Risk of Rain

Anyone up for some hot wurm dick?


yeah boy we just need a server

And now we play the waiting gaem


I'm sure someone will host.

Do i need to say it twice ?

Open, starting in 10 or so minutes depending on players.

this is your first post lol


open when?





Soon, i'll shout when it's open again.

you play this pirated / free ?



I got it in a bundle some time ago, it stayed in my library for a couple of years and finally i installed it one day and played with Sup Forums.
It's cheap as fuck, you get it for 2 EuroShekels

>all vagrants

how did i somehow kill 4 bosses

All skill

Open wan?


I can't play tonight for various reasons, but i'll host anyway.

Open again.

couldnt log on time...rip


Furiously waiting for reopen


keep the bread alive then

Aye Aye capt'

also waiting for reopen, you guys must be looping insanely


While we're waiting, what type of controls do you use?
Personally I use a USB SNES controller, its got just enough buttons.

oy gevalt

I use the xbox 360

5$ 6 year old usb mouse and laptop keyboard.....
I'm abroad now, at home i use an logitech gamepad(around 4 yrs old cant even remember model)

Is it the Logitech F310?

keyboard only

movement is WASD
abilities rebound to JKLU

Q and E are unchanged

Keyboard here.
I changed the Z for the V because basic attacks are better on the index finger.

Interesting, I mostly move my index finger for the desired skill.

keyboard here.
i've got a basic logitech controller i use otherwise but I feel like controller is just really weird for RoR

Nop no colors full black, when i bought it was allready a dated model so....
Arrows move zxcv skills
Skills kinda uncomfy but too lazy to change

aaaand crash

welp, thanks for hosts

Oh, I forgot that Item is S, Enter A and Swap Item D. Having them on the same row makes more sense.

Somehow this makes it your fault.

Died for everyone?

Server still up, can't reconnect.

Hey dont look at me, I didnt use the clock.

Post something else. reeeeee

It's all your fault.

It's open again.

That's a cute Asuka.

gz on your exam desu

Nigger wait a second before restarting.

hol up


We got full pretty quickly, sorry.

Thanks Sex, you crashed my game.

oh god fucking damn it


Fuck. Why do people have to start avatarfagging with Asuka. Get your own shtick

Last game of the day for me, open.

When you picked up Glasses on level 3.

That wasnt even your shtick before you starting copying me Dess


shhh.. you hear that? Is that you asking me to post Rei?

Avatarfagging with a mainstream character is for fags anyway.


Is Ryuujou mainstream?

too flat and smol

What's the tier list of characters like this in RoR?

In order

A real man love tits in all and every sizes, fuck you.

From best to worst :
> OC avatar
> vidya avatar related to the thread
> nothing
> random vidya avatar
> best girl
> anything else
> random or mainstream anime avatar

Ryuujou is an good choice and i like you.

UK Shitboxhost reporting in

Get in here when the other game dies



Closed for today, thanks for playing and see you next time.

Thanks for the hosts


OPEN, 7/10


How to get good at this fucking game

Learn how to cheese it and the what not to do's

Open again

Open friends

open wan





Get in fuccboys



Do we need another host? I can if enough cucks want in


Good games boys
I learned today that a friend killed himself, thanks for the distraction. You're all good people.


