN slim
I did.
Pro isn't a new system
It's the same shit as Gameboy micro or GBA SP.
off the top of my head theres sunset overdrive
stop this
Nioh is owned by Sony, its like Bloodborne and Demons Souls
Fuck of
It means it will come out for PS4 Pro first.
PlayStation 4 second.
Can't you read?
Crash Bandicoot is not Playstation exclusive.
PS4 is a legacy obsolete brick now. The'yll release a ps4 Pro Plus, so they can inflate the system sales chart again by counting people upgrading as new sales, again, like they did with the pro.
Many Crash games were multiplat especially during 6th gen with both gamecube and xbox having quite a few of them. Crash hasn't been exclusive since ps1.
Though it's not like current Sup Forums was old enough to remember even that.
ps3 and psvita version confirmed
>Means it will come to PC later, exactly like Nioh.
>source: my ass
that it's not exclusive?
idk why people care about this since crash has been on xbox, gamecube, and so on. you niggas don't remember twinsanity or wrath of cortex?
I did.
they weren't born yet
No. Nioh IP is owned by KT.
I know a guy who's considering doing just that.
still waiting on Bloodborne too, PCuck?
Crash hasn't been a PlayStation exclusive for years. Stop making these retarded threads.
It means more Xfag tears because they think this is a win.
>Nioh getting a PC release
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA keep dreaming cuck.
so, at the most, a sequel or remaster could come to PC, but who knows?