I want to make video games and was thinking about getting either a game design degree or a ict engineer degree. Which one should I go for?
I want to make video games and was thinking about getting either a game design degree or a ict engineer degree...
Other urls found in this thread:
>paying for a degree for gamedev
Neither. Just start making something in Unity or UE4.
this but unironically
>inb4 BRAP posters
Computer Science is the only right answer
Not op but living in western EU country, I barely have to pay for it so whenever I am going to go to school for 2 years or work by myself for two years without any pay to build up any reasonable portfolio makes no difference to me.
Also a not everyone will hire you based on portfolio while you will always get a job with a degree.
Stable employment, cash, and free-time are the most important. Liking you job doesn't matter as much, as outright enjoying your job is rare even if it's a subject you're interested in.
If you still want to be involved in video games, do some coding in your free time and take a more general programming or computery course. That way you'll have a wider selecting of jobs including in video games.
The 2 big growing fields are healthcare and tech stuff, so you should probably pick 1 of those.
coming from someone who took game design as a degree while I figured out what I actually wanted to do, dont. It's a waste of time and money. Go for something thats actually useful in the technology industry and pick up game design on the side as a hobby. Look up tutorials on how to use things and practice. You dont need a degree in game design. I only went because my parents wanted me to go to college right away so I took that untill I figured out what I really wanted to do. I went into computer engineering. Best decision of my life. Especially once I learned how the game design industry actually is. Plus I was in a class full of neckbeard autist who all thought they had amazing ideas. This one kid ran like naruto through the halls all the time and talked to himself. I swear on my life it ruined game design as a hobby for me. just dont do it man.
tl;dr dont go to game design school make it a hobby you do on the side
>you will always get a job with a degree.
no you wont . game companies will hire somebody with a better portfolio over a better degree