ITT: Games that feels like they are over but then make a comeback and gets 10 times more interesting.
Do you think Sony pays Dualshockers, or do you think they shill for free?
what happened, Sup Forums?
>website is literally called dualshockers
I wouldn't put the latter past them.
>this damage control
this it'd be like citing nintendoeverything as an unbiased source for a review of BotW.
>another trash AAA game getting praised by the media
Fake news.
Everyone whos already seen what the game has to offer knows its shit.
>"such diversity, much female protag"
>t. "game journalist"
Oh look, it's fucking nothing.
How did something like fucking politics get into our games Sup Forums ?
Where did it go wrong?
>review copy provided by the publisher
>Person has played game and says its amazing
>Sup Forumsirgins who haven't played the game but claim that it is shit because they saw some low res stream for a while.
Hmmm i wonder who to trust.
oh you mean that game that has a geeric mech fight at the end? and the fight before that is a platform defense?
how about this 3rd last fight cutscene
>literally called dualshockers
As opposed to figuratively?
As someone that has nothing invested in shitting on the game. I watched the stream and this game is objectively a 6/10 at best. It is the same old regurgitated 'AAA' garbage we have seen for the past 10 years. It looks pretty enough, at least the landscape. Yet it plays like shit, it has an uninspired story with hamfisted social commentary, garbage outsourced animation and a shit load of bugs. Reviews sites giving this a 10/10 despite the actual review talking about the many faults of the game just shows how compromised gaming journalism is. At this point you have to be completely fucking blind to not see the blatant shilling these sites do.
>Implying reviewers actually play games
>Person has played game and says its amazing, because he's been payed to say exactly that
Just trust your zionist overlords and buy it like the good goy you are.
it all started with #gamergate
>trusting any review that gives this fucking game a high score only on birtue of it having "le stronk womin" protagonist.
That's as biased as you can get, judging a game based solely on shit like that is dishonest and shady as fuck.
I'm no longer a Nintendo fanboy, but Reggie is a damn professional and I love him for it.
Why everyone keeps praising this game but it looks like complete shit on every stream?
sonnyger here, but I have zero interest in this piece of progressive shit, at least we have NIOH
sjws finished converting comic books and saw that the vidya industry was now a multibillion dollar industry that was reaching tens of millions of young impressionable minds
they saw it as a platform to screech their shit from
thats what horizon dawn is
What the fuck
A Playstation fanboy site gives a PS4 exclusive a positive review. Color me shocked.
Do you think the ratings will be worth the sales trade-off? Cause we all know the people they're pandering to don't buy video games.
>Horizon better than Bloodborne
Has Sup Forums ever been this BTFO before?
Sony literally pays. There's no other explanation for Killzone 2 and now this to be getting these good scores. t. someone who fell for the Killzone 2 hype and bought one of the shittiest games in existence
thats why they shill online on places like Sup Forums and reddit
they want that ROI
>tfw don't give a shit about Horizon or Zelda
feels great
>Color me dualshocked
>People shit on a site about PS news and games and calls them biased and bought reviewers
>Meanwhile these same people think reviews coming from Nintendoeverything and such are valid
How is this not a good thing? If the game isn't a real 10/10 like what normies expect, then this'll have a backlash. I'm sure we've all been fucked over by this shit before.
>engrossing gameplay
the gameplay did look pretty gross I agree
They have actually caused more harm to the comic book industry than good. I think Marvel comic sales are down more than they have ever been. They even tried pushing their Marxist jewery on the Nips and they are having none of it.
Thankfully, Generation Z seems to despise everything SJW's do and all their whining so I feel like they will eventually die down to a small but very vocal community like they use to be.
Is that supposed to be her killing 'the big bad' or whatever? God, everything about it looks so fucking limp dicked
The better game got the better score, what's the problem?
because believe it or not but some retards actually believe sites such as IGN and gamespot to recommend them good games
so they go out and buy shit, realize its shit, but they already fell into the trap
>tfw best Zelda game was released in 2010 and nothing has come close to it since then
>They keep pretending they have ANY validity to their arguments
HZD is apparently much better than both of them judging by this completely valid and unbiased review coming from a site literally called DualShockers
forgot to add: it's not even a Zelda game lol
>mfw I was kinda interested in buying this
>mfw all these high review scores make me suspicious since everything I've seen from the game looks generic AF except with robots
Thanks Sup Forums !
it all started with anita you newfag
>beep boop! I A M H U M A N
>same people think reviews coming from Nintendoeverything and such are valid
when has this ever happened?
The character models look disgusting
>numale wants (You)s badly
Predict the Metascore.
>Witcher 3 9.5/10
>Horizon: Feminazi Dawn 10/10
What's her disability, Sup Forums?
>more bad than good
they did some good? i dont see it
they fucked with original comics so badly the whole industry to crashing right now.
>what if we made captain america black?
>what if we made thor a woman?
>oooh! lets have wonder woman have a guy tied up with the whip of truth and giving a speech; then wonder woman explains to the woman present that the whip compels TRUTH but cant stop MANSPLAINING
Comics are dead
Makes sense, they're both SJW bait
If you think Zelda is getting a higher score than 60 then you're a deluded nintencuck shill.
Please kill yourselves immediately.
exactly look at ign comment section people sucking their tip like a thai hooker for this review which guarantee plenty sells even if a hand full pick on the shilling, sickest review ive seen some cunt gave a 10/10 just for having a woman lead
I don't see the problem. Fallout NV might have been the better game in terms of story/characters but it got on my shit list with all the game breaking bugs. I was amazed that Obsidian could somehow make a buggier game than Bethesda's vanilla version of Fallout.
>Horizon > Bloodborne
Was gamergate right?
>Sexual violence in manga and videogames is a made up thing and does not threaten the rights of actual people
Witcher 3 baits SJW's by pissing them off. Horizon panders to SJW's. Fuck, can't win.
Can I screencap this?
Go ahead, I'll gladly drink your salty tears when I'm proven right
Be a man, play the game and tell me how you really feel about it and the overall execution of it.
Becuase as far as I've read, no one ever mentions the bugs and other flaws massively prominent in this game, just like they did not do it for many others in the past.
I mean I really liked Skyward Sword too but this guy needs to dial it back a bit. It was good, it wasn't that good.
>universal acclaim
>based on 7 critics
>that blink
did she wink with both eyes? wtf was that?
fuck the cover mechanic
>I was amazed that Bethesda could somehow make a third party developer rush out a buggier game than their vanilla version of Fallout.
Fixed it for you, retard.
Nips go fucking nuclear when someone touches their hobbies.
And Horizon: Zero Dawn looks pretty fucking broken too. What's your point?
t. Obsidicuck
Them looking at each other looked great if they had just taken more time on the stab this shit would look so fucking real.
t. Bethesdrone
I can do it too
Have you ever played an Obsidian game before Fallout? They literally can't shit out a game that doesn't have game breaking bugs. It's part of their design process. I wonder if they hire chimps or bonobos to do internal testing for their games. They always play like shit.
Another 10/10? Damn...guess I will preorder this after all.
>if zelda gets higher score than HZD, nintendo shitposters will ruin the board even more
>if HZD gets higher score than Zelda, sony shitposters will ruin the board even more
The right Metascore will be leaving this shithole for a few months
its a showcase of how bad the animations are
if you think thats bad your in for some fun if you buy the game
As it should be, honestly.
Never played but from what I've seen it had a decent story
It also won game of the year, and its still very populated
The campaign was fun and it had a good story
You'll drink my tears anyway, the question is, will I cry out of joy or sadness?
Metacritic will tell.
>ITT: Games that feels like they are over but then make a comeback and gets 10 times more interesting.
you haven't even played the game you dipstick
Anything else is wrong
>The campaign was fun and it had a good story
The game was fine, but it wasn't perfect. I just don't like how they completely forget about technical issues and other important aspects of gameplay when it comes to reviews and dish out 10s like it's nothing, specially when they point out a negative in one of the game's core mechanics, which was pic related.
HZD might be better than what Sup Forums says, but a game with so many bugs and weird mechanics going wrong should not get a 10 ever. This goes for many games.
Yes, that 10/10 game. No matter how many times you post your shitty webms it won't change that it's a 10/10 game. Btw 41 times has this webm been posted already.