About OW Hero 24

Its not gonna be Efi, Blizzard cannot risk its rating by having a child be killable ingame. The New character is gonna be a Omnic built by the kid. Efi will either die by plane crash and either transfer her consiousness into the robot or activate it. Or Efi survives and controls the robot off-battleground. I don't understand why Sup Forums is argueing about the nigress when she wont even be in game.

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>I don't understand why Sup Forums is argueing about the nigress

Oh look another thread.

It would be pretty suspicious for blizzard to put a kid character in a game that has so much rule 34

Because every child prodigy in fiction ends up a Mary Sue. Every. Fucking. One. It's annoying as fuck.
Name three good fictional works with a well written child genius.

>die by plane crash


I mean, what else is to say about her, she is a black loli dressed, perhaps unwisely, in culturally african clothing. I mean you can't argue about much more about that

No one gives the Black Panther comics shit and that's the same story of advanced black society that still keeps its spear chucking culture.

Her parents die in the crash and she gets severely injured, and the character you play is a robot drone body that efi controls remotely that makes up for the loss of use she suffered in the plane crash.

That actually has real world precedent. You'll see many diplomats, ambassadors, etc. from African nations be accompanied by someone in tribal dress with the grass skirts and face paint and whatever, because that was the traditional dress of political and business negotiations way back before colonization and westernization.

The only good child prodigy characters are the ones who are done for comedic value.

Nobody complained about the EB/Mother series having kids dying or that Commander Keen easter egg on Doom 2.

For fuck's sake, it's not a real kid.

That spear chucking culture in Africa is more related to a lack of resources like easy to grow crops like corn and avocados, and a stronger martial tradition reinforcing backwards dumbass beliefs

She is actually a villain

>For fuck's sake, it's not a real kid.
People complain more about game content now that they can soapbox on the internet, plus it could affect their t rating.

Gun violence plus children = esrb hateboner

Right, but if we are to assume OW is a super globalized advanced version of our planet, a standard would develop for what scientists should wear

Its more likely that this is exposition on the character, and the "interview" takes place a few years before the game in the timeline. If she becomes a hero, she'll probably be a grown woman by then.

And that was over 20 years ago, you can't get away with any violence against children in games today.

I've never had any had any interest in overwatch but seeing as it causes so much butt hurt I may just give it a shot.
You are just as bad as the sjws you hate so much

>a standard would develop for what scientists should wear

Not really. If the stereotype of nerds wearing whatever the fuck they want when they're not forced to dress a particular way hasn't gone away in decades before us, I doubt it'll go away in the future.

So back when they were(still are) savages then? Gotcha.


Go away Jared

>no Spaniard bullfighting hero
>no Italian pizza hero
>no Greek sculptor hero (homo of course)
>no Irish terrorist hero
>no Scot drunk hero
>no Pole software-pirate hero
>no Norwegian salmon hero
>no Swede cuck hero


>>no Norwegian salmon hero
ah yeah forgot the dwarf was norwegian
my bad


>>no Irish terrorist hero
Someone came up with this a couple months ago. Good for some keks at least.

She isn't a scientist. She's an 11-year-old prodigy who built the robot by herself in her spare time for a science fair.

What meme are you refering to? Subway?

whops sorry again mang, cold northern countries are all the same to people outside of them

>no Icelander volcanic/geothermal hero

Jared Diamond, guy who wrote Guns, Germs, and Steel.

This can't be real

I think they could get away with killing a child. The game is set in the future, right? It always amazed me that blizzard targeted the audience of the younger crowd with the animated shorts and what have you, with a shooting game. Has this ever been done before? That overwatch reveal trailer looked like a Pixar movie.

I want this so bad



I'm Irish and I find this offensive because clearly some faggot American who think he's Irish because his great great grandmother's dog's fleas were Irish made this image. Nobody says any of that here

About as culturally accurate at the rest of the game's cast then.

Clearly they do say it since you just typed it all out.

He's kinda right tho, name one food crop that grows naturally in Africa that can produced in a way that doesnt deplete the soil and does not use that much water. A society that does not need to move around to feed themselves with invent things and have more time to be creative, think ancient Egypain society and the Chinese

>Qt dark skin loli

I'm not complaining


It's already confirmed by Blizzard staff that's not possible.

Interview is current ingame time.


it must be the global Islamo-Jewish-Communist invisible empire foiling the white man again

I wish.

>having a child be killable ingame
i've never heard anybody bitch about this with league though

Please be scrapped forever. I didn't think it's possible to make Vi look even worse.

but I want people of all groups
it's just that they've been ignoring the bullfighting and pizza collective for way too long already, enough is enough

lol she look like Winston

Nah, my money's on this tachikoma

>swedish hero isn't muslim
I'm liking this "alternate reality" this video game is providing.

Africans having IQs in the 70s and 80s doesn't matter at all, right?

Both are scientists

I know right it's impossible for us white to tell people who are non-white apart those nips look just like niggers and the yellow people from that one place with a wall

>Africans having IQs in the 70s and 80s

Sounds like America, too. At least Africa has an excuse, you're supposed to be the leader in everything yet your education system is last in the world ranking and your citizens proudly celebrate their stupidity.

And with that billionaire cunt in charge of the department of education Americas ''''education'''' will sink even lower.

If you are going to argue about IQ at least answer his question first you retard

On top of those, grains were the primary export in Northern Africa for most of antiquity and there's no reason they couldn't have been adopted in other African regions with suitable climates.

isn't there that black chick in marvel who's like 14 years old and officially the smartest person on earth beyond Mr Fantastic and Tony Stark

Giving her tribal dots and clothes is stupid and feeds into the whole stereotype that these kind of characters are affirmative action. Whether you want to believe it or not there are places in black Africa that are pretty damn close to modern.

>u americans so dum!!11 ebin! U just like niggers huehuehue

Thats called a strawman.
Here, let me break it down for you:
If Niggers and spics were to magically vanish from the earth, the US would be closer to #3, or #4. Especially considering the autistially intelligent chinks and pajeets we have on the west coast.
Yes, they do actually drag our numbers down THAT fucking badly.


No, you have a lot of dumb as shit whites in states like Kentucky, Idaho, West Virginia and Missouri.

Yes and no. IQ is a range. There are Africans with 120+ IQ, it's just the number of them is very very small. This would be a bit more believable if she were African American instead of African (considering the worse genetics AND environment). Will the mean IQ for Africans does seem to be 70, it doesn't mean that IQ caps off into this 70-80 scale you have created. It simply means that the large majority of Africans are distributed within this range.

Overwatch is fiction. It doesn't matter if they decide to pick out one of the few Africans with high IQ and make her notable.
I agree with this. The tribal stuff should have been a skin. Keeping an African motif on modern clothing + tech gear would have been more her speed.

But she's probably not going to be a playable character, so this doesn't matter. The quality of that Official art is too poor for use.

What makes you say that? Any particular characters you have in mind when you say that?

Take this shit back to Sup Forums

akagi shigeru

wait oh fuck


Wesley Crusher

This is so bullshit it makes me cringe

That looks fucking retarded. Please never be in the game

It's a fucking video game, stop projecting your shit onto it and just play it. Do you sit there at the character select screen and screech and rage over the two Japanese men being Japanese?

this is top 5 most retarded things I have ever heard here

Is she going to sing baba yetu while doing her people's dance?

Guess stereotypes are fine when cucks and SJW promote them.

Did you read my last line? I said OW was a video game. She could have an IQ of 300 for all I care.

I hate rednecks lumping themselves in with me just because they're the same skin color. Poor people are just as bad as minorities.

I've never heard anyone seriously throwing raging shitfits over the white people stereotypes, especially the All-American Cowboy that is McCree. But I certainly hear a lot of you people flying into rages over the non-white stereotypes while claiming that the SJWs and liberals are doing what you're doing, like you're either trying to be angry in their place or really enjoy projecting yourselves onto others.

>rule 34

no thanks.

America is in the high 90s.

African nations tend to have average IQ in 70s and 80s. Should be obvious.

And if you really want to find an African genious you will have to look very hard as they barely exist. A single very high-IQ family in the West might more geniouses than Africa as a whole.

You're wrong. Poor blacks commit much more crime than poor whites and poor asians.


What did he mean by this?

>has to resort to pointing out spelling errors on an international board
What did he mean by this?

So black trash is worse than white trash... Ok? I still don't want to live or be around any poor people. I'm grateful my parents weren't stupid and managed to get educated and find well paying jobs so I could grow up away from poors and crime.

you basically said the same thing I said. Like the other user said, it's just a video game. I'm not going to put rules on which characters can and cannot designed which and what way because she's African. This game already has completely unbelievable characters in it like Mercy, for example.

I don't mind the OW team creating a character who is unique in her own circle.

I wouldn't use group averages to criticize a sole fictional individual's credibility in regards to their own existence.

You said:

>I hate rednecks lumping themselves in with me just because they're the same skin color. Poor people are just as bad as minorities.

Point is that you are wrong. Try googling a bit next time.


The point os how hypocritical SJWs are. Specially, in this case, Blizzard and their drones. OW is a game full of sexualized characters and "racist/sexist" stereotypes, and yet, since the devs play the SJWs themselves seems is fine.

That makes absolutely no sense.

Are you a retarded negro or a cuck, user? Be sincere.

No hero is Goku

For one, your sentence structure was bad so it was hard to understand what the hell you were even saying. And two, your "The Blizz devs play as SJW characters means SJWs have no problem with non-white characters" claim still makes no sense from any angle.

I dont think someone with an IQ > 120 is very exceptional.

And really, the devs of Overwatch can put in as much silly stuff in their game as they want but it's obvious they have an agenda.

Everyone has an agenda, and all of them are for the extinction of the white race.

How do you not see the problem here ?

The new hero is supposed to be Doomfist, but they instead opted for this care bear faggot shit which nobody will enjoy.
Instead of a hardcore mele-only hero for the edgy teen audience, we get another retarded no-skill mech controlled by an even younger child, and its also a nigglet. fml...


Somebody precisely pointed out exactly what will be released in Overwatch including mentioning exactly what costumes for Lunar before it came out.

I'm guessing she gets Bane'd on the plane and they have to pull a Genji on her.

Also it seems Doomfist is next (And black)

This isn't even a new hero you're literally retarded dude.

>ANOTHER female minority
where the fuck is doomfist?

>I dont think someone with an IQ > 120 is very exceptional.
120 rather smart. While genius levels are around 140 for sure.
>And really, the devs of Overwatch can put in as much silly stuff in their game as they want but it's obvious they have an agenda.
This I agree with, which is why people are so on edge about the idea of this in the first place.

My advice for people is to relax. Threads every hour about how dindu IQ caps off at 45 and how the OW team are cucks aren't helping anyone.

The updated arrival and departure times on Numbani that showed up today definitely hint at something with an airplane.

Wait so if she actually becomes a robit is it okay to kill kids in a game when their consciousness is in a synthetic body? Weird.

Does anyone actually die in Overwatch or is it just perpetual unreal tournament.

When confronted with new information, he adjusted his way of thinking. While you're still lingering on useless minutia. And for what? To make whites look marginally better than blacks? Asians still have everyone beat.