Is the 144hz a meme?

is the 144hz a meme?
Ok you can see a fluid image, but it's worth the price? I have a samsung tv as monitor and it isn't that good, with hdmi I can see screentearing if a game runs at 80 or 90 fps. Not in all games I can reach 144 but I've saw a benq monitor for 260 euros on amazon, shoud I do it?
pic kinda releated....?


bump , need help

I feel for the meme. The only thing you will notice is that there is virtually no blur when you rotate the screen making everything feel smooth as fuck. It works very well for games that require fast reflexes. If youre not into shooters dont bother and use the extra money you were going to spend on a larger more high res monitor.

it's only really useful in fast games(quake, cpma, titanfall) and if you can't get 144 fps it's just a waste of money.

>samsung TV
>actually being high refresh rate and not just fake interlaced bullshit

You got memed on son, if you want high refresh rates with no input lag you gotta buy a computer monitor, like a BenQ or Asus 120/144/240 hz monitor, not a fucking TV with FAKE HIGH REFRESH RATE.

reread his post retard

bought the tv back when I had only the ps3, chill out dickhead

ok, so having a 144 hz will not eliminate all the screen tearing?

If you love FPS or Racing games then you'll love it. It genuinely makes a difference and gives you a big advantage in multiplayer because of how much clearer it makes the image.