Tfw no harry potter rpg

tfw no harry potter rpg

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no more Harry Potter

tfw no RWBY rpg

There's the GBC game. It's pretty decent

Who even wants this


There are 2 for the gameboy color


Why would you WANT an RPG based on one of the dullest franchises in history? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Kill yourself tripfag


fuck off /lit/


More Sup Forums nowadays

>tfw no LWA game

you dirty melon

t. contrarian edge lord

>not knowing who that uppity shit taste having nigger is

sure as fuck not me


>tfw the anime didn't spawn more porn

Was waiting for this. You're my hero.

>great gatsby
>god tier

That last part can't be real.

Slytherin a best.

This is my favorite pseudo-intellectual shitpost after Scaruffi's Beatles takedown.

If you had seen more of J.K.Rowling's tweets then you wouldn't doubt the sincerity of it. It's real.

i think dark black haired, greened eyed, hermonie would fit better in slytherin. Malfoy was the only blonde one.

imagine is rockstar made a wizard school themed rpg. like bully but with wizards school. id play that shit.

What the fuck

>Be a big fan of Harry Patter back in the day
>Buy all the books
>Play all the games
>Watch all the movies

>mfw learning what a cunt JK Rowling actually is
>mfw learning what a bitch Emma Watson is
>can feel my enjoyment for the entire series diminishing

I don't even want to know what kind of person Daniel Radcliffe is at this point...

'arry... poutter...

I wish I could spout bullshit to tie up loose ends in my mythos, and everyone would take it seriously.

they'd shit it up with garbage midgame filler crap and making you switch between characters from different houses.

Daniel is pretty chill

Right? I mean... they made a fucking WIllow rpg!? Lil nigga throwing acorns wtf.

>said he wouldn't ever be in any harry potter movies in the future no matter what


> search for those tweets because I thought you were bullshitting
> "Lupin has exceedingly large genitalia"
> "Uses compression shorts to not let his balls whip around"


you have not heard of the harry potter mmo?
>he missed out on the vandalize hufflepuff event

Radcliffe is fucking great and so is Grint, neither of them seem to give even a slightest shit anymore because of how much money they are worth.

I don't think I can imagine any other actor of his level playing the role he did in Swiss Army Man.

>instead of shitting up alright old movies he let's the past stay in the past

Fuck off Abrams

reminds me of Enter the Silver Flame

The appeal of Harry potter has never made sense to me

>Lets take a magical world of wizards, dragons, and lots of decent concepts and bring them down to the most mundane levels imaginable.
>Lets use schooling as the filter by which the reader gets to find out everything cool about the world

At least the John Williams scores are good

>particularly Hufflepuff

So that's their actual talent.

>People think PS1 graphics were better than the N64


>any other actor of his level
Radcliffe is a good actor? I've only ever seen him when he was a kid in the Harry Potter movies and some other crap when he was an adult I can't even remember. He was kinda crap IIRC.

>don quixote
>god tier


It's DBZ for girls basically. Complete with instant transmission and energy beam duels.


I was not referring to his skills as an actor more his level of fame.

I always saw Hufflepluff as a house full of hedonists, fat and rich guys and generally people that are well off and good intentioned but not very bright.


Now this is some cannon I can get behind


Shit I always knew, I took the Pottermore house quiz and ended up in Hufflepuff.

I know. I've wanted one forever. A lot of potential. You could make your own wizard and go through all seven years at Hogwarts and pick different paths for professions. So disappointing.

Fuck, she's kinda my type.

JK is not a cunt, but damn, she is blunt and straight to the point.

Also, Daniel and Grint are great, Emma is ok if she has a slight stick up her ass.

JK must be a monster in bed.


>JK is not a cunt
She's completely self-righteous SJW cunt. Have you checked her twitter. It's AIDS.

>JK isn't a cunt
>Is a straight up SJW hardcore leftist who virtue signals and lies to further her agenda
>Emma is ok
>Is a straight up feminist

Nah fuck those two.

>people born when the book came out are teens/young adults now

she is everyones type retard

>JK is not a cunt
Oh boy.

Wait who is she again? Is she famous?

Can you romance Hermoine?
If not it's shit

I bet Luna would be up for some private group masturbation sessions.

Harry Potter is kind of gay tbb but a tacticool shooter with mages being operator as fuck would be neat.

>performing a breach using kinetic blasts and tying a tearhas grenade to a golden snitch before letting loose in a room


LOL were does she come up with this stuff?

So does anybody in agreement that this dude was the best part of the Fantastic Beasts movie?

JK is literally just a bored middle aged woman shitposting on twitter 24/7 now using her series like a bible for liberal preaching.

Alright lads, what are the absolute best harry potter games? I played the gameboy color ones and they were pretty fun. Any good ones for PS2 or something i can emulate?

>best part of a movie about magical creatures is a human

You know a movie is shit when even the fangirls don't have anything to say other than "OMG JOHNNY DEPP"

So pretty much almost every author every?

You need to care about something before all the "cool shit" has any meaning.

Would've been better if he carried a gun and shot Grindelwald to show how weak the magic world is.

Don't leave me hanging faglord, who is she?

No arguments. Both he and Colin Farrell were fantastic.

The only thing that was surprising about Johnny Depp is how stupid he looked. He looked like a late noughties hipster.

>mfw I check her twitter and find out the main writer for Father Ted is a SJW now

>I filter everything through politics starter pack.

Relax, dude. No everyone has to like your flavor of the month meme president to be an okay person. They can even have differing opinions from yours.

Is it true that making Draco a girl and making her Harry's love interest instead of Ginny would improve the book?

Hell she could be the first major Tsundere in literature.

All JK Rowling does is talk about her shitty political opinions anymore. When's the last time she wrote a decent book?

No, that's fucking stupid.

>If you don't like shitty SJWs you MUST be a trump supporter

Get fucked Rowling.

doesn't he actually stalk people who disagree with him or am i thinking of someone else

Draco already has a hateboner for Harry being a dude, so... Although improvement is too big of a word to use here. More like it'd be far more entertaining.

I know who he is
Doesn't make my statement any less valid

Quick everyone, take the Sorting quiz and showcase what house you'll be in.

Well there is always this animal crossing ripoff which is actually better than animal crossing, you can try that.

philosopher's stone for ps1 is a massive nostalgia trip although maybe not for you if you've never played it
order of the phoenix on ps2 has hogwarts freeroam and was pretty comfy

You're even more contrarian than the faggot you replied. Congrats

Its probably him, only thing I could find was him getting butthurt over a twitter post and stealing a picture from the guy's facebook

You don't have to like the person or their opinions to like what they write. I love Orson Scott Card's books despite not agreeing with his views on faggots. I don't see why one can't enjoy a work for what it is.

Same with Fez. I fucking hate Phil Fish, but him being a colossal dickstain doesn't male fez a bad game.

>What is your favorite color? 1: Red 2: Green 3: Yellow 4: Blue

It was basically the first modern novel so yeah God Tier it is.

What always bothered me about Rowlings shit writing was why didn't she take a chance with something like putting each of the main characters into different dorms like Ron being in Hufflepuff or Hermione being in Ravenclaw? Would have made both of those, factions I guess I would call them, a hell of a lot more relevant I feel and be able to expand on characters and interactions more?

The gameboy ones you dipshit.

HP Chamber of Secrets GBC

J.K (((Rowling)))