What genre of games hasn't been ruined in the current year?
What genre of games hasn't been ruined in the current year?
>people still compare TF2 to Overwatch
Also define ruined, its popular and its successful, how is it ruined? Because you don't like it anymore?
Get the fuck out of here
>People like it and it made money so it's good
Objectively false.
bad thread OP
non-westernshit is still fine
>it's another Facts don't matter episode
>it's another user doesn't understand the difference between Objectively and Subjectively episode
>He thinks I care
Also objectively false.
>thumbnail isn't the same as the picture I posted
Joanna Dark is pretty similar and I don't remember anyone bitching back then.
>its ruined
>it doesn't count if its popular
>it doesn't count if its successful
>facts also don't matter
you sure showed me user
how the fuck do you enjoy anything with that mentality
I never would've even noticed if you didn't say anything.
are you retarded?
Overshit is a blatant TF2 ripoff
You could've just compared old TF2 to new TF2 instead of Overwatch.
New TF2 has worse offenders in every aspect you list except the last one which isn't an issue.
>no documented appeals to progressive sensibilities
Holy christ, you guys have problems.
I enjoy things because I find them fun. Not because they're popular and made a lot of money. If I only played those type of games I would just play CoD, FIFA, and Battlefield all day.
Warcraft is a blatant Warhammer rip-off. Blizzard only does rip-offs and nobody cares.
I don't understand how people like Overwatch's "characters" when they're so shallow and bland, especially since they're not allowed to say mean things to eachother because the age rating has to be low enough to allow ten year olds.
>Warhammer invented orcs vs, humans
It invented green orks.
Wow OP, racist much?
the original orcs vs. humans looked like this tho
Blizzard could put out feces in game form and it would still sell because they have a captive World of Warcraft audience
>TF2fags are still making new biased comparison images
This is just sad at this point. Enjoy your circlejerk thread OP.
You either combat the faggotry or you get crushed by it, at this point its as prominent in daily life as the fucking atmosphere.
>b-b-but user it isn't a rip-off because I like it
So can Nintendo. People are defending that Season Pass garbage.
AAA companies can get away with anything, the only intelligent move is to never buy AAA games.
>Missing the point
>Implying I argued it wasn't a rip-off
Musou, Taro getting away with 10 FPS, Atlus dumbing down their games even more, more Musou, lazy cash in like Dragon Quest Builders, SFV was a flop and inferior to KI, GG is dumber than ever and full jew, even more Musou, DOAX3 is a $60 f2p game with nearly all reused assests and removed content, Yiaba, MN9, Bloodstained looks bad, Sega fucked up Sonic so much they had to give it to an Aussie, Sega killed Valkeyie Chronicles, even more Musou, lazy Vita shovelware, lazy Hearthstone clones with worse balance and meta, phone shit, Musou again, fucking f2p Gundam blunders, etc.
Yeah the non-west is doing great if you're a blind weeb.
It's on two different orders of magnitude. Since WoW, Blizzard have never put out a financially unsuccessful game; despite the fact that every single one has been absolute dogshit.
It's hard to argue that their games are dogshit in the modern day when the garbage Ubisoft puts out is somehow a thousand times worse. If anything, they're just mediocre. And these days mediocre is basically game of the year.
>Says "peppy" is her only characterization
>Lists a bunch of character traits further down.
Who made this retarded comparison?
Roles in the story aint character traits